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Great Gaming Moment?

Strange Cookie

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Hey everyone!


My post in another topic led me to this: let's bring back a topic so often used you couldn't sell it for newt in edible form to a poor, hungry homeless chap at a garage sale.

I was wondering, if you had to choose one single moment in your personal gaming history, one moment of utter delight and amazement, one gobsmakking moment you just know you'll carry with you for the rest of your gaming life... you can see the question coming from miles away... what would it be?


My personal favorite has to be in, rather unsurprisingly, Ocarina of Time. The first time Link jumps to the future, and you leave the Temple of Time.


Hyrule in ruins...

The deserted marketplace...

The mumbling zombies...

The foreboding circle at the top of Death Mountain...

The hovering castle above the lava...

The darkness...

And worst of all... Ingo running Lon Lon Ranch...


How did it all come to this...



Cheery start! :P

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Mine is this .......(and dont laugh...)


N64, Goldeneye, The Dam (....yes the first level).

Remember the gate after you killed all the bad guys in the bunker, the towers and the tunnel, before you got onto the actual dam? Remember how you get through it? Shooting the lock right?


It took me almost a week to figure out how to get past that gate, and when I did I was so thrilled, so pleased with myself I nearly cried 'cause it was so simple.....


Greatest Gaming Moment EVER

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great gaming moment for me was killing the first boss in blackwing lair on World of Warcraft :). When the dungeon came available all guilds found the boss hard and to kill him after 15 good attempts was amazing as all the people on microphones were yelling YESSSSSS AT LAST etc. Great stuff.

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Completing OOT. :grin:


Winning the WEFA Championship on Pro Evo with Villa. :yay:


Finally taking control of Stilwater on Saints Row.


Final Fantasy IX. The annual hunt in Lindblum (I forgot the name). I love the music in that. I love most of the music in the game anyway. But I love doing the hunt in Lindblum. Especially if you have The Ogre equipped. Kills 'em.


The end of Super Mario 64.

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I never got to that bit. Not even when I got it on Xbox.


Ah, while I'm here.


Shenmue 1. I loved it all, the fights and the QTE I liked, the only thing I didn't like was the Gollum-inspired character who you battled at the end. I just didn't like him, and I was glad when I kicked his arse.

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OOT - Diving off the bridge.

Lylat Wars - THAT Independence Day-like level.

Metroid Prime - Landing on Tallon IV for the first time.

Metal Arms - The attack on the rebel robot town.

Starwing - "This is Corneria, Pepper speaking, congratualtions, on a job well done!"

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Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic- That bit.


Anyone who has played it will know what I'm talking about, and those who haven't, well, don't I suppose. If you haven't, I advise you should go play it, asap



Also, Jade Empire. Basically the same description as above, but swap the names


Oh, and...


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finding out i'm practically unbeatable at Mario Kart: DS Lan play - then finding out that WiFi play sucks ass.


or . . .


beating an older friend of mine who always used to beat me at every game from the age of 4 till about 5 years ago, since then i think i have beaten him everytime we've played vs since-esp at soul calibur II mwahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaa


good things come to those who wait :p

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