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The Best Gaming Music Ever.

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I'm quite surprised barely anyone has mentioned Donkey Kong Country 1& 2.


The DKC series (excluding 3) has some of the best music of any games ever released.


Particularly, from DK1 I like the Aquatic theme and the Factory themes and from DK2 I like Stickerbrush Symphony (one of my favorites) from the Bramble Blast (thorn) level and Mining Melancholy from those mining levels.


The original Rayman game also has excellent music, in particular I like the Mr Sax's boss music, and the music featured in the stone world...


My favorite musical piece from OOT funny enough is The Song of Storms played in the Windmill in the village before death mountain.

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Prepare to meet your doom!


I Don't think so..


I relistened to the Chrono Trigger album again and I have to say that I'm still unimpressed overall. I like the fact that there is such a wealth of music for one game (29 released tracks!) However the track entitled:


Reckless Robo Gang Johnny,

reminds me of some wannabe Eurotrash progam on Bravo.


Robos Theme

Not bad.


Undersea Palace

Best on the album!


If you want to find some real classic gems reworked and slightly modernised then I suggest people check out:




Their Sonic, Streets of Rage and Castlevania work is absolutely exceptional!


My Fav tracks of theirs are:



Castlevania 2: Bloody Tears Inspired OC Remix

Castlevania 2: Simon's Town OC Remix

Castlevania 4: CastleTrance OC Remix

Castlevania 4: HouseParty OC Remix

Castlevania 4: Castlemania OC Remix

Castlevania Midnight Slayer (Solomn Mix) OC Remix

Castlevania Wicked Orchestra OC Remix

Castlevania WickedChild OC Remix

Castlevania: Cirlce of the Moon Rude Awakening OC Remix



Emerald Nights

Chemical Reaction

Aquatic Project

Oil Spill

High Above The Sky

Robotnik's Theme

Travelling Through A Dream

Party in the Emerald Hills

Sonik Caves

Bring in the Machine

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 BluestSky OC Remix

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Dream Pipe OC Remix

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Next My Generation OC Remix

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Robotnik's Trippin on Ecstacy OC Remix

Sonic the Hedgehog Cryptic Marble OC Remix

Sonic the Hedgehog Green Hill Zone (Euro Club '95 Mix) OC Remix

Sonic the Hedgehog Love Hurts OC Remix

Sonic the Hedgehog sonik special OC Remix


And a Very Special Final Fantasy/Sonic Mix Track


Hidden Palace Future


Streets of Rage

Streets of Rage (The Last Dragon) OC Remix

Streets of Rage Trippin' on the Bridge OC Remix

Streets of Rage 2 BadassPosse OC Remix

Streets of Rage 2 EndingTheme (Reflecting Theme) OC Remix

Streets of Rage 2 Go Back OC Remix

Streets of Rage 2 SID of Rage OC Remix


Its a must for any real videogame music lover!

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If you want to find some real classic gems reworked and slightly modernised then I suggest people check out:





That site is awesome. It's not just those games. Megaman, Final Fantasy, Zelda and Chrono Trigger all got their fair share of love (As well as many others).

The Sonic remixes are definately the best, though.



Now, for some games/series with good soundtracks:


Personal Favorites


-Donkey Kong Country series: At least the first two had excellent music. Specially the second one.


-Mega Drive Sonic series: The game with the best soundtrack is Sonic 2, but the all the games reek of quality music. I don't think there's a single music I dislike from these games.


-Classic Megaman 1-3: My favorite being, again, the second game of the series. The quality started to to deteriorate after the third one, but those first three games had good music.

Special mention: Megaman: Dr. Wily's Revenge for the Gameboy went unnoticed, but it's really well done and polished (albeit short). It (lightly) remixes the music from the Megaman 1, with better results.

Having played this version in my childhood, the music in the NES version now hurts my ears.


-Zelda OoT: Great, memorable music all around. From the ocarina melodies to the towns' music to the dungeons' creepyness. Favorite track is the Gerudo Valley.


-Zelda WW: This game has awesome, memorable music. Not only that, but the music changes according to your current situation. This happens pretty much everywhere in the game, so it really helps the atmosphere and immersion.


-Pokemon Red/Blue: This soundtrack is underrated, probably because of the Gameboy's poor sound capabilities. I'm amazed these musics don't get remixed more often. Gold/Silver had a nice soundtrack, too, although R/B is just plain better.


-Fire Emblem 6: Maybe it's because not many people played this game, but I feel this soundtrack is very underrated. I love those tracks. Specially Shaman in the Dark.


-Golden Sun 1 & 2: An excellent soundtrack all-around. The RPG series with the third best music ever.


-Final Fantasy IX: This is my favourite Final Fantasy for several reasons and music is one of them. This is probably the RPG with the second best music ever, second only to...


-Skies of Arcadia: The RPG with the best music ever. Not much else to say.


-Super Smash Bros. Melee: Because it's basically a museum with great music from several great games


Honorable mentions


-Tales series: It's hit or miss with this series, but when it hits, it nails the target.


-Fire Emblem series (except 6): It's not excellent, but has several good moments.


-Castlevania: Some games have excellent music, others don't. But the whole series deserves respect in this aspect.


-Chrono Trigger: There's nothing wrong with it, but I like Golden Sun, FF9 and Skies more.


-Baten Kaitos: See 'Chrono Trigger'.


-Megaman X: I don't really like the music of the whole series, but the first one had a few great tracks.


-Mario & Luigi RPG series: Great style and memorable tunes. Probably the Mario games with my favorite soundtrack


-F-Zero series: I love those songs and I don't even know most of the tracks from F-Zero X.


