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I always find it kinda silly when people start talking about all the wars have been started around religion ad hearing some people say that religion should be made illegal because of that.....

If that would happen then scientific study would have to be made illegal because there have been wars regarding things made out of scientific research


Also scientology? What the hell! They beleive some alien emperor named Xenu came to earth 7 millions of years ago and put millions of aliens here around volcanoes and dropped bombs on them to kill them and the spirits of those aliens are the cause of all lifes misery.


Also on a side note i´m an atheist (just to say before someone goes: you religous people blah blah blah! On me)

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I don' want to come across as any kind of racist arsehole, but Jehova's Witnesses are generally annoying and a tad thick.


Hey, my best friend is a Jehova's Witness and he's a really smart guy. Sure we don't agree on religious matters but so what?

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Im gonna leave the Theology debate out and focus on the real issues of today.


i personally think problems arise when religion and politics are mixed together. This has happened throughout history untill now. and example is where "al-quaeda" has recruited religion (islam) and Bush (christianity) to support their goals and the same was with the crusades ect... So its not religion thats causing the problem in everyday life but its manipuation for a cirtain cause.


I am a muslim and do believe in a Single god which is the same that jews and (some christians) do, and through logic and evidance, i have come to an agreemet with myself that there is a power out there which created this universe. but mix politics with it and we have a different mix, nothing to do with god, but a " you must yeild to my point of veiw".

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What is the point in fighting over a few 'minor' details?!



Well, taking Christianity and Islam as an example.


Christians state Christ is the son of God

Muslims state that God has no children


this could obviously cause a little bit of friction no?


the thing is, it depends on how important someone's religion is to them. if it is unimportant a minor detail (even perhaps a major detail) is unimportant,

if it is the most important thing to them then even the minor details will seem quite large.


I am a muslim and do believe in a Single god which is the same that jews and (some christians) do,


I thought all Christians believed in a single God?

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I thought all Christians believed in a single God?


well thats where we diagree. it is said that either god had a son or he came down in humen form as jesus. If jesus is the son of god then that would give rise to debating problems of the monothesim (only one god) argument. if god came down himself in human form that would give rise to totally different questions.


in the end all tend to believe in the lord/god/creater when is where we (monothiest) (sp?) converge.

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religion is the main source of conflict-for that reason alone i hate it.


its good in that its gives people who have faith something extra, some comfort, or some desire to do good.


ever since i was about 6 i have hated the church as an establishment, i remember writing when i was in year 6 about how the church 'brainwashes' people into 'mindless yes men' and stuff.


i was brought up a roman catholic and the church really gets to me, they're so arogant at times its stupid.


i believe if anything that god and the will to do good is inside everyone and for that reason alone the only point of the church is support of its parish-it shouldn't be shouting down fire and brimstone or deming people right or wrong.


religion is bad, belief is good.


religion to me means the establishment, the rigid structure, and the authority of the elite few over the followers of that religion. it really pisses me off at times.


the question i'm trying to find my own answer to is d i belive in god. i think because i was brought up as a catholic and went to a catholic school its ingrained in me (i also dont belive in forcing a particular religeon down a childs throat no matter what the parents believe).


its a hard question to try and find your own solution to-i've only been thinking about it for oooo 10 years.


to sum up-religion is bad, belief is good, the church or other institutions are bad, questiong and finding your own answer is the best way in my opinion-yes read all the holy scriptures theres some good advice in them, just dont be mindless and become part of a single conscious or get to a point where you believe something just because its writen in the bible or what not as it was written by men not by god and therefore is fallable especially as in the bibles case where it has been translated too many times and was written a hundred years or so after jesus' death.


thats what i'm thinking at the moment anyway.

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Hmm difficult subject for a lot of people. Personally I don't believe in any form 'God'. I do believe that there is an existance or presence of 'something' but I don't name it or obey it. So technically i'm an athiest, or am I? I believe strongly in Karma and Fate. I've seen enough strange stuff to suggest that such things exist and can't be passed off as luck or coincidence. Sometimes I feel we're all part of some sort of freakish Truman Show style life. I don't do the whole organised religion. I refuse to spend my one and only chance at life obeying something i've never seen proof of. Obviously this is a slightly agnostic view, i've no qualms about those who have had experiences and have decided to follow a faith. I do believe religion seems to make more problems than it solves, but people are entitled to their beliefs. Otherwise what would be the point in free will.

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well thats where we diagree. it is said that either god had a son or he came down in humen form as jesus. If jesus is the son of god then that would give rise to debating problems of the monothesim (only one god) argument. if god came down himself in human form that would give rise to totally different questions.


in the end all tend to believe in the lord/god/creater when is where we (monothiest) (sp?) converge.


