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Favorite SNES game

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My favorite SNES game? I can't possibly choose one, but here's some that would definatly go on my list:


Street Fighter 2 - Revolutinized the genre, and is a great game on its own.

Secret of Mana - Had soo much fun playing this co-op with my friends.

Super Mario World - A great 2D platformer with loads of content and a nice mix of easy and rather hard levels.

Legend of Zelda: A link to the past - Played it soo many times, one of the best 2D Zeldas.

Super Metroid - A great platformer/adventure came with such a draw-you-into-the-game mood.

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I really liked Super Mario World, even though I'm not a Mario fan. Also would like to mention Mario Paint, for keeping me occupied for hours and hours. Too bad I seem to have lost the game (actually, lost all my SNES games except Aladdin...).

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eenuh, did you have the mouse?


mario paint is nothigng without the mouse.



Yeah, we had the mouse (seem to have lost that too though...). Loved that game. Drawing stuff, making weird music pieces... but most of all, I loved the fly swatting game. That was awesome.


And yes, Earthbound is cool, though I haven't gotten to finish it yet (got to play it a bit at my ex's house, over in the States). Hope to get it on the Wii.

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super probotector!!!!!!! if i could find that game id be playing it right now!!! im hoping it will be on the virtual console!


it was the first game i played which had a good co op mode and it made me very happy!!!


failing that id say LTTP or chronotrigger.

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Zelda: LTTP. This game was the first Zelda game I played. I didnt stop playing it until I had finished it and the ending sequence is still one of the best ever made.


Mario World would be a close second. It is my favourite Mario game and I think this was the first game which I 100%. Now back then that was quite an achievement as you didnt have the likes of Gamefaqs to help you find the secret exits.

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Zelda: LTTP. This game was the first Zelda game I played. I didnt stop playing it until I had finished it and the ending sequence is still one of the best ever made.

that is 100% true... in fact, I think I'm gonna go start again! See you guys later.



P.S. LTTP=best game EVER!

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I originally got a SNES back in the days mainly to play Street Fighter II.


Later on Super Mario World became my favorite. Zelda III (as it was first called) came second and Chrono Trigger would be third.


I originally got a SNES back in the days mainly to play Street Fighter II.


Later on Super Mario World became my favorite. Zelda III (as it was first called) came second and Chrono Trigger would be third.


Between games I would play Mario Paint's bash the fly mini-game.


I originally got a SNES back in the days mainly to play Street Fighter II.


Later on Super Mario World became my favorite. Zelda III (as it was first called) came second and Chrono Trigger would be third.


Between games I would play Mario Paint's bash the fly mini-game.


I originally got a SNES back in the days mainly to play Street Fighter II.


Later on Super Mario World became my favorite. Zelda III (as it was first called) came second and Chrono Trigger would be third.


Between games I would play Mario Paint's bash the fly mini-game.

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