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What did the Gamecube do for you?

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It made me think "Why didn't I get a PS2"




(unless you mean for Pro Evo cos that ISS game was wick that came back at the Cubes beginning, and Id high hopes for that game because I still stand by it to this day that ISS 98 is the finest footballing game out there.)

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What the Cube done for me was confirm why Nintendo will always be the best in the business. I bought one on release day ( like I have done with most Nintendo consoles/Handhelds ) and I have never looked back since.


I have seen on here and on various other boards people complaining about the lack of games for the Cube but I never seen it as a problem. Sure the 3rd party support wasnt great at times but Nintendo showed that they can support a machine with their own titles and a few exlusives here and there.


I have around 85 games for the Cube and I would say about 10-15 of them are not bad while the rest are pure class. From the multiplayer mayhem that is Smash Bros to the atmospheric adventure that is Metroid the Cube held its own against the PS2 and most certainly the Xbox.


I would have to agree with F-L in saying that the Cube has been the best multiplayer experience I have had so far. I have played on my Xbox and my 360 online but nothing beats a good multiplayer session with your mates around your house. I have had many a laugh playing games like Smash Bros, Donkey Konga, PSO ( offline 4 player mode ) Mario Kart and Mario Party, the list can go alot further than that.


I suppose what the Cube did for me then was like I said at the beginning, prove to me why Nintendo belong in this business and secondly gave me many a good gaming memory whether it is a single player game of multiplayer madness.

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The Gamecube has shown me how dead Nintendo would of been without Rare in the '64 era. Really, the Cube has been great for me due to a few amazing games. There were not alot, but when quality came along it was damn fantastic. If the N64 hadn't had Rare's games the amount of quality games would have been so low imo.


It has also shown me that I am right in being a Nintendo fan. Although it only had a few quality games I am becoming more and more fussy and when I bought my PS2 I could barely find any games that were good enough for my fussiness. The Cube provided many more.

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It made me abandon PC gaming.


I remember when I first got my cube. I was lucky to get one and even more lucky to get a black machine. Together with a mate I unpacked it and started Rogue Leader - the graphics were and still are impressive. But then there was a long drought when I bought lazy ports and such: Crazy Taxi, Bond games but not Luigi's Mansion (and I'm cursing me for that now).

Then there came a time when I discovered RE and I got an actual fanboy. I started to buy more Nintendo products and suddenly I felt addicted to a game - a feeling I didn't have since the N64 era.

Much too late I finally discovered Zelda and from then on I longed for epic games.

I discovered awesome graphics and awesome gameplay etc. with RE4.

I discovered film-rivaling coolness with killer7.

I discovered entertaining and innovative egoshooters with Timesplitters and Geist.

And I discovered Metroid Prime. I think it's a genre of it's own.

I discovered Paper Mario 2 that made me addicted to RPGs and I discovered that fun that is coop with MK Double Dash and 007 Everything or Nothing.


From then on all games had to live up to this standard.

The cube may be a failure in the eyes of many but the last two years offered me so much fun I never got tempted to buy any other console.

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It got me into Resident Evil. I didn't like the controls on Code:Veronica on DC but I got Resi on GC and I liked it a lot. Later getting Zero, 2, 3, C:V and 4.


It also helped me pass the time when I got a 2-week suspension from school. I WAS FRAMED I TELLS YOU!


It also helped me pass the time when I wasn't going to school because I had a choice over whether to remain at the current school I was at or move to another school. Spent the whole of March & April playing on an import copy of Animal Crossing my brother had borrowed from a mate.

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"Why didn't I get a PS2"


Because your a Nintendo fanboy and you know it. Personally I dont see what is appealing about a PS2 other than the fact you dont get a lot of stick for having one. Ah well my enthusiam for gaming has suffered dearly now. If it carries on like this I may become a 'casual gamer'. :nono:


*shut up Demuwan*


Nintendo till I die!

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It got me into Resident Evil. I didn't like the controls on Code:Veronica on DC but I got Resi on GC and I liked it a lot. Later getting Zero, 2, 3, C:V and 4.


It also helped me pass the time when I got a 2-week suspension from school. I WAS FRAMED I TELLS YOU!


Fairly similar for me on both counts, except it was only 1 week for me, and I haven't played 0,3,or C:VX.


Why were you suspended/what were you framed for?

For me it was not applying to their illegal/sexist/christian/unbe-fucking-lievably stupid rule about the length of my hair (I wont say anymore, I won't stop if I start...

I wasn't exacly suspened, my parents just said "don't go in if they are going to suspend you" so I just did all the coursework I still need to do for the first day and a half, and unlocked/upgraded the handcannon for the rest of the week...


Back on topic, the 'cube was my 1st home console, which is nice.

and it taught me that anyone who buys just a PS2 and believes it is the most powerful console, and says that the cube has shite graphics/games, and that I'm an idiot for buying one, and that the controller has the sticks in crap places (to which I say, "hey, at least they actually work properly") is 10 IQ points short of a moron.

