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Virtual Console - All you need to know


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its exactly the opposite for me. i've played castlevania4, but not r-type while i know its one of the better shooters out there.

i'd go for castlevania4, firstly cos u never played it yet and secondly, its just a great game. certainly one of the best old style 2d castlevanias released. by which i mean the pre-SOTN games. get r-type later. always go for new experiences first!


Yeah i decided to go for Castlevania since i never played it, love it, only problem is i didn't realise it was made in a time before save points and uses passwords to recover save data :heh:

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Yeah i decided to go for Castlevania since i never played it, love it, only problem is i didn't realise it was made in a time before save points and uses passwords to recover save data :heh:


Surely as long as you always quit by pressing the home button you'll never need to enter them anyway?

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Surely as long as you always quit by pressing the home button you'll never need to enter them anyway?


Ha, that's so true. I love that feature. That's how i finished Gunstar Superheroes. Some of the older games really required you to sit through several hours to make it to the end. Quitting and resuming the game gave me the possibility to actually see the end :)

Sure, it's not as hardcore, but hey I've got more gaming duties to do :P

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I've updated the UK, US and Japanese release dates as much as I can. Can people help me with the US ones please, I need to know all the ones that are currently out. Also, should I scrap the Australian one? I don't really know a lot about the Australian service, and it seems they get mostly the same as Europe.

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AAH! Just read the news that our useless starpoints can be traded for the precious Wii-points!!! Finally a good move on Ninty's part! Now I'll be able to complete my retro-collection!!! Question: are all older games to be controlled with a cube controller???


Wii love it!



Is this working yet? I have quite a few points id like to put towards sim city and catlevania

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Considering Wave Race 64, Ocarina of Time, and several other N64 and other older games were available at E3 and Nintendo have had over a year to simply port these games to work with GC controls, why do we have about 30 games, the majority coming from Sega and Hudson?

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Stupid question: Considering Wave Race 64, Ocarina of Time, and several other N64 and other older games were available at E3 and Nintendo have had over a year to simply port these games to work with GC controls, why do we have about 30 games, the majority coming from Sega and Hudson?


Stupid question: Why poor people don't move to France? :)


Seriously, though... Like it has been said many times in this thread, Nintendo is simply trying to be strategic with VC releases, keeping more important titles for months that don't have a major Nintendo franchise coming out, etc.


People should understand that if Nintendo would flood market quickly with stuff, it would hurt sales on the longer period, as average Nintendard would only concentrate on certain titles on the expense of other 1st and 3rd party titles. Furthermore, after few months, same people who are complaining now about slow pace would be complaining that there isn't any new VC releases. N64 games are also especially problematic category, as there was only 224 invidual N64 titles released in USA, with most being, to be blunt, shit.

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but wouldnt it be great to have at least somewhat of a variety each week instead of 2 NES games one week, a SNES game if your lucky, and a 64 game bi-monthly?


Nintendo may not have a say in when 3rd parties release theyre games, but theyre own huge library should be more readily available than the trickle weve seen so far.

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Twinbee: Rainbow Bell Adventure and Mighty Morping Power Rangers.


Those two games Iam wishing get released on VC, I used to love playing the side scrolling Twinbee and Power Rangers was also a fun game I used to enjoy playing as a Kid...


Still have the SNES box for Power Rangers somewhere, with its original price tag (£49.99) seems very dear for back then o_O

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Whats this home button pressage thingy? Does it save your game or something? Whats the deal with it?


Makes a save state, like you can in PC emulators (basically pauses the game until you return to it). But when you resume, it deletes this "save state" (Think of it like the suspend function and quick save option on Castlevania POR and FF3 respectively.)

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Stupid question: Why poor people don't move to France? :)


Seriously, though... Like it has been said many times in this thread, Nintendo is simply trying to be strategic with VC releases, keeping more important titles for months that don't have a major Nintendo franchise coming out, etc.


People should understand that if Nintendo would flood market quickly with stuff, it would hurt sales on the longer period, as average Nintendard would only concentrate on certain titles on the expense of other 1st and 3rd party titles. Furthermore, after few months, same people who are complaining now about slow pace would be complaining that there isn't any new VC releases. N64 games are also especially problematic category, as there was only 224 invidual N64 titles released in USA, with most being, to be blunt, shit.


whilst I agree with you I still think Nintendo is giving the whole world a raw deal with VC. There is simply no reason to hold back and give us this steady trickle of games...Nintendo could have the largest collection of (legal) retro gaming from day one, even without releasing everything, instead they insist on drip feeding us, in the vain hope that someone somewhere will be stupid enough to waste 500 points on soccer and hockey for the NES rather than save their points for the good games.


Its' the same reason they are holding back on the star to VIP points conversion (and even when it does come bet its a rip off 1 for 1 is a fair conversion a free NES game for every 2 games bought is fair surely?) so they can make money out of us in the short term...


Miyamoto said when VC was announced that is was not created a profit making business model, whilst obviously they have to make some money out of it from a business sense, but they are fleecing us!


At the end of the day we don't have to buy the games, which is why I ain't as I'm not gonna waste my pennies yet until something I must have comes up, until then wario woods and donkey kong will keep me more than happy.

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instead they insist on drip feeding us, in the vain hope that someone somewhere will be stupid enough to waste 500 points on soccer and hockey for the NES rather than save their points for the good games.

which is why they are doing it. it is frustrating but it makes busness sence. if they starve us of it people will take what they can get then what they really want come they will get that too. no doubt people have mario 64 on n64 ds and vc just as its the first n64 vc game. more money ftw no?

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