Which is where the trinity explanation comes in. but thats too complex to even try to touch on in an internet forum.

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I believe that it honestly doesn't matter wether or not you believe in a higher power. I don't think there is a god or what-have-you, but I'm not entirely sure.


Anyway, it doesn't matter. It's all about the ideology in my opinion. Even the most insane cleric or idiotic evangelical has a genuine, tangible ideology at the heart of their insane, fractured rantings. Also, there are plenty of preachers who with very firm beliefs about their diety and related morals who can get through the day without trying to ban something or kill someone.


I honestly think religion gets a fair amount of bad press, pften because of a highly vocal, sometimes extremist minority across a range of faiths. Bush only speaks for that little small section of Christianity which he comes from, Bin Laden only speaks for that tiny section of Islam which he comes from, and so on. Each religion isn't the universal, unified society of opinionated clones some people seem to think it is. It's far to big for that. It's a world of constant theological debate and discussion. The main reason we have centres like mosques or churches is so we can meet to discuss our faith, beliefs, ideology and how these relate to our lives, with others as part of a community.


What I definitly don't believe in is the concept of heaven and hell. That suggests a definitive line between good and evil, but life just isn't that simple in my experience.

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religion is the main source of conflict-for that reason alone i hate it.



ever since i was about 6 i have hated the church as an establishment, i remember writing when i was in year 6 about how the church 'brainwashes' people into 'mindless yes men' and stuff.


"religion is the main source of conflict-for that reason alone i hate it."

thats not true. if you actually look for the truth of the matter you would see that.



"i remember writing when i was in year 6 about how the church 'brainwashes' people into 'mindless yes men' and stuff. "


There are hundreds (probably thousands) of secular stablishments doing just that across the world.

Its something humanity likes, conformity.

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I'm a Christian and I see my faith as an integral part of my life. I am actually going to be joining a Christian collage next month (though I think I may join the army afterwards; not for any religious reasons (if you could find any) I just think I may get a lot out of the experience).


I quite liked this statement I heard the over day on the radio "when one looks for Christ, he finds himself" and I have found that be true for me.


I don't agree with religion being the cause of all problems, people will use anything as an excuse.

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"religion is the main source of conflict-for that reason alone i hate it."

thats not true. if you actually look for the truth of the matter you would see that.



"i remember writing when i was in year 6 about how the church 'brainwashes' people into 'mindless yes men' and stuff. "


There are hundreds (probably thousands) of secular stablishments doing just that across the world.

Its something humanity likes, conformity.


religion doesnt mean war or fighting, its just it frequently results in it between the main 3 religions which are all stupidly similar-christianity, islam and judaism.


humanity does like conformity and likes to be told what to do, leadership and all that but theres no need for it today, especially from some 2000 year old establishment who's authority is questionable at best.




Hmm difficult subject for a lot of people. Personally I don't believe in any form 'God'. I do believe that there is an existance or presence of 'something' but I don't name it or obey it. So technically i'm an athiest, or am I? I believe strongly in Karma and Fate. I've seen enough strange stuff to suggest that such things exist and can't be passed off as luck or coincidence. Sometimes I feel we're all part of some sort of freakish Truman Show style life. I don't do the whole organised religion. I refuse to spend my one and only chance at life obeying something i've never seen proof of. Obviously this is a slightly agnostic view, i've no qualms about those who have had experiences and have decided to follow a faith. I do believe religion seems to make more problems than it solves, but people are entitled to their beliefs. Otherwise what would be the point in free will.


i really agree with most of what you said here-especially the whole fate and karma thing. i have had lots of those moments as well.

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religion doesnt mean war or fighting, its just it frequently results in it between the main 3 religions which are all stupidly similar-christianity, islam and judaism.


humanity does like conformity and likes to be told what to do, leadership and all that but theres no need for it today, especially from some 2000 year old establishment who's authority is questionable at best.




There is no need for what, conformity, leadership and "all that"???

and what is "all that" in reference to?


the next statement (starting from "especially") appeals to my sense of humour, but perhaps thats just me having an odd sense of humour.

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But then logic also raises the question: Why? Why do we exist if it's just going to end?


Why not?


It also pains me to see people saying religion is the root off all problems blah blah. I'm pretty much agnostic, but the ignorance of such a statement is bewildering. Religion has done many a good and lead to much progress in science and society. Just look at the arab empire between the 9th - 12th centuries.

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Well, taking Christianity and Islam as an example.


Christians state Christ is the son of God

Muslims state that God has no children


this could obviously cause a little bit of friction no?



Muslims believe that Jesus was a prophet, and not the Son of God. So, we do believe that he existed and was here. When you really think about it, there really isn't that much of a difference. Sure, it probably will cause some friction, but its a bit pointless to get wound up over something like this. I mean, we could then argue that prophets are no different to actually being 'children of God'.

