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most annoying enemy ever

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Final Boss - Golden Sun - Satorus & Menardi->Fusion Dragon.


It was hard enough beating Satorus and Menardi but then when they fuse into the Fusion Dragon I was like AHHH WTF!! And was shocked you don't get a chance in between to save,heal up etc. Bloody hard. I hate it when that happens on boss fights, but the satisfaction after is superb.


Yeah, I agree, that match was a bastard, as for most annoying enemy, try any of the bosses in Contra 3, Strider or Streets of Rage 1...


Also, level 3 bots on Prime Hunters are a bitch...

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I'd say maybe the Squid (ish thiny.. erm) boss in Mario RPG was pretty annoy, it just went on and on and on. I thought the room would never end.

Ughh! I know there is more i'm going to be thinking about this all day now!

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The final boss in Paper Mario 2. It was ridiculously difficulte compared to the rest of the game. I must have played it for hours and I only won because I got lucky with the fruit machine thingy.


What irritated me the most was going through all the cut scenes and talking to get to the final fight and you could never skip it. It took a good 30mins each try.

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The Spider Boss in Metroid Fusion!!!

He's a right muther, he is...

I don't feel I need to say any more...


The little jumpy devil things from tww make the worlds most irritating noise, and every one who uses the trench gun (shotgun) on the El Alimein map in CoD2's multiplayer can just die of gonnarea and burn in hell.

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Every single boss in Ninja Gaiden, bloody Team Ninja and their perverted ways.


I'm amazed i got as far as i did but now i have given up at the part in the army base where you have to fight the tank.

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Yer, that's the easy part, not easy to take Ganon (heavy) and Mewto ( excellent recovery) off on your own.


Not easy but not exactly that hard. ganon and mewtwo are pretty stupid so you can just lure them into doing a move like ganon's up b and then just keep resting them, or you can just beat them using your skillz with jiggs. If anyone if stuck on event 51, i advise you to get good with jiggs!

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Every single boss in Ninja Gaiden, bloody Team Ninja and their perverted ways.


I'm amazed i got as far as i did but now i have given up at the part in the army base where you have to fight the tank.


Amen, what is with that game. I mean it is old school hard. I've always thought viewtiful joe was the hardest game i'd ever play (never found a copy of Ikaruga), but this is rediculous.


And i refuse to be reduced to the dog mode.

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Jordan just reminded me.. Somehow....


Did anyone find this one hard?


The final boss in South Park on the N64........ IMPOSSIBLE. i couldnt do it, even with cheats. Either could my friend. Maybe im just dumb.

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What irritated me the most was going through all the cut scenes and talking to get to the final fight and you could never skip it. It took a good 30mins each try.


That annoyed the hell out of me. I had to go through it 3 times and listen to all of it over and over again.

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Jordan just reminded me.. Somehow....


Did anyone find this one hard?


The final boss in South Park on the N64........ IMPOSSIBLE. i couldnt do it, even with cheats. Either could my friend. Maybe im just dumb.


I know I completed southpark - excellent multiplayer too btw

but I can't remember much about it :S mostly I remember snow and turkeys. What was the final boss?

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I know I completed southpark - excellent multiplayer too btw

but I can't remember much about it :S mostly I remember snow and turkeys. What was the final boss?


Giant Robot thingy in the Toy Store.

Use Terrance and Phillip dolls *liberally* ;)

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well I beat the boss in papermario 2 the first time.. if I had to go through the cutscenes againg without being able to skip them.. that would have been it.

but these days I find every boss fight a pain.. because I just think its a thing of the past


"hey.. lets put a boss here that you have to "kill" 3 times in order to kill it"

"oh yeah.. great new idea!"


and yes... Jet Force Gemini.. I gave up.. because you had to run through the whole damn level again just to get to the boss every time you died.. I turned it off the first time I found out and never tried again

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Any of the silver coin challenges in DKR N64 on mirror mode, ZOMG!


Right now I'm stuck on King Boo in Super Princess Peach but I'll get there.

Also, I never finished the lass boss in Golden Sun, too hard. Or the last boss in FFX, theres loads more coming to mind.... ha I just realised I think I'm rubbish at games!

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