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Official Spider-Man 3 Thread [big spoilers within]


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I really dont believe that Eddie or Venom are dead. I mean hes too big of a character to kill off so quickly and I think they purposely showed Eddie actually being taken over again by the symbiote for a reason.


If they'd wanted to leave the door open for Venoms return they could have done it a lot better than that, Eric Foreman creeping in to Connors lab after the credits, for example. The way they left things I very much doubt he'll be coming back, and I think that's a good thing, after they did Sandman so perfectly (minus the whole Uncle Ben thing and soppy conclusion) Venom was just a mess.

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I'm surprised that this many people are taking the dancing bits as straight-faced as they are. It was an obvious comedy bit where Peter's nerdy side over-confidently displays its idea of 'cool'. If the film was all fight, fight, fight, it'd be shit.

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The film was awesome!!!!


I loved it, everyone cracked up in the cinema at places, especially the dancing bit.


It rocked.


I wanna see it again now!!


Finally, a spidey film thats how a spidey film is meant to be. (i mean, first one was great, second not so much, this one, bloody fantastic.)


I'm surprised that this many people are taking the dancing bits as straight-faced as they are. It was an obvious comedy bit where Peter's nerdy side over-confidently displays its idea of 'cool'. If the film was all fight, fight, fight, it'd be shit.


Exactly, it was showing his new confident, well, overly confident, being a jackass side lol.


It was great


Piss off, he was the best part of it all, minus the slightly syrupy end bit.

Venom sucked in comparison.


Some more points I forgot to make earlier.


The bad


Didn't like the opening titles, the use of clips from previous films made it look like a TV show.


Harrys amnesia, really wasn't necassary considering the next point.


The Osborns Butler - Why the hell did he wait so long to reveal the true circumstances of Normans death to Harry? Doesn't seem the act of a faithful employee, which he clearly was.


First Sandman/Spiderman fight - weak, in the comics Spiderman never had too much of a problem handling Sandman, maybe because he could customize his webbing in the way he can't with organic webbing, but it was still weak, he shouldn't have been at such a disadvantage, and he certainly shouldn't have needed the symbiote to beat him.


Eric Foreman/Gwen Stacy romance - really wasn't needed, fair enough get another girl to make MJ jealous (although she'd probably be jealous of herself if she put on a wig her character comes across as that insecure) but there was no need for the romantic link to Foreman/Brock, in the comics professional humiliation was enough, should have been here too. Also Gwen Stacy died years before Eddie Brock even appeared in the comics.



The good


First Harry/Peter fight, great fight/chase sequence, a bit odd nobody noticed it, but still one of the high points of the film.


It'll be the last Raimi/Spiderman film.

The guy has made decent enough films, but he's still riding the coat tails of the Evil Dead. He really isn't that great a director.




It'll be the last raimi spidey film? no it wont, thats not true at all

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Just got back from cinema.


Movie is made of pure win and I firmly believe Venom is still alive since that sample was left at that lab.

The dancing bit just showed how full of himself he was due to the black suits effect.I have no bad points against it and thought it all fit in very well.


I was concerned how they were gonna fit in 3 enemies in one film but I thought they done a great job and loved the Spidey and Harry against Sand Man and Venom.

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Just got back from cinema.


Movie is made of pure win and I firmly believe Venom is still alive since that sample was left at that lab.

The dancing bit just showed how full of himself he was due to the black suits effect.I have no bad points against it and thought it all fit in very well.


I was concerned how they were gonna fit in 3 enemies in one film but I thought they done a great job and loved the Spidey and Harry against Sand Man and Venom.


Exactly...some people on this forum seem to be making out the film is terrible etc...Its not, its great, best spidey yet, and i now actually really look forward to the next spidey film for once

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im sorry but you can not say that people are wrong for making out the film was terrible, they arnt wrong, their oppinions differ, that dosen't make them wrong.


fair enough, some of you think the dancing bit was good, it showed what peter felt was cool, for me, it was just terrible, dragged on, and went beyond a joke, to actualy making me want to leave. fair enough, show peter to have no sense of whats cool, but maybe limit it to less then what i assume was 10-15 mins, and for god sake, try not to make it so in your face.


the film honestly bored me, the story line was poor, as were the villans, for me, the only moment i thought the film was going to be good was when the green goblin had spiderman by the neck, the rest was underwhelming.

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Personally, I like the dancing bit because that fucking munt Kirsten Dunst got slapped in the chops. I was in howls of laughter cause my flatmate yelled out "Pow! Right in the kisser!" when Parker did it.

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as I'm a proper published critic and such...


Sam Raimi’s third Spider-Man movie has a tough act to follow. Having set high standards with the first two films in the franchise' date=' concluding the trilogy well, and fulfilling fans expectations, was never going to be a simple task. Thankfully, the film does a reasonable job of both. This time around, the story picks up with Spider-Man being an adored hero at last. The peaceful life of Peter Parker is soon disrupted by the appearance of James Franco’s Green Goblin, Hayden Church’s perfectly portrayed Sandman (a brilliant villain literally composed of token ‘science gone bad’ sand) and a mysterious alien that possesses Peter’s traditional red and blue costume and turns it in to the iconic jet black outfit seen in the classic Venom storyline from the late 80’s. Following the comic plot in a general sense, the new costume begins to change peter, turning him more aggressive and brutal. Unfortunately for comic fans, Raimi drops the ball a bit with this, giving Tobey Maguire an ill advised ‘evil’ emo fringe and eye liner (yes, really) and a totally inexplicable jazz dance number that really has to be seen to convey how awkward and misplaced it feels, topping the list of occasionally naff moments in the film.

