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I just got this game in today. As expected, this game is lots of fun! It's not hard to wave through the tracks, but getting the coveted S-ranks take a few more efforts.

Besides, it's just fun to play the tracks again, racking up high scores as well as a good time.

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Well there we are, I finally S-ranked everything and unlocked all the paint jobs. There's still a few trophies I need to earn, but I'm not sure whether I can be bothered at the moment; the game's really fun, but I don't want to turn it into a grind.


This game has tempted me to set up some kind of N-E Wii challenges thing, kind of like what N64 Magazine used to do. It's not a high-score table — we already have one of those for ExciteTruck — more a "manage to do such and such in this game", like finding all the Skulltulas in OoT, or completing Mario 64 with all the Stars. Would anyone be interested in that?

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..yeh.. that'd be great Aimless. I used to look through those challenges in the N64 days to see how many I had done. I say go for it :heh:


Yea...but something more unique than completing the game.


Didn't this site have a weekly challenge?

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Yea...but something more unique than completing the game.

I was thinking more skill-based challenges, such as S-ranking Super Challenge Mode in ExciteTruck, or earning Gold medals in Wii Play or Kororinpa, that sort of thing. Ideally they wouldn't be 'grindy', as the idea was to encourage people to get the most fun out of a game as possible rather than just getting to the credits and buying something else. All the challenges would require great consideration, but I think if done well it could be really good, especially if they made you play the game in a new way — think of Geometry Wars' Pacifism Achievement if that means anything to you.


I'm just throwing things out there at the moment, haven't really thought it through.

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  • 4 months later...

I was pretty bored last night and looked through my games on the Wii. I remembered that I had not finished the Mirror Mode on Excite Truck as I wanted to get rid of the memories of the tracks as it becomes a nightmare trying to race on a track you are used to.


I put it on and started playing it again and forgot just how fun the game was/is. One thing that I couldnt for the life of me do was the mid-air spins. I tried for ages and I couldnt pull them off anymore. Looks like its back to the drawing board for me as I need to relearn the art of spinning.

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One thing that I couldnt for the life of me do was the mid-air spins. I tried for ages and I couldnt pull them off anymore. Looks like its back to the drawing board for me as I need to relearn the art of spinning.



Hero, I never got the art of spinning to work except to do the tutorial! I think it explains why I haven't even opened up Super Excite as theres one level I just cannot get Platinum on - I reckon with the extra stars of some spins threw into the mix I would have already finished it with ease. :blank:

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I started playing on this yesterday out of boredom. I unlocked all trucks and completed Super Excite. And that's all I will do, there's no way I will ever manage to get S ranking on all tracks in Super Excite. I have problem enough just getting in first place. And the amount of super slides and truck smashing I have to do to get the best trophy is ridicilous. Has anyone gotten all of them?

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I started playing on this yesterday out of boredom. I unlocked all trucks and completed Super Excite. And that's all I will do, there's no way I will ever manage to get S ranking on all tracks in Super Excite.


You haven't unlocked the last truck, then. You need to get S ranks on Mirror Mode.


Keep at it.

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I had this out a couple of weeks back as the only thing I never managed to get through was the Super Challenge Mode. I did a few races again and it was surprising how quickly I managed to pick this up again , but it seemed a bit pointless with everything unlocked.


Unfortunately , on the Super Challenges I had very little success and both the ring and gate challenges still need 'S' grading , whether I ever get them done christ knows.

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I loved this game. Gonna go have another shot.


Getting all the S Ranks and stuff was so addictive.


Needs a sequel with 4man multi, more tracks, and online.


I think it could do with competitive CPUs. Keep the score thing, but have a "set points" thing like this one, and add a "championship" thing too.

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I think it could do with competitive CPUs. Keep the score thing, but have a "set points" thing like this one, and add a "championship" thing too.
Yeah, that'd be a good idea for an ExciteTruck 2. A system like that would make for a better (online) multiplayer, too.
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Anyone got any tips on how to do the air spin? I just cant pull it off anymore and I really dont want to go through all of this topic looking for the answer.




I'm no air-spin expert but this is my method:

Look at the wiimote like it was set in that Wii-Wheel thing. Now turn slightly either to the left or right side and then quickly and sharply to the other.


Alternatively tilting a bit to one side and then to the other does the trick quite often as well.


And don't forget to hold 1 (mind you not 2) and I think turbo as well, otherwise the truck won't do anything.

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I'm no air-spin expert but this is my method:

Look at the wiimote like it was set in that Wii-Wheel thing. Now turn slightly either to the left or right side and then quickly and sharply to the other.


Alternatively tilting a bit to one side and then to the other does the trick quite often as well.


And don't forget to hold 1 (mind you not 2) and I think turbo as well, otherwise the truck won't do anything.


LMBO. You have to hold a button? No wonder I havent been able to do it! Serves me right for not going back to this game sooner.



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i find this game to be tough as boots for a while, then you suddenly get a breakthrough. You repeat the same moves on the same courses and get the same 'B' score for ages, wondering how the hell can you squeeze more points out with fancy moves while still driving well enough to come 1st(for more points).


After many attempts it just seems possible to do the perfect race - you get a lot of points and get pipped on the line, then the next time you finish first by a mile with craploads of points in the bag.


Theres a real sense of frustration in excitetruck, but the good kind where you are annoyed at yourself rather than the game. Makes the inevitable victory all the sweeter.


I've not played it in a while, and need to get some more S ranks for some courses. With other games distracting me i just need to get my head down and just play the bastard till it gives in!

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I just played it again. I was playing on one of the China levels. Had tried to get an S-ranking on it for ages, when I finally on the last lap almost had enough points and was in first place. I jumped high and got five stars for it, got through four out of five ring and got a 720. Just enough points for an S-ranking. I had this huge smile around my face when I realized I would finally make it, then I landed on the ground only to see two cars on the other side of the finish line-_-


Got two other S-ranks on Super Excite though, happy with that.


GMC: Well put. I don't know how many times I have had enough points but couldn't get in first because I hit a tree. Getting all the points from tricks and getting first place isn't easy, but it's fun trying.

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I recently came back to this too...Initially to listen to music and just do the HUGE Canada level and the one where the canyon cracks...God I love those tracks :D


I still stand firm that Excite truck is a fantastic game which just keeps on reminding me of old school fun. Speaks volumes that we all clamour for a sequel! The controls are brilliant fun too and it just makes me think that Motorstorm played boring in comparison.

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