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Everything posted by Dog-amoto

  1. Apparently it was a nod to the 1995 film "Heat" nothing more
  2. Tron 2 announced, will have Jeff Bridges in it
  3. You can just see Heath Ledger walking out with a camera in front of him. Apparently, as they had to get it in one take, the explosions didn't go off as planned and he ad libbed the playing around with the detonator before it fully exploded.
  4. Watch carefully at 0.08. Left hand side of the screen
  5. Fuck it. Am supposed to be going watching Meet Dave today with my mum, which I know will be crap so am gonna try and watch this again!
  6. Can't believe that nobody has mentioned how great the [spoiler=]Joker in a nurse's uniform and his mannerisms when blowing up the hospital were Also, who else thought that Gary Oldman looked like Ned Flanders?
  7. Bah, I'm not that talented!! :p
  8. Never thought I'd say this, but Ledger's Joker was even better than Nicholson. What a tradegy! Oh, and Shorty, I love the sig. How do I get me one of those?? Don't worry, I'll use it on another forum
  9. Driving FTW! The film dragged a bit toward the end, mainly after the introduction of the human characters.
  10. The Dark Knight Masterpiece 10/10
  11. But... ...there's already been an N-Europe movie...
  12. Ha ha!! Who's Anna? Is it the one from Predator? You should use: "Anna, this thing is hunting us...all of us"
  13. Dog-amoto


    I'm on 30 hours so far and I've just [spoiler=]Beaten Ninetails to open up Northern Nippon And the end doesn't appear to be within sight yet either Epic game.
  14. He was the inspiration for Orochi
  15. If Cadbury merged with Nestle http://www.supaswag.co.uk/2008/06/if-cadbury-merged-with-nestle.html And when we gonna get a sequel to this?
  16. Yeah, the DVD version I have has it cut as well! What gives? Going back to Commando "Why don't they just call him Girl George? It would save a lot of confusion."
  17. I think for great quotes, The Running Man is up there as well: "What happened to Buzzsaw?" "Oh, he had to split!" "Hey Christmas Treeeee!"
  18. We'll take Cook's caaar... He won't be needing it. And another great quote, even though it's from (President) Ranier Wolfcastle from the Simpsons Movie. "I was elected to leeeeeeead. Not to reeeeeead!"
  19. I'm going to be sick what with all the Kindergarten Cop quotes... But "DERE IS NO BAAATHROOM!!!"
  20. Ha ha! That's fantastic!
  21. 30 *insert random comment to bump above 10 characters*
  22. Yeah, I lol'd at that somewhat!
  23. He's a cop you idiot! He's going to ask you a bunch of questions and wants to have them answered immediately!
  24. I really don't care as I have most of his films on DVD without the annoying ad breaks.
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