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Test The Nation: English


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Test The Nation is on the BBC1 now. It's testing your English this time.

If you want to play along you can print a scorecard from here


Should be better than more pointless ones they did previously like who knows the most about 2004.


Or you can take it here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/testthenation/english/index.shtml

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Some of them were impossible. I would have also like to have seen the correct answer to some of them instantly.




I was above average for where i live, and of a similar standard to surgeons ;)


And i should really get back to my biology essay :/

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I love English, and I love to point out mistakes, it's one of my buttons.


However I couldn't find it in myself to complete this test, it was too lame.


I got a C at GCSE level for Language and Literature, however I missed an entire test, and half (54 marks, I think) of another, so yeah, I'm not too bad.

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