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Everything posted by Dog-amoto

  1. Beverly Hills Cop short version
  2. Watch a footballer being interviewed, especially Joe Cole or David Beckham and count the "you know"s. I once got 36 in one interview.
  3. Don't forget my hair rockin friend, new Motley Crue album out next week. Saints of Los Angeles. Sounds awesome what I've heard so far, can't wait!
  4. lol. I was just protecting myself in advance from the flame boys!! Next week: Mario Galaxy is overrated.
  5. Don't know if anyone's mentioned it yet, but I FUCKING DETEST the Radio 1 advert that's on at the start of every film I go to watch at the cinema. The one where all the DJs tell you what they play. It runs for about 5 minutes too! I'd rather chew off my arm just so I've got something to throw at the screen!
  6. I hated Load and Reload when they first came out, my exact words on hearing Mama Said were "they may as well have done a fucking duet with Dolly Parton" and wasn't too keen on the second half of the Black Album. Now I love them. I would go as far as to say Load is one of the better Metallica albums, controversial as that may be. It just has a much more varied and diverse sound. It alienated a lot of fans, at the time myself included, as it wasn't a thrash album. At least they tried something different unlike Megadeth who's latest album sounds pretty much the same as all the others. And no, I'm not dissing Megadeth, I still think they're awesome. I still love the first four albums - they're absolute classics, but I think that as I've aged a bit, my musical tastes have evolved too. The only Metallica album I'm not keen on is St Anger, and that's only because it's too samey, they bowed down to the shitty "nu metal" of the time and the production value was even worse than on ...Justice. I mean, what the fuck was that snare drum about?? Yes, I know not many agree with my opinions, but don't bother pointing all the reasons why you think that Load is shite, and how they've sold out cos I really couldn't give a toss.
  7. Metallica are awesome. Anyone who says otherwise... ...is wrong :p
  8. Breaking news... The new Metallica album has been named "Death Magnetic" And will be released in September. Sounds good what I have heard of it so far. Not sure about the title though http://www.missionmetallica.com
  9. No, I meant that they said Super Mario World was on the Gameboy. Either they meant Super Mario Land or SNES Either way, they know nothing!
  10. That's cool man. I'd just like to see the thread where you "came out" (though I'm not sure if that's the right phrase) to members of this forum and what their reactions were. Hope you don't think I'm being nosy, but I remember you from the old forums and I think I played with you on the original XBL a few times on Rainbow Six 3. And then one day I came on this forum and you had a similar avatar and sig that you do now and I was like "WTF??" It's not like I knew you very well or anything, but I was a little shocked, for lack of a better word, and it'd be interesting to see what other people's reactions were. But I can't be arsed searching through 5000 posts!!
  11. I suppose. I've only seen it once a few weeks ago and I just watched it again after I posted the last comment, and I suppose the dance is pretty awesome. Maybe it will grow on me
  12. Yeah, whatever happened there? I used to post on cube-europe ages ago and I remember Rokhed being a bearded, long haired type with no mention of the dressing up stuff he got up to on this forum. I must have missed something there, as wasn't visiting the forums regularly until earlier this year. Is it something that you started doing this year or something that you've done for a while and only recently started telling people on here? What was the thread that started it all off? Perhaps someone can enlighten me? Or just tell me to mind my own business, I don't care!! :p
  13. I don't like the Brains advert myself. it's like the Paddington Bear/Marmite one - using classic kids tv characters to flog their shit. It's lazy advertising. I don't usually like the shitloads of football ads that are on every time there's a major tournament on, but I really like this one
  14. 20 Super Mario World (GameBoy) 'Nuff said
  15. I prefer supermarkets own brand ready salted crisps to Walkers. Walkers put way too much salt on theirs - they're disgusting!
  16. Yeah, but none of the usual boring pics that he posts!! j/k Have a good 'un Rokhed
  17. Hi Luke, This may help: Tickets issued by private companies Private companies can issue tickets to drivers parked on their property, but the rules are not the same as local authorities. If you receive a ticket in a private car park, such as a supermarket car park, or private multi-story car park, remember that it is not criminal law, but contract law that applies. The driver enters into a contract with the landowner when they driver into the car park. This means that it is only the driver that can be subject to a ticket from a private company. If they do not know who the driver was, they cannot claim a penalty. They have no legal right to demand that you identify the driver. If you are approached by a member of staff inside a private car park there is no obligation for you to assist them in any way If the company wish to pursue a claim in the small claims court, they have to prove that you were the driver of the car. Any comments that you make may assist them in this aim, so best to say nothing. If you refuse to pay, the private company has to pursue you through the small claims court. It is up to them to prove a breach of contract so look at the terms carefully. These are usually printed on a sign at the entrance to the car park. Additionally, you may be able to reduce any fine issued by a private company. Under contract law, they can only claim for any loss they have suffered because of your offence. They may try to claim a penalty of, say, £100, but in law they may only be entitled to any revenue they had lost. So, if you pay £2 to park for one hour, but stay for three hours, they can only claim for two hours of lost revenue, which is £4. I'd go to your local CAB if I were you.
