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Showing most liked content on 07/24/17 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Oh sure! Hey, while we're at it, why not bring back the Battle Frontier in US/UM? And make the Pokemon Amiibo have more use than the Mega Man one? Oh, and a mainline game where half the Pokemon available aren't from bloody 1997!? Get out of here with your reasonable demands! Pokemon Company has no time for such nonsense!
  2. 2 points
    Thank you to @ArtMediocre and @Cookyman for the helpful posts. I'll take another look at it later.
  3. 2 points
    There's a Demo for Rayman Legends the Definitive edition available in the EU eshop now
  4. 2 points
    The trailer looks so damn good until bloody Bill showed up
  5. 2 points
    Well, I took the liberty to broaden the topic of the discussion, but if that's not wanted, fine. Let me rephrase then: I think removing the voice chat and lobby functions from that app would make the app better. Rename it to Splatnet and advertise it as a Splatoon 2 companion app. If the two functions are to remain then add the eShop. Take notes from the PlayStation app. It's actually pretty good.
  6. 2 points
    Yeah, because it's the best solution
  7. 2 points
  8. 1 point
    Titanfall 2 is worth buying just for the campaign, which is only five or six hours long, so it wouldn't keep you away from Overwatch for very long.
  9. 1 point
    Agreed, though I think it's worth mentioning that we have at least one core Avengers member (from the first film, I mean) in each "team", so I think it's for te balance more than anything. I suppose location at the start of the film could play into it too (what with Bucky being in Wakanda and all).
  10. 1 point
    To be honest with Nintendo's track record lacking in the online arena together with the opinion that this app is worse than the voice chat options the xbox 360 provided then I don't have much hope that this app will offer what people are actually wanting.
  11. 1 point
    I have Pokemon Sun, but pretty sure I've already traded my second Buzzwole for a Moon exclusive UB.
  12. 1 point
    Cave Story is an amazing game and I'd say it's worth it, but I can't justify the price when it originally launched commercially at around £7.50 back in 2010 on Wii. Nicalis are having a laugh here. I might be able to make a case for getting the physical version at that price, but digitally? Nah... It's extortionate in comparison to literally every single other version of the game available. It's a must play and one of my very favourite Wii games, but you're better off either getting any other version (I'd recommend the 3DS, non polygon version, or Wii ports) or waiting for a price drop on Switch.
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
    I figured I'd make a list of my first impressions now that the weekend is over (just reached level 15). - Love the new amiibo. - The new music is delightfully fresh. Love all the new songs. - The new stages... are a bit hit and miss, but I imagine I'll get used to them. Definitely preferred the old version of Port Mackerel, though... - Splatting people isn't as satisfying as in the first game. Not sure why, might be something about the sound effects? - Not-Miiverse drawing sucks and I hate it a lot. - The actual shop order in the Galleria not being the same as the shop order when you switch between them with L/R is reeeaaally annoying. - Ink Armor desperately needs buffing. Two-second activation delay for a super weak shield is just awful. - The Inkjet is also lame because you return to the spot you started at when it ends. What's the point if you can't use it to sneak into normally inaccessible areas? - Handheld mode works perfectly, and feels even better than docked. (I might just be too used to having a screen in my controller though lol) - The new map is garbage, but that couldn't have been avoided given the nature of the Switch. Whoever decided to put the map on X are the worst, though. I keep opening it when I want to jump... - Replacing Nice! with "Booyah!" is also disgusting. - Next to no lag, and no connection issues whatsoever! A definite improvement over the first game. - ...But unfortunately, matchmaking is a lot slower than in the first game, so the lack of minigames while you wait is even worse than I had expected. - Extremely disappointed that the garbage exp system is there right from level 1 this time, but at least it's a bit more generous than in the first game. ...I think that's about all I have to say so far. I miss my Stealth Jump, so hopefully I can find some shoes with it soon. Haven't started Hero Mode yet, but I imagine I'll love it when I do. Salmon Run is lame.
  15. 1 point
    Three separate posters came out of SDCC, but I held off on posting any after it became apparent that they would line up: I know we don't officially have the trailer yet, but it's something else entirely to see everything culminate on one beautiful poster! I'm sure Disney's going to break some cinema chains considering everything they've got planned for release next summer
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    Watch this guy's vids.. Oh and as I've repeatedly said on here, buy a docking computer asap it will make your life so much easier!
  18. 1 point
    You could do like me, if you want to get some quick cash :). Travel to a mining zone around a ring planet (go to a hazardous zone in the rings) and just cruise around, scanning ships and chilling until a fight starts. If the feds are fighting, and it looks like they're gonna win, just hit the pirate/wanted ship a few times (scan it to see if the ship's wanted or not). You'll get your share of the bounty (I've gotten up to 500.000 credits from some ships) and it'll help you start your own adventure. But hey, this game is what you let it be. I don't have the time to play it, but I love hopping into it from time to time. Planetary landings are awesome! A friend of mine plays it none-stop. It's ridiculous how sucked in you can get.
  19. 1 point
    A few ways to improve it: Focus more on a hub for companion apps (having icons for each one would be a mess). Some cool features are getting overlooked. Add in a text-based messaging functionality to the app (and Switch). Add friends list - see who is online (in any game) and manage friends list (such as adding friends). Make it so it works in the background when the screen is off or when a different app is used. Mute on call (not disconnect) - it's cleaner and would cause fewer issues due to reconnecting. Add the eShop to the app, automatic download on Switch. Ability to alter profile and Switch settings and view things like what you have played and how long (I know it's an option in the Parental Control app, but no reason to not have it here). Ability to toggle availability and receiving notifications. The app has potential to be a great all-round companion app to the Switch.
  20. 1 point
    Don't release it (yes, not the point of this thread, but I'll say it anyway). Make apps for games individually. Since Splatnet is apparently pretty cool, just make companions apps for games. Voice chat, lobbies, etc should be available on an OS level.
  21. 1 point
    Awww. Stories like this give me clear evidence that love actually exists and I might not grow old alone, haha.
  22. 1 point
    Wouldn't surprise me, to be honest But I seriously hope for everyone who bought the game that this is not the only way...
  23. 1 point
    I wish I didn't like amiibo so much The sculpts and paint jobs are so good though! These all arrived today. Much prefer the use of clear plastic as supports rather than the horrible colours they used to use.
  24. 1 point
    Once the online catches up with 2007 standards I'll pick this up.
  25. 1 point
    If it happens any time soon I'll be a bit pissed and it will put me off Switch even more. As bullshit as Wii going offline was, at least they had a legitimate reason. It just adds fuel to the fire that you can't trust any online component Nintendo offers because it could disappear in an instant.