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Everything posted by Ashley

  1. Honestly I swear a lot of things would be better if they didn't originate from America. The money-focused culture did help them get to where they are of course, but my god if it doesn't ruin a lot of things in the process.
  2. Okay maybe based on empires then? Opera (Italy), wrestling (Greece) and archery (England but that is a stretch)? So that's who Kings of Leon were singing about
  3. Maybe the theme is ancient Olympics? Archery, wrestling, swimming? Or sports more generally. And while typing that I couldn't help but think of this
  4. I could say something about it, but fear it may ruin it for anyone looking to get it.
  5. One thing at a time bubba. As much as it may feel like "I need to leave my job in order to fix my anxiety" and thus it's one thing, just getting to a better place before you get to a better place is in itself a goal.
  6. Super Mario Bros: 2 Yoshi 2 Brrrrrrnggggggggggious
  7. First of all you're neither a failure or inadequate. By the sounds of it the thing you need at work is a champion; someone on your side helping to fight your corner. It sucks that seemingly you don't have that. Having a leader/manager, even if not yours or the store manager, who understands you and fights for you would undoubtedly make things better. And on the other hand, I get not wanting to move because there's also the uncertainty as to whether it would be better or just simply different. It's a sucky catch 22. I don't really have an answer or an idea for how to make things better, but you know where I am if you need anything.
  8. So my main take aways from this generation: I went to the launch event and One Direction performed so it was a weird mix of nerds, celebrities and screaming teenage girls At that event or another after it I got a Tepig stuffed toy that can be turned inside out into a pokeball, which is a cute concept except the joining part is essentially where the anus would be so it was quite disturbing. This is the only good thing about these extremely meh starters:
  9. Yeah, Mike Ashley owns them both and the vast majority of Game stores moved into Sports Direct about 2 years ago now. Plus Sainsbury's has owned Argos for years too. Plus Habitat so some of the very large stores have homeware from Sainsbury's, Argos and Habitat all in one store but under different brands 🤷‍♂️
  10. Disappointed you didn't go for a clean sweep and find some way of referencing butts in your comments on Piplup.
  11. Actually it's short for Zaddy as the main protagonist is this guy:
  12. In fairness from a business perspective it's easier to sell remasters of Wii U titles as only about 10% of Switch owners owned the Wii U and about 9.87% of those people are die hard Nintendo fans anyway.
  13. Happy birthday!

    1. Dcubed



      Wahey!! Thanks!

  14. Title says it all really. And let me know if there's a difference to you between physical and digital backwards compatibility.
  15. You're an odd duck. That's not news.
  16. Okay now I've played past the tutorial (thus there's a time limit) and I see what you mean. There's still plenty of time at the moment but I could see the touchscreen being optimal.
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