However, considering how much this film covers and ties up as the last in a loose trilogy, these awkward elements could have been far worse. Last year’s X-Men 3 is a prime example of a crowded script wrecking a potentially good film, and Raimi is clearly too good a director to let that happen. The end result is faintly rushed and ultimately less satisfying than previous instalments, but still highly enjoyable popcorn flick. Recommended, especially for fans of the previous instalments.[/quote']

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Ok i just got back from watching it.


It was good but nowhere near the greatness of the first 2.


I guess most of the problems I have with the film come from "why the frack did they go so far away from the comic book" kinda stuff.


1st case, the symbiote coming to earth, no drama or back story about it, just a small meteor happens to land in the park near where Peter and MJ are hanging out. In the comics/cartoon it came from the spaceship of JJ's Son as he's returning from space, the ship goes out of control on the wa back, Spidey saves the day and symbiote gets him.


I wanted THAT SCENE, i thought they would have done that given the fact the introduced JJ's astranuat son in the second film.


Then add to that the total under-use of Venom, I mean come on they basically pissed all over the character, his personality wasn't right, yeah he was angry and pissed off, but still didn't act like venom should have. They few times he did talk he refered to himself as "I", he's supposed to refer to himself as "we". And he wasn't even refered to as Venom in the film? Again I was expecting a great "WE ARE VENOM" line, like when Spidey first sees him, or when Spidey calls him Brock.

They should have just kept him for the 4th film, like we all thought before that the film would end with Brock becoming Venom to set up the 4th film, like how the 2nd film ended with Harry finding out his dad was the Green Goblin.

It just seemed like Venom was the "Pheonix" of this film, just there to draw the crowd, but they had no idea how to use him right.


Which brings me to my next point, Harry, started off great then shoots off in a totally wrong direction.


The amnesia thing could have been used so much better, i was expecting for it to lead to the goblin split personality. While we could see Harry becoming evil there was no sign of him going "mad" like his father, and that dual personality is integral to the Green Goblins character. But we got none of that either.


Then they go and make him go good, what the fuck? Peter kicks his ass, leading to one side of his face burned and scared, this should have made him madder but no, he goes to help Peter? WTF?

Then they kill him off, WHY? He should have ended up in a mental home like in the comics.... oh but wait that's right, he didn't go insane after taking the Goblin Gas like he SHOULD HAVE.


And that butler, where did he come from? 2 years and we find out he knew about the Green Goblin all this time and said nothing? What was he, Osborns version of Batmans butler? Again this was another perfect moment for Harry's mind to finally snap and go insane, I was expecting Harry to knife the butler, then go nuts.



I mean how hard was it to actually do this right? These films draw massive attention because the comics were so great, they have the perfect stories and characters already developed why do they insist on ignoring them when they reach the 3rd film (ala X-men).


They could have had Harry and Sandman team-up to try take out Spiderman, have Spiderman still in Black suit to the last battle, Beat-up Sandman and Harry, knock Harry out, eyes full of rage, about to kill him then realise what he's doing and what he's become, heads off to the church to get rid of symbiote. We see EMT's taking an insane Harry away to the hospital later transfering him to the mental ward. They could even have Spidey have one more last battle with Sandman after he gets rid of the symbiote.

In the end we see small scenes with Harry going nuts in a mental home, Peter apologising to MJ and then Brock and teh symbiote finding each other and the film ends, with the perfect set-up for not just the 4th film but the 2nd trilogy being the Symbiote Trilogy, whereas this was the Green Goblin Trilogy.




Ok i've ranted enough, this post probably makes it seem worse than it is, it was a good film, he had some great moments, the fight scenes were awesome stuff, but the film could (and should) have been so much better and that's why i'm somewhat upset. Plus it's late, i just need some sleep now :heh:

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1st case, the symbiote coming to earth, no drama or back story about it, just a small meteor happens to land in the park near where Peter and MJ are hanging out. In the comics/cartoon it came from the spaceship of JJ's Son as he's returning from space, the ship goes out of control on the wa back, Spidey saves the day and symbiote gets him.


Just the cartoon, in the comics he gets it while fighting in the Secret Wars on another planet.

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Just the cartoon, in the comics he gets it while fighting in the Secret Wars on another planet.


Ah i knew i was getting something confused, cheers.


And yeah yer probably right on the cost of doing a shuttle scene, (or maybe they were just lazy :heh:) still though what they did do just didn't have any reason to it i felt. Probably would have been better if it attacked Peter there and then instead of waiting like 5 scenes to make it's move.

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Good film!


I liked the french guy. Especially when he said "I like you" which reminded me of Borat :heh:.


I thought it was just as good as the first 2. Although I wish the venom idea wasn't so rushed and now its seemingly out of the picture.

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oh yeh!! the bit in the restraunt was classic...everyone cracked up in the cinema


The waiter kept pushing the other waiters away XD Also I dance like that when I'm drunk ;[


I'm so glad that harry was killed, or at least out of the picture, another movie with him 'teaming up' with spiderman would have been horrific!

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The waiter kept pushing the other waiters away XD Also I dance like that when I'm drunk ;[


I'm so glad that harry was killed, or at least out of the picture, another movie with him 'teaming up' with spiderman would have been horrific!


Yeah, having them do that in this film i guess it was the only conclusion he could have. Like i said before, they should have had Harry go insane like he's meant to, have him team up with Sandman, save Venom till that last moment so he can be used as the main villian in part 4 and the symbiote becomes the main story arc for the 2nd trilogy, have Harry go to mental home, and then maybe in part 4 or maybe even 5 he teams up with Peter.

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