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Everything posted by Ashley

  1. He finally gets his own film!
  2. getemoji.com And to clarify for others: emoticons are the ones you see in the reply box between quote and spoiler and are from about 1996. Reactions are responses to posts and are custom to N-E designed by @RedShell hence why there's a specific one in there... Wouldn't get rid of either, but could potentially add some more modern emoticons alongside the old ones.
  3. That's a nice shade of pink but why not do one in a peach colour?
  4. Yes we can. But you can also just use your phones keyboard which I think is why we've not bothered 🤷‍♂️
  5. I can remember getting Golden Sun 2 for Christmas one year and I don't wish to look up the release date to figure out what because I do not want to feel old right now. Happy memories of playing it on Christmas Day though.
  6. Watched this last week. Turns out the Alps are beautiful, who knew? A good film about friendship, generational trauma, "finding yourself" etc. Some really interesting narrative work done; the way it threads the stories of the two main leads, how their lives echo that of their fathers etc. Straight away the female lead character is really annoying. Like "why would anyone be friends with you" annoying. And I put up with that for most of it but there's a bit towards the end of the film where both the friends are just absolute dicks to the main character and helping someone through grief is difficult, but it felt so self-centered that I felt really put off in that moment. Did eventually pull it back but still, difficult to get past the feeling of "this would be much better with some character rewrites". Still, a good exploration of grief.
  7. Don't know if it's coming here but this is pretty neat
  8. Which begs the question which is worse; locking a butler in a fridge or dropping a baby penguin off a cliff?
  9. Theoretically no. But that is in an ideal world where you could access what you want without fear that it'll be taken away.
  10. Happy birthday Glen!

  11. Ashley

    happy Bobday birth!

    1. bob


      Thank you very much!

  12. Well they've already said it will be coming out in one shape or another on Switch 2
  13. I've got Prime, Netflix and Disney+. After really shitty service from Amazon over Christmas I'm getting rid of that because I can't remember the last time they hit next day delivery. I did recently watch Upload and given my monthly renewal was yesterday and I didn't realise I'll check out the new Donald Glover Mr and Mrs Smith when it drops next month, but the fact they're shoving adverts in there makes me want to leave more. Might get rid of Disney+ too once I check that my nieces aren't using it.
  14. This is Nintendo though. Once the Switch successor is out they could pull something like this on us again:
  15. I can. I'll give it a try tomorrow on my laptop. And will test it out first because on more than one occasion I've accidentally done it the wrong way round 😅
  16. Maybe everyone needs to just be more of a morning person? I've not done anything yet as I'm away for a few days, but does seem to suggest it's a server thing (or at least out of our hands). Will try and keep an eye on what visitor numbers are like during slow and not slow times as that could potentially be an issue.
  17. Hmm can't say I've noticed anything particularly bad but I can ask @Shorty if he's aware of any issues on the server side
  18. I've just thought of an amazing April Fools article that will probably equally make people laugh and piss them off...
  19. I didn't even bother listening to the beat or anything, I just put a finger over each button and fixed my gaze at the bottom corner of the screen and just followed that.
  20. I did the tutorial yesterday and it kept telling me I was bad so I looked online to see if I'm making a mistake and they said it does that. Did the actual race and it was fine.
  21. Oh yeah I don't care about how people actually pronounce it (I'm a big proponent of the fact that language is something all people have power over and they should), just kept hearing it and it always stands out so I thought I'd ask what others say. The same way if I read something like "Nintendo have..." it stands out to me because technically it's grammatically incorrect so it pricks my ear but you do you. And I know it wasn't your main point but I think ASAP is a rare example where it's pronounced as an initialisation and acronym, although I think acronym is more common. Just something I thought about while reading. And my point about the Q is it forms a harsh uncommon sound at the end of the word. The Q and K sounds are different, particularly the softer K sound that is usually used at the end of words ("quick"). I know it's one word, but it's one word for stylisation purposes. I always just end up pronouncing these separately ("reset era") but maybe that's just a me thing. Regarding "official" ways of saying things I refer you back to my point about the creator of GIFs. And also, Twitter.
  22. You should have mimed it out while transforming into the characters as a homage.
  23. Do people say "facks" for just FAQs? I've never heard anyone say it that way. Whereas ROM has become an acronym. If there wasn't the O I'm sure it would be an initialisation because it would just be awkward to pronounce, which I think is my problem with "facks" because a Q should be followed by a U, not a 's'. "Facks" just sounds clunky. But yeah I'd say "nez" and "snez" because the vowel helps it. If Nintendo had called it the Nintendo Famicom System in the West I would be saying "N-F-S" not "nifs".
  24. Pivot to right wing punditry in 3,2...
  25. Me looking at this as someone that doesn't follow YouTubers:
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