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On Wednesday I offered to make my girlfriend lunch - being the nice fellow I am. However, I now realise, I can't cook for crap. Doing tost in my grill is something I see as a pretty good accomplishment. Which is why I come to you guys for some help, can you think of a meal I can cook for my vegie girlfriend that's not too boring and not too much?






I'm great chef, last time I really cooked I almost burned the kitchen, with the french fries oil.


Sorry I can't help, just felt like sharing.


Try a pasta. Just boil some water in a pan, add pasta for ten minutes.


For a sauce, just add stuff like pepper, tomatoes, etc. Or a veggie spaghetti.


I would suggest rainbow salad. You basically get some salad and put various food colourings on it. Then put the salad in seperate bowls, or all the food colouring will MINGLE, and turn brown - unless you have actually used brown food colouring.


It is vegetarian and easy.


As taken from the meaningless post thread. It's a bit sketchy on details (such as measurements) but generally it turns out alright.


For ingredients you will need:

2 Aubergines

A load of mushrooms

A few eggs

A bit of flour

Some tomato's

An onion (bleugh)

A bit of garlic

Some tomato puree

Some tinned tomato

Some milk

Some butter

Some cheese

Some oil for frying

Some fresh basil


Take the aubergines and cut into cubes, rinse them and pat dry. Then cut up the mushrooms as well. Whisk the egg and dip the aubergine and mushroom in it, then coat them in flour. Fry them all up together until slightly brown. Next chop up the garlic and onion. Put the tomato in a pot of boiling water for a minute or two and peel the skin off and chop into small pieces. Then fry the onion garlic and tomato together for a few minutes before adding the basil. Put this contents in a pot on a low heat and add some puree and tined tomato to make a sauce by chopping and stirring it all up in the pan, plus a bit of salt and pepper. Now for another sauce, add a large amount of butter in a pot on a low heat, when it starts to melt add some flour to make big lump, slowly add milk and stir constently to get out lumps and add cheese with the heat off to make a smooth cheese sauce. Now get a baking tray and add about half of the aubergine and mushroom so it covers the bottom, followed by about half the tomato sauce, then the cheese sauce, then add a layer of the remaining auberine and tomato, the rest of the tomato sauce and finally add a layer of grated cheese to the top with a bit of basil. Put all this in the oven to cook for about 20 minutes (until the cheese has melted and golden), remove and eat. It's like a veggie lasagne and right tasty.


(If your feeling a bit lazy don't bother with the tomato sauce, just buy a jar of bolognese sauce from a supermarket)


Heres a great recipe i invented, i call it cheese on toast


A slice of bread

Some cheese


First, you toast the slice of bread, and then when its done, you place a single slice of cheese on top. wait 1 min for it to melt, and hey presto.


I can make a nice omelette.


That's about it, unfortunately. Although I'm hoping to learn how to cook a variety of meals before I go to uni.


I am a meat man, every meal i have must involve some form of slaughtered animal. Just so i can chew on the delight of their bicep, theigh or breast.


Have you tried a stir fry? you should try buying a ready to fry stir fry, and just follow the simple instructions.


PASSED MY Int. 2 home ect. :D i can cook real good, but my gf. is vegi. to and its horrible making that stuff so if she wasnt vegi i could have helped sry. :(

  Herr Dark Wolf said:
Spanish Tortilla would be pretty ncie and simple. No meat either.

Now that is a strange coincidence... I just made one today and was about to suggest it.


Basically slice about 750g of potatoes (thin slices, or they won't get soft enough) and one onion, and fry them in a smallish frying pan in just under 150ml of olive oil for 15 minutes, while stirring constantly (if you think you have too many potatoes, you might want to remove some; it's what I did). Then beat five eggs and stir in the potato/onion mixture. Add plenty of salt and pepper, then leave for 15 minutes while you clean out the pan. Then add two tablespoons of olive oil to the pan, and pour in the tortilla mixture. Let this cook for 10 minutes on a low heat, then slide it off carefully onto a plate (If it sticks, try your best to loosen it: a non-stick pan might help) Put the frying pan upside down over the plate and turn everything upside down, so that the uncooked side of the tortilla is facing the pan. Cook this on the same heat for about 5 minutes. Your tortilla is now done! (took me about an hour) You can leave it to cool or eat it warm; personally I think it would be nicer warm. All the potato makes it very filling.


Edit: The recipe looks far more complicated than it actually is; I was fine, and I have very little cooking experience.


I can cook... But I hate it. Because when I'm doing something I need to do it right. And for cooking to be right I need all sorts of stuff (spices, vegetables, etc). But when I start needing some of "the stuff" I realise I don't have any. So I have to compromise it and try to make something else out of it. And usually it turns out edible but not good.


And maybe you could try to wok some vegetables for her?


Spaghetti Bolognese is pretty easy. Pour some mince into a saucepan and some bolognese sauce, mix it all in and leave to simmer for about 15 minutes. Boil some water, put the spaghetti in and cook for about ten minutes.


Obviously you can add some onions, peppers and fancy things if you want. And sprinkling the final product with cheese seems popular.


(Obviously the mince should be veggie, Quorn do good veggie mince)

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