  18. No no no no no! Don't pay it if it was on private land - they have no legal grounds to fine you. If it was issued by the council though, that's a different matter. I'm pretty knowledgeable on parking laws, but you haven't said why you were given a ticket...did you overstay, park over two bays, park in a disabled bay...?
  19. But apparently, it's all a hoax, there's 4 of these videos out there, all from different countries but posted by the same youtube user. Clicky But why bother??
  20. This year, in October, we celebrate the 203rd Anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar in which that Great National Hero, Admiral Horatio Nelson, took on, and beat our long-term adversaries, the snivelling Frenchies and their Spanish allies. But what would have been the case if the battle had taken place in October 2008 ? Picture the scene:... October 21st 2008 - Upper Poop-Deck - HMS Victory - 0700 hrs Nelson: "Order the signal, Hardy." Hardy: "Aye, aye, sir." N: "Hold on a minute, that's not what I dictated to the signals officer. What's the meaning of this?" H: "Sorry sir" N: (reading aloud) "England expects every person to do his or her duty, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious persuasion or disability. What gobbledegook is this?" H: "Admiralty policy, I'm afraid sir. We're an equalopportunities employer now. We had the devil's own job getting 'England' past the censors, lest it be considered racist." N: "Gadzooks, Hardy. Hand me my pipe and tobacco." H: "Sorry sir, you're not allowed to smoke whilst on board ship. All naval vessels have been designated as smoke-free working environments." N: "In that case, Hardy, break open the rum ration and we'll splice the main brace before the battle." H: "The rum ration has been abolished, sir. It's all part of the Government's policy on Binge Drinking." N: "Good heavens, Hardy. I suppose we'd better get on with it then. Full speed ahead." H: "I think you'll find there's a 4 knot speed limit in this stretch of water, sir." N: "For fuck's sakes, man! We're on the verge of the greatest sea battle in history. We must advance with all speed. Send a man to the crow's nest." H: "Not possible, sir." N: "What??" H: "Health and Safety have closed the crow's nest sir. No harnesses, and they say that the rope ladders do not meet current regulations. They won't let anyone up there until a proper scaffolding can be erected." N: "Then get the ship's carpenter without delay." H: "He's busy building a wheelchair access ramp to the fo'c'sle, sir." N: "Wheelchair access ? I've never heard anything so absurd." H: "Health and Safety again sir. We have to provide a barrier-free environment for the differently-abled" N: "Differently-Abled? I've only got one eye and one arm, and I refuse to hear mention of the phrase. I didn't get to be an Admiral by playing the disability card." H: "Actually, sir, you did. The Admiralty was under-represented in the areas of visual impairment and limb deficiency." N: "Whatever next? Give me full sail, the salt spray beckons." H: "A couple of problems there too, sir. H&S won't let the men up the rigging without harnesses and hard hats, and they don't want them breathing in too much salt - haven't you seen the adverts?" N: " I never heard such infamy. Break out the cannons and tell the men to stand by to engage the enemy." H: "The men are a bit worried about shooting at anyone, Admiral." N: "What? This is mutiny!" H: "No, it's not that, sir. It's just that they're afraid of being charged with murder if they actually kill anyone. There's a couple of Legal-Aid lawyers on board, watching everyone like hawks." N: "How then are we to sink the Frenchies and the Spanish?" H: "Actually, sir, we're not" N: "What??" H: "No sir. The French and the Spanish are our European partners now. And, according to the Common Fisheries Policy, we shouldn't even be in these waters. We could get hit with a claim for compensation." N: Devil take it, Hardy. You must hate every Frenchy as you would hate the Devil himself." H: "I wouldn't let the ship's diversity co-ordinator hear you say that, sir. You'll be up on a charge." N: "You must consider every man an enemy who speaks ill of our King." H: "Not any more, sir. We must all learn to be inclusive in this multicultural age. Now put on your Kevlar vest, sir. It's the rules, and it could save your life." N: "Don't tell me, Health and Safety. Whatever happened to rum, sodomy and the lash?" H: "As I explained, sir, rum is off the menu, and there's a ban on corporal punishment." N: "What about sodomy?" H: "I believe that it is now legal, sir." N: "In that case, kiss me, Hardy."
  21. I'm sure there's an echo in here...
  22. Ha ha. We had 5 cars full of knobhead Poles driving down my parents' street last night before the match going really slowly and sounding their horns taking the piss that England weren't in the Euros and then they go and lose! First time I've ever supported the Germans! Was really quiet afterwards...wonder why...!???!
  23. Went to see the Foo Fighters at Wembley on Saturday night. Saw them a few years ago at the Manchester Arena. Not been to the new Wembley before - it's awesome and doesn't smell of piss like the old one did. Anyway, the concert was ok, nothing really stood out musically - I don't think the Foos are anything special live but I was in awe of the the experience of being in the midst of nearly 90000 people. Overall, really enjoyed it! Seeing a bit of Led Zep at the end was sweet too
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