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Everything posted by Dog-amoto

  1. Has anybody chcked out http://www.missionmetallica.com yet? Got small sections of their new songs. Sounds fucking awesome! Can't wait for this one!
  2. Hopefully this will prove that I have one It's number 614/1000 And here is the very annoying tear that I mentioned before Someone in their infinite wisdom decided to put sticky pads on the outer box which caused a little bit of damage, but like I say, I only won it in a competition so couldn't really do anything about it!
  3. I won it in a competition when it first came out. Really pissed me off though, because it arrived with the box slightly damaged (just a very small tear) nothing much I could do though really since it was won in a competition and all. May sell it one day if I ever need the money. What does POIDH mean?
  4. I know, it sucks. But it's nearly three years old and Apple are still going to fix it for me as it's a hardware problem and not a software one. I wonder how many problems I'd have had with a three year old Windows machine... ...list would be endless!!
  5. One of only a thousand in existence Comes with the game, a t shirt, badges, a watch, a few posters and a CD soundtrack of the game.
  6. That's absolutely awesome!
  7. LOL. Have you changed anything on the site recently? I've been using Safari to get on cube/revo/n-europe for the past 3 years.
  8. I'm using Safari. But at the moment, my mac is having hard drive troubles (something called a kernel panic, whatever that is) It's weird how quite a few of us seem to be having this problem, could be worth keeping this thread open after all. EDIT. Ok, just tried to get on there using Firefox which works fine, and also used my gf's mac (with no hard drive issues) on Safari and it doesn't work on that. Sounds like Safari is having troubles getting on the site, which it never used to do. Maybe the eggheads behind this site can shed some light on the situation?
  9. ...or is the main page of N-Europe not working? I'm having some computer troubles at the moment and I haven't noticed any other threads saying that the main site is down, so don't know if it's the site or my computer. I can only see the banner and it's been like that for the past few days. EDIT. D'oh! I just noticed this thread http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=20771 Weird that two of us are having the same problem, sounds like a hard drive problem which I seem to be having at the moment. Will pm the other guy, feel free to lock this, sorry!!
  10. Half times in the key games. Chelsea 0-0 Bolton Wigan 0-1 Man U Birmingham 1-0 Blackburn Derby 0-1 Reading Portsmouth 0-0 Fulham As it stands, Man U are champions, Fulham and Birmingham are down.
  11. Saving Private Ryan done Team Fortress style
  12. Got 3 "mehs" out of 5 for me. Was fairly enjoyable, but like most comic book films, with the exception of Batman Begins and Spiderman, was mostly style over substance. The whole "terrorists trying to steal a super weapon" has been done hundreds of times before and in many cases, done better (see True Lies) And the turn of the bald bad guy, forget his name, was a bit hard to swallow too. Though I've never read the comics so I don't know if this was as it was or not. On a more positive note, Downey Jr was awesome as Stark quite surprisingly and the special effects were done pretty well considering the amount of CGI used Set things up nicely for a sequel, and hopefully that will be a bit better
  13. Woooohoooooo! WE ARE STAYING UP!!!!! So long Birmingham!!! Diouf signs off in style!
  14. Super Mario Sunshine! Great game, crap story!! The court scene in particular was pretty bad!
  15. Dog-amoto

    GTA IV

    Fuck man! Don't waste time taking photos of it! Go and play right now!! NOW!!!
  16. Dog-amoto

    GTA IV

    Got this from them on Friday, but apparently they're not actually shipping till today so should get it tomorrow. When did you preorder? If it was after 19th April then you may not get it till later in the week as they can't guarantee launch day delivery for anyone who ordered after then SHOPTO DELIVERY NOTICE Your Order has been dispatched! ShopTo Delivery Number SDN098659 Dear, We are pleased to inform you that your order has been dispatched today by 1st Class Recorded Signed For Delivery. You should receive your order in the mail tomorrow, please keep this email until your order arrives. Please note if you change your mind about a purchase you may return it to us unopened at your own expense within 7 days of receipt of goods for a full refund, after 7 days we do not accept any returns. We only accept cancellation by email; please keep copy of the email as proof of notification. Delivery Note Order Number: SOR102542 Order Date: 2008-04-25 Order Total £37.99 Delivery Number: SDN098659 Customer Account Code: xxxxx Customer Name: xxxxx Customer Contact No: xxxxxx Customer Email: xxxxxxxxx Delivery Information We have sent this order to the following address xxxxxx xxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx Tracking Information This order has been sent using ROYAL MAIL Your Package Tracking Number is : xxxxxxxxxx
  17. Sweet. Are they good tickets? I was going to do it, but will probably wait to see where WM26 will be as I don't really fancy going to Houston. For Raw, I am in the third row of the lower tier so it's not a bad view. Could have got floor seats but it was in row S so there'll be 19 or so rows in front of us, all on a level pegging and with people putting signs up etc, the view won't be as good. Was in fourth row from the ring for Insurrextion in 2000 and still our view was quite restricted
  18. Dog-amoto

    GTA IV

    Conker got a 9.9. So did San Andreas
  19. Just booked my tickets to watch Raw in Manchester in November.
  20. Dog-amoto

    GTA IV

    Shopto have dispatched my order. Cue the jizz!!
  21. Dog-amoto

    GTA IV

    I'd rather discover that stuff for myself though. It's only a few more days to wait! There's a video on youtube of somebody receiving their copy from gameplay.co.uk Sorry to those who ordered from them and not received yet!!
  22. Dog-amoto

    GTA IV

    Just wait a few days more - why spoil it for yourself??
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