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Muslims believe that Jesus was a prophet, and not the Son of God. So, we do believe that he existed and was here. When you really think about it, there really isn't that much of a difference. Sure, it probably will cause some friction, but its a bit pointless to get wound up over something like this. I mean, we could then argue that prophets are no different to actually being 'children of God'.


still most Muslims won't accept Jesus as the son of God, nor will most Christians accept him as a mere prophet.

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still most Muslims won't accept Jesus as the son of God, nor will most Christians accept him as a mere prophet.


That's true, but there's very little we can do about that. Both religions and their followers have their own beliefs, and i'm not asking for any of them to change that. Its more of a case of respecting each other's beliefs and all that. We both believe in the almighty, we both pray and we both live by a holy text, so are we really all that different?

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I believe Jesus did exist. But what I don't believe is all the miracles and what not that they said he had done. I am a little christian liek I believe in god and such but I'm not a strong believer in religion. I don't let it cause arguements with anyone, liek if anyone sais, "god doesan't exist blah blah Jesus is a knob!" I don't let it cause an arguement, its just there opinion.


Anyway on to the muslim thing, I know alot of muslims because alot go to my school. Alot of them are bastards and one in my class once said to me, " I will rip the skin off your face." For some odd reason. I think thats disgusting and I just wanted to punch him right in the face, but if I did I would have half his family at me. I'm not saying all muslims are horible and stuff because anyone can be horrible and be like that. I don't know if it's how they are brought up in the way of religion and stuff.


And some in my class was supporting Brasil all the way through the world cup and I was like grrr you live in this country fucking support it will you! Anyway what I'm trying to say is soem muslims are nice, some arn't. Like everyone else in the world. As much as I back up that fact I have heard people say it could be anyone doing the bombings, terroism and all that but till now it's been muslims. I'm sorry but who was it that drove the planes into the twin towers 5 years from this exact date? Muslims. Who was it who bombed london? Muslims. I could go on.


I am thinking I wil get flamed for this post but I see no reason why if you read all the way through. But if anyone can prove me wrong I will happily hear you out :)

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Im a Church of England Christian, well i was Christened as a baby but i have never followed religion closey. I believe in Science!!!


The only time i set foot in a church is at weddings and funerals.


I don't like it how religion can rule some peoples lives. I mean in this day and age of 2006 i think its about time people realise religion is not the be all and end all of life and stop living in the dark ages.


The world would be a better place without all this religious hoo har. Science is the way forward.

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I've sort of been raised as a Catholic (I think?), even though my family isn't very religious. It's just the way things went around here. You get baptised, you have your First Communion with school, you go to the church on Sunday because everyone in the family goes...

I've always been to a Catholic school, not because of that, but just because they just happened to be good schools. I've been raised (mostly in school, not at home) with the tales of Jesus and God. It's just that it never meant much to me. And at the age of ten, when my grandmother died, I started to realize I didn't believe in God.


For me, every religion is right. Not because they know that their god is the right one, but just because it gives a lot of people something to live for, something to help them in their lives. And who am I to tell them that they might be wrong? There might be some kind of god or power, there might be nothing at all. In all honesty, I don't care much about it myself. Like some people said, I'm not going to devote my life to some superbeing that I know nothing of and which might not even exist. But I won't stop other people from doing so. However, I seriously do not like people who try to push their beliefs on others or try to condemn the people who do not share the same beliefs (or have none). Extremism in any religion is just bad and quite despicable. And yes, I do agree that religion has been the cause of quite some conflicts and wars (not all of course), which just gives me even more reason not to believe. I am perfectly happy without having to pray and without having to confess my sins to someone. And yes, I still have moral values and the like. Those have nothing to do with religion, but with being a human being.


I just like to believe sometimes that God (and any other deity for that matter) is a creation by men to give them some sort of reason to live and die. People need some sort of constant in their life. Something that gives their life more value. It's just sad sometimes this leads to conflicts.

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Im a Church of England Christian, well i was Christened as a baby but i have never followed religion closey. I believe in Science!!!


The only time i set foot in a church is at weddings and funerals.


I don't like it how religion can rule some peoples lives. I mean in this day and age of 2006 i think its about time people realise religion is not the be all and end all of life and stop living in the dark ages.


The world would be a better place without all this religious hoo har. Science is the way forward.


You have just summed up my thoughts very well. I'm in a very similar situation in regards to churches, except I go to a school with a chapel, and I have to go once a week, and the forced religion really isn't helped by the fact the chaplin is Cpt Boring...


As far as I can tell, eventually, all religions will be proved wrong, and they will start to disolve at a greater rate than they are doing at the moment.

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