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Angel actually managed to recover in series 5, but 4 was just so crap.


I say leave Angel as it is.


Season Four was great except Cordy but that was Charisma Carpenter's fault for getting pregnant, but she redeemed herself in Veronica Mars. I loved the ongoing interlooped storylines.


Shame it got cancelled, season six sounded fantastic.

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Just watched the first 2 episodes.


I like it. The references to Doctor Who are cool


The Xmas Invasion, Doomsday, The Doctor's Hand (that was cut off in the xmas invasion) - it's great how Jack cares about it, he needs to see "the right kind of doctor"


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They certainly do. Serenity was just painful to watch.




Never read any of the X-Men but hes working on Runaways now, which has a lot of buzz. As well as the comic book season eight of Buffy, Wonder Woman and Goners. Busy man.

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Never read any of the X-Men but hes working on Runaways now, which has a lot of buzz. As well as the comic book season eight of Buffy, Wonder Woman and Goners. Busy man.


If you're interested, the first storyline he worked on is called 'Gifted', which is just about to conclude in Essential X-Men (UK reprint mag) and it really is rather special.


The plot is that after Magneto attacks and occupies Manhattan Island, he destroys the X-Mansion and kills Jean Grey. For this, Wolverine decapitates him. After this, Cyclops and Emma Frost decide to rebuild the school and relaunch the X-Men- abandoning their military style uniforms they had adopted and instead act as super heroes again so that people will see them in the same light as The Avengers and The Fantastic Four.

However, as they do this, a genetics laboratory announces to the world that they have successfully engineered a Mutant Cure, throwing the team and their entire world into disarray just as they have begun to rebuild.


It really is a great read. Whedon's grasp for sharp, witty dialog has found a perfect home in the clipped frame of a comic speech bubble, and he really has a keen understanding of the way the team operates and interacts. Each read has had me recalling the snappy family dynamic of Firefly while also maintaining the essence of what makes X-Men great material. It's brilliant.

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I watched the first two last night and found it... interesting. Im not sure if Ill stick with it though, they need to cut out the desperate lengths theyre going to to make it seem "mature" or whatever. I mean dont you think that stuff could easily have been cleaned up? Like, homosexual/ sex crazed aliens arent a necessity, are they?

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I watched the first two last night and found it... interesting. Im not sure if Ill stick with it though, they need to cut out the desperate lengths theyre going to to make it seem "mature" or whatever. I mean dont you think that stuff could easily have been cleaned up? Like, homosexual/ sex crazed aliens arent a necessity, are they?


Gratuitous sex isn't mature, it's adult.

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No, it's not.

I haven't seen it, but I'm guessing they could easily have done without the sex scenes and made it more accessible.



Glad someone agrees. Ill watch it again this week probably, but I cant see myself sticking with this for a whole series. Im just curious to see whether it continues down the same path as its begun... which it probably does :nono:

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A little fact here for you did you know that Captain Jack wasn't originally going to be called that, on one of the producers interview. He used that name because:


Captain Jack Sparrow(pirate) = Captain Jack Harkness(was classed as a space pirate, by the doctor)


Glad someone agrees. Ill watch it again this week probably, but I cant see myself sticking with this for a whole series. Im just curious to see whether it continues down the same path as its begun... which it probably does :nono:


Can anyone remember the sci fi series space precinct. One of those episodes had a sex crazed alien killer. But because the alien was feeding off of orgasmic energy they kinda of needed the sex parts in it.

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But because the alien was feeding off of orgasmic energy they kinda of needed the sex parts in it.


It could have been implied rather than shown, there really is no need for it in what is essentially a kids show.


I watched the pilot eisode on Tuesday and, well, it was pretty wank.


You expected otherwise?

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