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Coke Zero


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Aspartame has been accused of just about everything possible, but all of these accusations have been proved false.

My mate told me that the 'aspartame causes cancer' thing came from experiments where they injected rats with like, 100% proof aspartame, which coke and that certainly is not. Right?

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My mate told me that the 'aspartame causes cancer' thing came from experiments where they injected rats with like, 100% proof aspartame, which coke and that certainly is not. Right?

Yeah. There was a big article about it in New Scientist a few weeks back, saying how, as yet, it has no proven negative effects. So even the rats one was wrong.

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Today I went into town and they were giving out free mini Coke Zero cans. I wanted to not like it (previously hadnt had any before) but I did, despite thinking it would be rubbish. Im not sure if I was blindfolded I could tell the normal and zero apart.

I'll stick with normal though.


Plus to who-ever said water and juices are the way to go; i agree with you. Ill only drink fizzy stuff in pubs (as a treat) or if its free!

There is the odd exception though. Im in no way an addict.

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My mate told me that the 'aspartame causes cancer' thing came from experiments where they injected rats with like, 100% proof aspartame, which coke and that certainly is not. Right?


It probably does. Everything causes cancer these days

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After 4 pages of heated discussion, I'm sure we can all agree that original Coca-Cola wins, but Zero is a close enough approximation, and the fact that this has been achieved without the use of sugar makes it worthy of some recognition :)


But I still prefer alcoholic drinks.

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After 4 pages of heated discussion, I'm sure we can all agree that original Coca-Cola wins, but Zero is a close enough approximation, and the fact that this has been achieved without the use of sugar makes it worthy of some recognition :)


Recognise this!


*Punches Coke Zero in the gut*



Yeah!, And stay out!

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