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Virtual Console - All you need to know


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Guest Stefkov
Can I just ask where the rumour came from that you get points with the classic controller cos it doesn't make any sense. I mean, you don't with the USA version so why should we? Also, surely it would have been confirmed by now if that was the case

I think the Japanese get points with their Classic Controller. So rumours started that we get them. Howeber now I'm unsure whether Japan even get them with it.


I've heard of Toe Jam and Earl. I'm not sure if ive ever played it. I think i watched my bro play it thats why.

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I seen a graph ages ago but cant find it again :(


It had all the controllers for the Wii and what games you could use them for


Could anyone post it again ?


And is it worth buying a classic controller or just use the cube controller ?



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I seen a graph ages ago but cant find it again :(


It had all the controllers for the Wii and what games you could use them for


Could anyone post it again ?


And is it worth buying a classic controller or just use the cube controller ?




get the classic controller if you can afford it I say... I'm just gonna use the cube controller for now tbh.



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Not if you don't need the spend the money on Wii or games, but I think the Classic Controller is worth it overall for a better D-Pad. Also, if you're only getting NES/TurboGraphx games to start with then you'll be fine with either a Wiimote or GC pad.

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Actually that strikes me as a bit odd too. Perhaps its just laziness on third parties' behalf? I'm sure they'd have to reprogramme the controls - and why do it for both, when most people would be 'upgrading' to the Classic Controller.


I don't see how it is laziness, surely it makes sense that they should really all work. the cube controller has just the same number of face buttons, infact if moved the A button down abit so it wasnt central the face buttons would be in near identical positions. very very odd....

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I just read that as well. :( It is disappointing (but not unexpected), but I'm used to the PAL versions anyway - I grew up with them!


I do still hope that Nintendo will still release previously unreleased games in Europe, just a matter of time. There is also the VC's ability to update games, but I'm not holding my breath on companies updating their retro titles.


But this (and the possiblity of NOE being slow with launch titles again) has made me consider getting an American Wii at some point next year.

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Are there any plans to distribute demos of Wii games in a virtual console type thing?


well wiinintendo.net have it posted that they are:




it was originally down as official but been changed because:


I’m going to change “official” to “very likely” because only a bunch of “insiders” have posted about this, BUT no word from Nintendo, so I will fix the article.


so he claims it is inside knowledge that they will but no one is saying anything so he is changing his official stance.


So I have doubts...

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