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Raping children and killing animals


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Well. That's just super.


What bothers me the most is you know there'll be people who'll watch/buy/download this movie just for the first one.


*sigh* What is this world coming to when we need to go this far for uniqueness or entertainment :nono:

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that's....very wrong. Like you say it's not hard to suggest rather than be explicit. look at The Woodsman for proof. that film marked the line at suggestion and it's both excellent and blood curdling at the same time. This smells like reactionary bullshit to me.

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Fun for all the family!


lol :grin: classic.


Sierously though as previously said it would be better and simpler to have door closing with adult walking in. Imagination does the rest. Seems very unesscary but maybe it will work out. I know for sure though I would feel uncomftable going to a cinema and watching it. Theres advances that should be done pushing the boundries etc but this may just be the eqvilent of an ultra gory movie but much more taboo. Be intrested to see how this works out.

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I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest The Daily Mail is sensationalising things a little and making much more of certain elements said to appear in the film, and that in reality it'll be nothing like they're making out (and hoping).

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This is just sick and wrong. I personally dont think that there should be any form of rape scenes in any film. I go to the cinema to be entertained and if watching someone get raped, child or otherwise, is some peoples idea of entertainment they are just wrong in the head.

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Thought I was in the Wii section when I first read the topic and was wondering if they'd come up with some innovative new uses for the Wiimote.


True about killing animals being taboo in Holywood, was in Pearl Harbour where that ship got blown up, loads of people died, but they made a point of showing that the dog got out OK.

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Cannibal Holocaust has real footage of animals being killed. It was made in the 70s and the director had to go to court to prove that the actors werent actually murdered. It probably wont be that explicit, they just want notoriety (sp?) before the film comes outso people will see what all the fuss is about.

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Hay guys I’m back for a short time.

I don't like the idea of people making a movie like this. Instead of using a real kid for a rape scene they should use CGI.


MoogleViper, I don't need some dumb ass movie to spell out things to me.


That reminds me, ever seen irreversible?


Well his Blood and Cum covered penis was CGed

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