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Everything posted by Ashley

  1. Yeah likewise. I was thinking yesterday maybe I'll get a NSO subscription next year and if I do I'll give it a go. During that 5 hours a year I play games nowadays...
  2. Re-e-master, when the crowd say bo selecta.
  3. Had a bit of a look and yeah the original deal was that the rights had to be used every few years (can't find an exact number but sure it's out there). Which would explain why there's so many random films from the franchise coming out. The agreement with MCU was essentially him being "lent" to Marvel films, but they keep the rights to the solo films. Disney gets the merchandise money, Sony the box office revenue (I think Disney get merchandise for all films, Sony only for theirs but perhaps they get a bit of the MCU). Production costs are also split and were renegotiated back in 2019. But perhaps if the cost is split on the films he's "lent" to Marvel it might explain why he's been absent in the Sony spin-off films; it would cost a lot more for a cameo and given Sony only gets the film profits maybe they just consider it financially better off to keep him out of them. A few years ago there was talk of another Holland trilogy but not sure why that hasn't progressed. It was 2021 so not really Covid but maybe just generally Holland's availablity. Plus obviously the recent strike.
  4. Isn't their licensing agreement with Marvel contingent on them doing something with it every X years and if not they lose the rights?
  5. I remember I managed to spoil the finale for myself before it aired.
  6. Proud of you! It is not easy to do what you have done and the fact you have a) done it and b) able to reflect on the ups and downs the successes and the challenges shows what a tremendous amount of strength you have. As you said, you have lived a large part of your life essentially as someone else and someone who handles life differently. It's a readjustment period but from where I'm standing you are doing a tremendous job of doing it. I have no doubt it's not always been easy or fun and I'm sure there have been times you've either doubted your ability to continue or felt "fuck it" and wanted to drink again, but in those times just try and reflect on all you have done. Because it is a hell of a fucking lot.
  7. I tend to check today's birthdays to weed out spammers and stumbled upon this account today: https://forum.n-europe.com/profile/18461-brian58/ Seems he mostly posted in the 2016 Mario Kart League and would have been around 58 at the time. Don't know why but it just hit me as a nice little story. Hopefully he's enjoying Mario Kart 8 Deluxe for his 65th.
  8. I know it's just the reflection on the phat giving an optional illusion but it looks like it's improved it's posture too.
  9. Mmmmmmm art pizza (This being at the start of a new page works well)
  10. Apologies if this has been raised elsewhere (unless it was years ago then so what) but discovered Nintendo of Japan has a website covering their older titles with screenshots and art work. Fun little nostalgia voyage. https://www.nintendo.com/jp/famicom/software/index.html
  11. It's coming to Netflix (presumably US) December 3rd so maybe it'll be coming to the UK one too: https://www.theverge.com/2023/11/9/23954261/nintendos-shockingly-excellent-super-mario-bros-movie-hits-netflix-this-december
  12. Actors are currently on strike to prevent this happening
  13. 2 of the best Spider-Man films in there so I don't know what the concern is šŸ˜‹ Like others, live action was unexpected and they will probably have uninspired casting again but it is what it is. Will see what it's like but - as with Mario - I'm not expecting much and I'm also not the type to flip tables if it turns out naff.
  14. You know when you keep listening to a song and think "is this my subconscious trying to tell me something?"
  15. In fairness that's not really a 3D game.
  16. Well the West is stupid when it comes to marketing. Look at the name.
  17. She's got a serious problem with crystal methamphetamine.
  18. If someone was going to the stock room we'd say "can you get a COD 2 BRO?" The things you do in retail to amuse yourself.
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