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Rip-off Britain...


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Sony and Nintendo may just be handing Europe to Microsoft. Nintendo need to make up for this with seriously good advertising.


They didn't overprice the US or Japanese, which are much more important to Nintendo in a marketing point of view. It's times like these I hate being part of "europe".

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i love the price- i think its spot on tbh, though they could've lowered it by 10 or 20 quid to 149.99. that would've been ideal but hey no point bitching and moaning its not going to do fuck all.


least europe gets Wii this year and less than 4 weeks weeks after its debut in america.


how can people be pissed off at that!!!


you can get a Wii for the same price as PSP standard-whats wrong people?!


i think its just no matter how much people give people always want more, so when an estimate is given people expect the lower price but 179.99 is a good price point.


thend! lol


I agree mate. I was a little disappointed with the price, as it doesn't put quite as much of a gap between Xbox 360, however I got over it in a second. At this price its low enough so we can pretty much all afford it, but still expensive enough for it not too seem like a cheap bit of kit.

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Even Microsoft confirmed that Core package sales have been lukewarm at best. :)


Erm, ever thought there bullshitin'?


there not gonna make a statement saying there next gen console aint selling are they. I've spoke to tons of people over the past year about the 360 and 99% of people say the same "ah its shit man, it dont even come with a Hard Drive, mase well just get the other one".


Nintendo are spot on.

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Expensive is expensive, I'll feel it even when I have a professional job that pays well. And I'm 28, but I have to spend lots of money on other things as well. I don't want to spend all my money on gaming, and this is exactly what the casual gamers will say. So none of them will buy Wii at launch. But of course Nintendo knows that but it doesn't need to care. Maximise profits while they can right?


Imagine, the cost will be closer to £300 when you add a few items.

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Relating it to the Core system is a bit of a moo point, as the Core system is useless. Its not £200, its £223 because you need a memory card. Then add a game.


The Wii is Wi-Fi out of the box. A Core system is not, you need to add a Hard Drive and a Gold subscription to play online. So thats £270, plus £40 a year for the subscription.

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And to be honest, 180 pounds isn't big sum for those who actually have job and belong into the middle-class. Most complainers here (I guess) are, after all, relatively young (between 15 and 19 years). ::shrug:


And your evidence is WHERE? Please provide a breakdown of you analysis.


For your info I'm 49, I have lots of $$ but thats because I dont WAST money on blatant rip offs which is what Nintendo is doing.

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I can admit, i'l still buy one on launch, but you gotta consider this, what makes the wii so appealing now?


It was regarded as a cheaper option, now its only £20 less than a core 360 system. Although the wii comes with a game and the core 360 doesnt, its just £20 for the title of having HD gaming in your home, and thats the big thing now, HD gaming.


Another thing you gotta consider is this price is BLATANTLY ripping us off, you tech guys might not admit to it, but its definitly a rip off. They removed the DVD function to lower costs, so how high would the price of been with it? The same as a 360 core system? And back in that day it was still regarded as a cheaper, affordable option, which is bollocks if you only get £180 when you remove the dvd function. Absolute bullshit.


They've also fucked up the Wiimote sales, I really do hope they make a bundle were the Nunchuck and the wiimote come together as a cheaper option rather than have them seperated, its rediculous, i can only name 2 games that use the Wiimote ONLY instead of the nunchuck adapter.


I will be getting this at launch, and I do guess this only restricts me from buying too many games, but i'l be able to get more when christmas comes. But my opinion is certain, Nintendo have fucked this up. They've changed all the chips to just get a slight advancement (maybe not even that), and the only real advancement is the wiimote recognition software and shit, so they've only gone and make an extra cost by changing things that didnt need to be improved compared to the standards were getting.


Its one thing to make a profit Nintendo, but customer satisfaction is another.


i can name elebits only what was the other one?

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And your evidence is WHERE? Please provide a breakdown of you analysis.


For your info I'm 49, I have lots of $$ but thats because I dont WAST money on blatant rip offs which is what Nintendo is doing.


National minimum wage for anyone over 21 will be £5.35 from next month. "Full time" employment is 35 hours a week, so thats £187 a week. Granted, not many people would spend a whole weeks wage, but there are 12 weeks left, which is £2247 you could save up.


