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Wii Region Free?

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• Will the Wii be region-free? Yes. Like the Nintendo DS, the Wii will be able to play games from other regions, such as Japan, without any restriction. Kaplan implied there might be a region lock that publishers would be able to flip on, but it doesn't sound like the first-party titles from Nintendo will be restricted.

Import am total, Nintendo wins.

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I've for this as well. Now we don't have to wait for extended amounts of time for EU releases. :bouncy:



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I want to hear more on this before I start dancing in the streets. If it's up to publisher discretion, it might just mean a similar situation to the Xbox/360 where some titles are region-free whilst the majority aren't.


The other big question is whether this decision is retroactive for 'Cube games. Can I import a US Wii and play my PAL GameCube games on it?


Still, great to know that we can play Nintendo published Wii games without faffing around with Freeloader.

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I want to hear more on this before I start dancing in the streets. If it's up to publisher discretion, it might just mean a similar situation to the Xbox/360 where some titles are region-free whilst the majority aren't.


The other big question is whether this decision is retroactive for 'Cube games. Can I import a US Wii and play my PAL GameCube games on it?


Still, great to know that we can play Nintendo published Wii games without faffing around with Freeloader.


However if Nintendo sets the example of not locking their games, I doubt other publishers would

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I want to hear more on this before I start dancing in the streets.

I've already started


YAY!!!! NINTENDO!!!!!!!

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However if Nintendo sets the example of not locking their games, I doubt other publishers would

Oh, things are looking hopeful, I just prefer not to get carried away. I just think it's a bit premature to be tattooing "Wiigion Free!" all over our bodies is all.


A possible silver lining to already gold-tinted news: if Nintendo aren't using region lockouts, that could potentially indicate that they'll be keeping worldwide pricepoints closer than normal. Maybe.

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Anyone going to preorder a Wii from America after knowing this?


:love: If its DEFO gonna be region free and 90% of games are then yes, yes i will.

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I'll still just get a European Wii, but if this is true, then that means I could finally import games from the States (through my dear best friend even, maybe). Hooray! =D


And if it's not true, then oh well. Maybe next time.

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Hmm...this would be most cool, but it's not official yet, is it?

Unless the Wii launches here after christmas, I'm not going to import one, namely because I can't be arsed, and it should be cheaper to wait...hopefully...

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Nice, and if Nintendo is doing it, many other publishers may be wary of including region-locks on their Wii games.

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Has there actually been an official word from Nintendo on this? I'm not gonna get my hopes up yet, until it's official.

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Good news if it is true. I'm going to wait for the European release date before I decide if I want to import or not. I would most likely import if we don't get Wii over here untill next year.

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If it region free then thats great, but it doesnt interest me in the slightest. Im perfectly happy with my Pal European Wii and it'll play US and Japanese games too, so thats a bonus i suppose! :)

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Excellent news (if official), although in reality they would have been a bit daft to go with region locking in this day and age.


That said , before I decide on whether to import or not , I will wait and see what tomorrows news brings. I would like to think this means that a launch date very , very close to those confirmed is a guarantee , after all NOE wouldn't want use all to start importing our machines , would they ?*


* although the way NOE works nothing is ever assured.

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IGN have reported on this now, glad to see Nintendo implement this. It'll be nice to import games without needing freeloader. They've really pulled out all the stops today.

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Good news if it is true. I'm going to wait for the European release date before I decide if I want to import or not. I would most likely import if we don't get Wii over here untill next year.


Same counts for me :) I really hope we do get the Wii before Xmas though. Didn't Reggie say just now they would ship 4 million Wii systems before december 24th worldwide? So that would mean we would get the Wii on time, wouldn't it? Or does he mean Japan and the US by "worldwide"? :P

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