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Definitive Wii speculation/rumour thread


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If that Wii + Sports + 2 Motes rumour is true, it would be a good excuse to beef up the price beyond 200 euros - presumably 220 euros/150 pounds. That would make perfect sense as it's a good deal.


£150 for Wii+Wii Sports + 2 Controllers inc nunchucks?

Consider it sold.:laughing:

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I can see the sense in not including a classic controller, not everyone has Wi-Fi and can't use the Virtual Console.


Over 2 million people have connected to Nintendo WFC on the DS, it would make sense to include the classic controller with the Wii.


OK, so if this is what NOA will announce for launch what will be left for NOE to announce on the 15th?


If they announce the same bundle, the price will definitely be different. Over €220 imo.


They can annouce the European pricing and release dates.



I hope Nintendo release one without 2 Wiimotes/nunchuks, I don't want 2 controllers right at the start and it would only bump the price up.

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2 Wii-motes and 2 -nun chucks DEFINATELY!


If you only want one, i bet you'll want two after playing it!


I think this is a great idea, if it has 2 Wii-Motes and nun-chucks, wii-sports, one SD card, console all for £169.99 or something, that would be superb! :D

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2 Wii-motes and 2 -nun chucks DEFINATELY!


If you only want one, i bet you'll want two after playing it!


I think this is a great idea, if it has 2 Wii-Motes and nun-chucks, wii-sports, one SD card, console all for £169.99 or something, that would be superb! :D


I wouldnt mind paying £160-£190 for that bundle.

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Check again. ;)


You're a good man. ;)



Over 2 million people have connected to Nintendo WFC on the DS, it would make sense to include the classic controller with the Wii.



Don't forget that a lot of those were hotspots, people can't carry their Wii to McDonald's or wherever they are to connect to Wi-Fi.

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We have word from a trustworthy source that at least 26 classic titles are headed to Virtual Console for launch. Take note that this is not a final set; more could easily be added at any time, per the publisher's decision and formal announcements.


Below is the most recent list that our source has laid eyes on, listed in alphabetical order:

1. Bonk's Adventure

2. Castlevania

3. Duck Hunt

4. Excitebike

5. F-Zero

6. Kid Icarus

7. Legend of Zelda, The

8. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

9. Mario Kart 64

10. Metroid

11. Mortal Kombat

12. New Adventure Island

13. Ninja Gaiden

14. OutRun

15. Pac-Man

16. Prince of Persia

17. Punch-Out!!

18. R-Type

19. Rayman 2

20. Sonic the Hedgehog

21. Star Fox

22. Super Mario 64

23. Super Mario Bros

24. Super Mario Kart

25. Super Mario World

26. Tecmo Bowl


Additionally, there are at least five brand new, never seen titles in the works for launch on VC as well. Our source was not able to comment of specifics of these games, only that they are currently being developed.




Never heard of that site before, so its probably fake.

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How "freehand" do people think the control is going to be, as opposed to gestures? I mean, take Wii Sports - is the racket position a direct reflection of the position of your controller, it swings through the air, makes contact with the ball and the game's physics calculate what happens to the ball, or if you you an overhand "gesture" does it activate a set swing (overhead smash), then read how fast you move to decide if the power is 1, 2 or 3? Is it truely freeform or are we basically just flapping our arms about to achieve the "Overhead Smash 2" command that we could just as easily do with a button? I heard someone mention that the controller was only used on Wii golf to swing - can you not tilt the controller to add slice or hook? If not, are we not just using traditional controls for the bulk of the game and then just an alternative method for setting the power bar? Do you think, as people get to grips with the controller more, we'll see more freedom and less "gestures"?


I'm really excited about stuff like Wii Sports, I'm just concerned how much of the freedom we're given by the Wiimote will be an illusion, something that could dawn on players once the initial novelty wears off.

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An interesting point Bluestar...


I think games like wii sports will have quite freehand controls...however i havent played it so i wouldnt know, but i remember nintendo mentioning when they released the first glimpse of the controller that when playing things like hockey games, you will be able to tilt the controller to aim your swing as with a hook in golf. If the controller isnt used in a freehand manner initially, im almost certain that it will be in the future like you said. But yeah it is a worry.


As for the classic vs 2 wii controller thing...personally I'd rather 2 wii controllers. The wii is all about something new, and I'd rather play new games like wii sports and red steel with a friend then play the old ninty games alone.

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Surely any bundled game should be something where the hype has been buliding up for ages, rather than a surprise mystery title most people have never heard of?


true. Nintendo are releasing info a bit slowly though, I'd have expected info released by now - I assume we'll be blitzed with Wii ads in the next little while - we have (assuming a late november launch) 2.5 months to advertise in.

not much really. but then if stock is low perhaps they want the ads to affect people a little inside the launch - so Nintendo will reap ad. sales after the launch sales have levelled off?

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Have people put any thought into localised LAN play on the Wii? Is that still a function?


I was thinking (looking at some of Iwata's thoughts on designing the console) that it could be semi portable. I've mentioned this before but no one seems to agree with me. If I think about how Ninty could take advantage of that though starts to make my head explode! I like the idea of just being able to arry around your Wii to a mates house rather than a memory card.

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i think you can take LAN play for granted. I hope GC games will use the wireless. Double Dash has a very underused LAN function


Exactly, plus individual screens rather than split screen is waaaaaay better. Not to mention that you could play in different rooms. Think about people at Uni and stuff... you could have a WAN game with most your floor in halls! Rule-ge!

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I wasnt sure where to put this but, im really (negative feeling) toward the official site of nintendo. I mean this news is way late, we've already know about this date for ages, and they put it up now.

On Friday, September 15, Nintendo will host a huge invite-only event in London. The subject: Wii.


Hundreds of invitations have been sent out to European press, to join us on this momentous occasion. While that unfortunately means the general public isn't able to attend, it doesn't mean you have to miss out on the biggest Nintendo news of the year.


On Friday we'll have full coverage of the Wii event right here, so you can find out the official word straight from the source as soon as it's made public.


What's it all about? Well, you'll just have to wait and see. But as the text on the invitation card teasingly states:


All of you will be excited, intrigued and interested in what we have to show you.


This is an event you must not miss. Wii promise.


Plus, if you're a VIP 24:7 then make sure you keep an eye on your Lounge later this week for an exclusive Wii-related news just for you.


Not yet a VIP? Then register one of your Nintendo games or systems right now! There's not long to wait…


Ill have a look but ill probably know all theyve put onto the site before they even put it on.

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