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Game disc errors / disc damaged e.t.c.

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Has anyone encountered or know of error screens appearing when playing your Nintendo GameCube, that tell you that the disc is "damaged", and also suggests you to wipe it with a cloth? Has anyone?


I'm just trying to figure out something.

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I'm not facing any major problems. Just someone on another forum, has posted a thread about the GameCube, and calling it "crap", because they experienced disc errors. They said that they got error screens saying that the disc was "damaged", and to wipe the disc with a "cloth".


It seems pretty suspicious. 'Cause i've never heard of any such error screens appearing on the GameCube.


The only problem I have with my GameCube, is that it freezes up. But it's not a real problem. Only happens like once in a blue-moon, Lol.

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This is the guys post:


If I offend anybody who likes the Nintendo Gamecube, I'm sorry.


I remember when I bought a Nintendo Gamecube back in 2003. I just loved it! I had three or four games and I would play for hours. Then, one day, this stupid window came up saying that the disc was damaged and that I should wipe it with a cloth. After I took the disc out and wiped it accordingly, I put it back in and started playing with no problem. But, after only one week, it came back up. This would continue for a few months before I finally had enough and threw out the Gamecube. Let's just thank God for Microsoft and X-Box.


Did anybody else have problems like this with their Gamecube?

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The only problems I have had with my Gamecube is that it has frozen a few times (and only a few times, it's not a major problem), and about twice it has came up on screen telling me there is a problem and I should consult the Consumer Informations and Precautions Booklet. It worked after restarting on both ocassions though.

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Once I have had a problem with an error message with Smash Bros.


And then once more with Crystal Chronicles, we had just collected the third drop, gone through all the crap, new miasma streams were shown, then, click, click, click, click...


"Please restart the Nintendo GameCube and ensure the disc is correctly inserted".

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I'm not facing any major problems. Just someone on another forum, has posted a thread about the GameCube, and calling it "crap", because they experienced disc errors. They said that they got error screens saying that the disc was "damaged", and to wipe the disc with a "cloth".


It seems pretty suspicious. 'Cause i've never heard of any such error screens appearing on the GameCube.


The only problem I have with my GameCube, is that it freezes up. But it's not a real problem. Only happens like once in a blue-moon, Lol.

wipr it with a cloth?thats complete Bs what it would say is refer to the nintendo instructions for help or something but not wipe it with a cloth!


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have had freezes.


and im sure that ive had a disc error on eternal darkness....


Yeah, I remember getting my only blue screen o death on my GameCube while playing Eternal Darkness, too. Must be something up with that game.


As for being told to wipe the little discs with a cloth, not once have I been told that by the GameCube, nor in the instruction books for that matter. The guy must be a loon, and is trying to hurt the Cubes fair image.

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Sometimes Freeloader fucks up a game's sound or screen positioning, but I've rarely had disc-read errors on my GameCube. A couple of freezes now and again, but nothing exceptionally noteworthy.


I've had more freezes on my Xbox 360 than my GameCube, and I've had my GameCube about 10 times as long as my 360.

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when i rented smash bros melee from blockbuster (soon after i got my cube) the disc was all scratched up so as soon as it got past the cube logo screen i got an error message saying the disc could not be read (i now own smash bros melee and i'm going to get brawl as soon as it comes out).

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Only recently I got a first Disc Read Error....it happened when I was playing mulitplayer Smash Bros and then suddenly the screen went black and said that the disc couldn't be read....But I think its because I've had my copy of SSBM since it first launched so its pretty scratched up.


Other than that, no, I haven't had many DRE's.

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I've gotten DREs a few times. Nothing a wipe with my shirt couldn't fix. I'm sure all of them are from me leaving them out to gather dust for too long while I played something else, or dropping them on the floor a few times. =P


It never once told me to wipe it with a cloth.

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I had one disc error, one freeze and two memory card error (telling me to format but I hadn't done anything to that appear)


However, a friend of mine had a great problem that made the GC not recognise the discs, but we complained and they fixed it.


Now that error simply doesn't exist...

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Guest Stefkov

ony ever had one eror on metroid, one day playing it getting really far not save it in ages, says dissc read error, so i had to do all that stuff i didnt sve from, and it was a lot.

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