(And yes I'm aware not everyone is in full time employment etc etc etc)


Nintendo never hinted the price would be £100-150, that was always just guesses. Nintendo fans should learn to stop hyping, because they always end up dissapointed.

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I read something earlier that MCV were correct with their €220 price, but that Nintendo decided to push it higher due to the PS3 delay.


I dunno but that seems like simple economic sense to me. It mightn't be true but could well be.

If they had that price they should keep it...


This is the first Nintendo console to ship at more than 200€ ... I wouldn't be surprised if they make a "instant rebate" just like with Gamecube, just before launch. (GC was also to ship at 250€) I won't be surprised if this doesn't happen though, but it could surely boost sales.


GC sold 400.000 in europe on it's first week, probably because of that, it's a proven strategy for Nintendo.

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£20 less than a Xbox360 Core


The one nobody wants.


thats not the point and u know it!the point is for an extra 20 quid u can get a true next gen console with true next gen graphics.I dont give a crap about the sales.How can wii be seen as a second console if it is barley cheaper than the rest..


Anyway i woulnt be worried.xbox is no threat to wii and vice versa.Sony is a threat to both and i think they are already out of the game

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I can bare the price of the console, but the price of the wiimote and nunchuck combined, and they fact they come sold eperately, is just annoying. I'm hoping to take advantage of some special offer packages when the system is released. GAME usually do a selection of packs from the basic system and a game, all the way up to they system, 5 games, 2 controllers, and some other crap which you wont ever need.

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thats not the point and u know it!the point is for an extra 20 quid u can get a true next gen console with true next gen graphics.I dont give a crap about the sales.How can wii be seen as a second console if it is barley cheaper than the rest..


Anyway i woulnt be worried.xbox is no threat to wii and vice versa.Sony is a threat to both and i think they are already out of the game


true next gen?! god you talk some shit at times.


360 Core isnt a 360, you'll need a memory card to do anything on it, you wouldnt be able to use half of the decent features of the 360 without a 70 quid HDD (downloading videos, backwards compatibility, downloading demos and aracade games) it comes with a WIRED!!! controller. and non HD cables.


so mcj metroid your arguement is flawed as the core is not HD out of the box therefore cannot have a significant visual improvement over the Wii. and in some cases Wii game will look better (clearer) as they have been enhanced for SD TVs.


also neither the core nor premium 360s have wifi built in-you need to buy a 60 quid adapter for that.


Wii is excellent value for money, 360 core shouldn't have been made anyway and blatently isnt selling and after this christmas it wont be there anymore.


the end!

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thats not the point and u know it!the point is for an extra 20 quid u can get a true next gen console with true next gen graphics.I dont give a crap about the sales.How can wii be seen as a second console if it is barley cheaper than the rest..


Xbox may be a "true next gen console", but Wii is the ONLY "new" gen console.


And its a bargain.


true next gen?! god you talk some shit at times.


360 Core isnt a 360, you'll need a memory card to do anything on it, you wouldnt be able to use half of the decent reatures of the 360 without a 70 quid HDD (downloading videos, backwards compatibility, downloading demos and aracade games) it comes with a WIRED!!! controller. and non HD cables.


so mcj metroid your arguement is flawed as the core is not HD out of the box therefore cannot have a significant visual improvement over the Wii.


also neither the core nor premium 360s have wifi built in-you need to buy a 60 quid adapter for that.


Wii is excellent value for money, 360 core shouldn't have been made anyway and blatently isnt selling and after this christmas it wont be there anymore.


the end!


Hear hear, great post!

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Yes the price may be no problem to us. What about people hearing about the Wii for the first time, or considering what console to buy? That was my point.


i've told too many people about Wii and gave them the price of 200 quid with no game-just for the console and a controller and they seemed pretty okay with it.


anyway the usual strategy and what will prob happen in the west is that its not until a price drop do more casual new gamers start buying it. in the east and west it will build and be seen alongside the DS which everone loves so that will start to get people interested alone.


when you consider its 80 quid more than a DS Lite with a free GOOD game its not soo bad.

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