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Why were you suspended/what were you framed for?


Some girl clouted me on the back of the head with her bag and didn't apologise, I then chased after her, softly hit her on the head and said I wasn't going to apologise for that, then she went off and told the head of year. fucking bitch.

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For me the Gamecube gave me a complete Resident Evil collection aswell as the awesomeness of REmake which IMO is how the game was prolly envisioned at first but due to technology at the time it couldn't be done. Thanks god for the cube and we got RE as it was meant to be (shame 2,3,CV weren't remde, but hey you can't have it all)


Also it gave me Ocarina of Time:Master Quest, after beating OOT on my N64 about 8times it was great to get to play it and it feel almost new, and i beat it another 4 times then.


It also gave me great gaming and graphical experiences such as Viewtiful Joe and Killer 7 and Metriod Prime


Aswell as great multiplayer games like Super Smash Brothers Melee, Wave Race, 1080 Avalanche, Soul Calibur 2 (with Link).


And of course the orgasmic greatness that is Tales of Symphonia, a game that i just couldn't stop playing on my first time through that it prevented me from sleeping, playing it through from about 6pm (right after dinner) through to 9am the next morning, no sleep, no toilet break, no food and the only reason i stopped playing was cuz i finished the game... and have since played through it 5times

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It gave me Smash Brothers, I'd played the N64 version but it was Melee that really got me addicted. I don't think there is another game that I've played as much. Plus it introduced me to games I wouldn't have previously considered, like Baten Kaitos, Viewtiful Joe, Pikmin and Metroid Prime. And of course, like so many others I'm going to say Resident Evil 4. Such a fantastic game in every way.

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For me the GC was generally one massive multiplayer extarvaganza after another. Mario Kart, Timesplitters, F-Zero, Wario Ware, Soul Calibur 2, Burnout, Super Monkey Ball, Desert Strike, Wave Race Blue Storm... but mostly Super Smash Bros. Mellee. Me and my mates played Smash Bros pretty much non-stop for more then two years, at every available oppertunity. That game kept us all alive during school. We braked for a few weeks to indulge in Halo 2. Then straight back to Smash Bros. We still play it together today.


Certainly wasn't short on single player experiences either. Metroid, Wind Waker, Mario Sushine, Resi 4, Hitman 2, Skies of Arcadia, Viewtiful Joe, Rouge Leader, Pikmin and many of the above games in 1 player mode. My heart and soul still lies in the 2-minute melee mode though - it always will be.

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GCN was a failure, now we must rely on...weewee


It brought me to this board where I met this preeeety cool guy. We are now shacked up and moving to Canada to get married. He wears the shoes I wear the trousers.





Games wise. It showed me the wonder of Wind Waker and Res 4. Two games that me and my friends had literally wonderful times with I can't tell you how fun these two singleplayer games were when I played with my friends. Mario Kart DD caused my best friend at uni to shout at me and some guys who were playing it the legendary "ITS TWO ACLOCK IN THE FUCKING MORNING CAN YOU MAKE THIS YOUR LAST GAME!" as we were laughing and shouting etc. Good times :santa: Later in the year he became one of the cult mario kart members! That is the power of the gamecube!

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I'm to lazy to make a great speech for each game, so I'll just write all the games I played and enjoyed (and maybe add a little comment after the title). I have to add that I missed RareWare this generation. But at least we got Free Radical to fill some of the empty holes.

killer7 - Best Gamecube game imo.

Resident Evil 0, 1 and 4 - My first resi game was on the cube and it got me hooked.

Time Splitters 2 & 3

Phantasy Star Online - Great online MMORPG (wich I still play btw.)

Donkey Konga

Animal Crossing

Mario Sunshine

Sonic Adventure 2 Battle

Auto Modellista

Zelda Four Swords

Crazy Taxi


Can't think of much more right now. Maybe I'll add some more games later :)

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It gave me Resi 4, my FAVOURITE single player game ever, seeing as it had HOURS of replay value (almost got the handcannon :P). It gave me Zelda:WW and Animal Crossing, both games I was in love with at the time.

The down side to the Cube was that I realised something...no matter how hard I tried, I sucked at Melee compared to the Pros *cries*.


Also, it gave me FF:CC and Zelda: Four Swords, which gives me ALOT of hope for the Wii and DS connectivity.

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Well it gave me Resident Evil 4 (as everyone seems to say) the best single player game on any format, along with Paper Mario 2, which is a great exp to play. It also gave me the chance to re-play Ocarina of Time, which was as good as ever the 4th time round. Sadly, the multi-player on the Cube wasnt up to the same level as that on the N64. We have only really played Nightfire, Mario Kart and Mario Football the most in multiplayer modes. The biggest disappointment from the Cube was having the worst ever Mario Kart!

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