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Virtual Console - All you need to know


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Well, I'm certainly no Sony fan (hate the bastards!), but you have to admit that the price they are asking for the PS3 is a good deal for the hardware you're getting. There's no doubt that Ninty are making a HUGE profit on the Wii..


And yes, it would be entirely possible for them to lower the VC prices a little. I'm sure they will in time.

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well for one thing there is no money spend for plastik and game manual nor shipping

so the ROM should be cheaper.. and in most stores you can return a game if it is crap..

well i downloaded a VC games that I think comes under that defenition.. but i can't seem to find the "regret purchase" button


and looks like the yanks got LTTP.. scores great over at IGN


well this will be my third download.. if it rears it head here this friday

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and in most stores you can return a game if it is crap..

Not completely true: Normally you can only return the game if it is extremely buggy or something like this (won't start because of bug or whatever).

If you mean the possibility to return something in 2 weeks or 1 week (or whatever timespan it is in your country) without any reason: That only fits for software/games if you have not opened the envelope or broken the seal (XBox360 games) yet... after you bought it

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I dont think VC console prices are too far out. The N64 games are reasonable at £7.50, SNES are also at £6. NES games are the problem at nearly £4 - some like Super Mario Bros are worth £4, but single screen games like DK really should be, either a freebie or £1.


In fact, i'd happily pay a little more for N64 games - perhaps even a tenner.

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well for one thing there is no money spend for plastik and game manual nor shipping

so the ROM should be cheaper.. and in most stores you can return a game if it is crap..


ESD (Electronic Software Download) Software costs as much as the boxed product. I don't think companies see the point of removing the <50p per game/software cost of getting it into stores and the packaging.


edit: Aren't N64 games £6.99, not £7.50?

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I agree with all thoses saying you should not complain about the VC. At the end of the day its a great little feature and like it has been said before if you dont like the price of the games then simply dont buy them, nobody is forcing you to buy these games.


It IS a great feature, probably the Wii's best feature if i had to pick, but my gut feeling when the price scheme was first announced was 'ripoff' and seeing Sony's download prices just reinforces it.


Saying 'if you dont like it, dont buy it' is unnecessary because i already know not to. In fact thats my entire point. There are probably a dozen or so games i would have bought if the prices werent twice what they should be.

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Saying 'if you dont like it, dont buy it' is unnecessary because i already know not to. In fact thats my entire point. There are probably a dozen or so games i would have bought if the prices werent twice what they should be.


But still you continue repeating same complains everytime something new comes to VC... You can blather how if Nintendo would sell more games if they cut prices to half, but more enough to get more profit than selling at current point? I doubt it. VC has quite limited appeal as most (especially younger) gamers aren't interested about old games if they aren't free. Period. It's always about zomg hot graphix what VC games won't ever deliver. And those who are interested are mostly willing to pay current prices. And VC games *do* have benefits:


- You can actually find title without scourging Ebay, jumble sales, etc.

- You can get ESD even on country where games wouldn't be normally shipped without very expensive postages (i.e. Mexico, Brazil, Iran, China).

- You can access games that were never readily available (i.e. Turbographx games)

- Save states

- N64 games do look better

- You aren't forced to juggle between several consoles (I have seven on single input, and yes it does get little tedious).

- No risk of losing your copy. If you lose your copy, you can get your new one from VC store for free.

- No need for additional storage space. For example I know one guy who has 80 Genesis games. He doesn't even have enough space for them, so he actually keeps them in a box in garage. Shame really.

- Wireless and comfortable classic controller.


Are these benefits worth asked price? Well, for most of the target group, yes.

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Could that review of A Link to the Past be any more biased? What a fucking wanker. "everything after ALLTP are just cheap knock offs" "A Link to the past is the only true Zelda game" "ALLP sequals are all rubbish".


Nostalgia and childhood memories are always strong forces when we are discussing about old games. Nothing surprising there. I know dudes who think first Metroid was pinnacle of the series, and after that everything went downhill. Many old gamers have also romantized Kid Icarus, and when it finally hits VC, I'm pretty sure that there will be many disapointed faces, especially amongst them who never played it durings its hey-day.

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I was just sitting in my office, and suddenly, the little birdie from last week came through the window. He landed on my shoulder, and chirped some quite bothersome news...


So far, the only game confirmed for this week's european VC update is...


- Soldier Blade (Turbografx)


He said he'll come around again tomorrow if other games are confirmed. But we shouldn't get our hopes up...


Well, at least we'll get the News Channel on Saturday.

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Why not?


You would buy the game because you actually want the game. Not so you can have another lump of plastic with some chips in it.


tbh I haven't gone through the t&c comprehensively, but after a brief read through, my understanding is I'm not buying a copy of the game, I'm buying the right for me to own a licence on that particular wii while it is in my posession.

one bit of the t&c seemed to indicate that on selling the wii vc games were to be removed. I didn't read anything about then transferring the rights, or having some kind of refund or anything. thats literally it.


ofcourse, I may have misread/misinterpreted the t&c, I did only flick through them, and I really hope I did misread them.


I think the main reason for VC is to fund the "free" wifi connection and wiiconnect24 functionality.

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I didn't read anything about then transferring the rights, or having some kind of refund or anything. thats literally it.


ofcourse, I may have misread/misinterpreted the t&c, I did only flick through them, and I really hope I did misread them.



Thats a great question that definately needs to be addressed.


Lets ask Teppo ''I work for Nintendo'' Holmqvist for the answer

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Some info please



I'm thinking of getting Street Figher 2, but only have one classic controller and want some good two player fun. Can someone just confirm for me that i can use a Gamecube controller for player 2?


Also roughly how many of the Wii's memory blocks do N64 games take up?


Before release i was of the mind, "sure 512mb should be loads", well it's loads for Wii Game saves, but looking at how much space my one NES and one SNES game have taken up, i'm a little worried when some I want to d/l an N64 one.


Meh, guess i'll have to invest in an SD card just for my Wii :heh:

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Street Fighter 2 used 4 blocks


Yes you can used the GC controller but better buying Classic Controller because it hurts like hell using the GC controller.


VC games stay into the Wii when you delete them.


Dont know how much it takes N64 games used.

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