-Metroid series: Most of the tracks aren't memorable tunes, but great atmospheric sound. It's the kind of music that makes up for most of a game's atmosphere. I wouldn't be half as desperate in the Phazon Mines if it weren't for the background music.




Damn, that's a long list. Hopefully I didn't forget anything.

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Absolute Classic games - Although I own these carts any way I do hope they both feature on the VC real soon - that way everone can appreciate how great these are.


I also hope for the games below to feature soon:

  • Road Rash Trilogy
  • Flashback and Another World
  • Ranger X


That would be class!


In the meantime I've included some shots of these two mighty games to let everyone in on these gems - that apparantly only we know about









Played that Thunder Force (remember it being fun and tough) Game about 3 years ago on a Megadrive my mate got 2nd hand, I had Robocop VS Teminator for my master System when I was a kid :))


So much great game music being mentioned (Street Fighter 2, Tetris, Mario 64, FF7 SC2 etc) but no one has mentioned Parodious yet.


Here is a video from youtube with the arcade version, to show the greatness of the music : peace:



The main music for level 2 is even better! ..the guy who posted this vid can really play this game as well.


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  • 3 months later...

Brawl is speeding it's way into my number three spot behind DKC2 and DKC1.


I also have a soft spot for Cool Spot's surf pop audio.

And Beyond Good and Evil has some gorgeous piano pieces.



The DKC series' music is untouchable though. Utterly sublime.

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  • 2 months later...
Lol, nice one. Stickerbrush Symphony! It's just a myth that its a hard level, if you don't let it get to you its a pretty easy level... its usually the fact that you think its deadly and you're gonna fail thats your ultimate brambally demise.


Wholly agree. I STILL listen to that tune frequently. It was good to hear it with a crunching beat :p (after it was murdered in SSBB.)



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I play icecap sonic 3 on the keyboard all of the time. I'll get it recorded and on here at some point. I play the following chords for it:


E Minor

D Major

C Major

B Flat


Sommat like that... :) It's a great piece of music though!!


The mario tunes are all pretty simple and easy to sing to.

I like to play the ending from Yoshis Island (Snes) and Mario Bros NES water theme.

The ending from Mario64 is pretty simple too..It's all in Cmajor.


I'd like to hear anything of anyone's :)

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thanks for the suggestions tapedeck:). Ya i love icecap zone.. I was going to link you to my favourite midi version but vgmusic seems to be down.


I'm massive into videogame music though i replay most of my games JUST for the music.. Games like chrono trigger keep me playing for the music even if its not THAT impressive to listen to on a standalone cd in-game really get's you into the mood.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Heres a few I have been listening to recently.


To Zanarkand

A fantastic tune which had me in tears at the end of FFX



The Skies Above

Heres the Black Mages remix of the previous tune, gets me very hyper :)



Metal Gear Saga

An epic as hell tune which kicks in at just the right moment on MGS4.



Aerith Theme

A nice remixed version of FFVIIs Aerith theme. This version appears in the PSP game FFVII: Crisis Core.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

After sitting watching some Megaman 9 footage from E3 I started listening to some of my favourite Megaman X tunes and here are a couple.


Megaman X3 Intro



I remember when I first bought this on the Sega Saturn, I must have watched the intro at least 3 or 4 times before I started the game as I loved the song so much. I think we got a better song than what the Japanese gamers did.


Megaman X Zero Theme



When playing Megaman X on the SNES as a kid I always loved it when Zero came in to save the day. It wasnt just because I thought he was cool and hard as nails ( Im not keen on the character now ) but because this B.A. tune would always kick in when he arrived.

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Obviously, the works of Nobuo Ouematsu in the Final Fantasies are amazing, (My personal favs being VII then IX) but I also love the tunes from Radiata Stories, most notably the cheery sounding battle music, and the various town tunes. Amazing!


Tales of Symphonia also had alot of amazing tracks, my favourites being the various themes of the Characters, (although I dislike her, Raine's theme is one of my favourites, the other being Zelos' theme :heh: ) and the Overworld theme's are awesome too! Motoi also did the Eternal Sonata tunes if I remember correctly, and I love the tunes 'Breeze the Conductor' and 'An Appealance'. I'm sure there's more, but they're the most memorable :heh: .


I must admit although the gameplay of FF:CC on the GC left much to be desired, I loved the music in it! I loved all the town music, and some of the field music was quite good too. Also, include FFT:A + FFT:A2 in here, the battle music and the menu music was awesome!


Loco Roco's music was also very cute, especially 'Bu Bu Poroche', (the theme of the Yellow Loco Rocos) and the main theme, (my favourite being sung by the Black Loco Rocos).


I loved some of the music in Dark Chronicle, probably most the 'Rainbow Butterfly Woods' and I loved the shop/menu music too. :D


Phoenix Wright, (the first one), had an AMAZING soundtrack! Well, I liked it :heh:

I loved how when everything was getting heated up, the music really made you feel it by getting all fast and such :D.


Game music rocks, :heh: !

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'd have to say the theme music for Halo 3 is awesome!! - but quite sadly I do like the Yoshi's Island music too, but I think that's just because the sound effects are sooo cute:yay: and of course Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic the Hedgehog 2 are stuck in my mind 'cos of playin it sooo much when I was little!

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  • 1 month later...

I've been taking in the Jet Force Gemini soundtrack over the last few days and apart from making me clamour for the good old Rare games of old, I have to say JFG features one of THE most unique soundtracks I've ever heard.


It must be something to do with the 'natural' soundtrack mixed with the foreboding impactful space elements that makes it sound so powerful yet so natural at the same time which does it for me.


A brilliantly (underplayed by many) title which has some of the best music in a videogame.


My favourite:


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