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My thoughts on Metroid Prime 2...

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I've still got to play them, gonna pick them up after I complete Sunshine..


I'm a little disheartened by comments about Echoes. I'll let you know what I think because I'm a total virgin to the Metroid thing not playing any of the 2D games (and no intention to do so either)


Perhaps I'll have a different viewpoint on them.. from what I've seen of Prime I can't see how there is anything anyone would ever hate about that game. It could easily be a contender for my top 5 games.


Worth a look in Gamestation if you have one with a decent Gamecube stock near you - Today I picked up MP1, MP2, Wave Race and Second Sight for £20 (Both Resi's, Metal Arms, Splinter Cell Series, Tony Hawks Series and Eternal Darkness are all on the same 4 for £20 too)

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I didnt like the lazy boss design and i dreaded going into Dark Aether for any reason. After Corruption i hope they take Samus back into a

2D series on Wii. Gameboy Metroids are nice but i want that kind of game on my TV too.

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I got Echoes a week or two back. I am enjoying it, though I'm not particulary motivated to play it a great deal. I'm not a big fan of the new Scan visor. I like to see what I'm scanning, and as I mostly explore an area in the scan visor, it gets a bit annoying when everything is just blocks of colour. I'm not too bothered about the dark world, though I do find the enemies there a bit boring. I don't mind it doing away with the more staple environments, its just that I wish there was a little bit more change in temrs of the colours (everythings a bit grey and brown, and nothing ever really catches your eye like in MP). Otherwise it seems okay.

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Just returned the energy from the agon wastes to the temple. The boss battle was pretty sweet; makes me wish that MP3 and the Wii were HD enabled; would look so damn good.


Looking forward to the new environment that is coming up. My only problem with the game though is the ammo system; pretty wank if you ask me.

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The games are almost identical, you people just like to bitch.


I Agree with this guy. My god, the only person whose given a valid reason for disliking the game is Hero, the rest of you just don't like it because you're shit and unmotivated. The Metroid series is not for lazy gamers (except, perhaps for Prime 1, because that was amazing regardless of how good you were at it). Bottom line is, you get from it what you put into it, of course It wasn't going to be as utterly jaw dropping as 1, but then again I can only think of 2 or 3 other games in EXISTENCE that are. Retro had a smaller timescale to finish it in aswell, and yet it was filled with a killer story (which I suppose you miss if you don't scan everything) amazing enemies/bosses (anyone recall the butterfly boss? My jaw dropped when I first saw it). The finding of the keys was also fun! The amount of satisfaction you get when you discover their hiding places was amazing. Undoubtedly, the popular critique of this game is going to be that it is not innovative or groundbreaking enough in comparison with its predecessor. The question I pose is: why does it need to be? As a sequel, the purpose of Metroid Prime 2: Echoes is to expand and improve on the things that the original title did well, and it accomplishes this in superb fashion. With a new storyline that was way more cinematic; a more atmospheric and immersive world; a load of new beams, visors and enemies; and a multiplayer mode to boot, it was a complete masterpiece that does not disappoint in the least...well, perhaps the changing between worlds got a little tiresome due to the load times...but who can forget the sense of awe when you first switched on the Echoes visor, or when you go into dark aether and are greeted by different enemies and a sinister, bordering on evil graphical style? It was fucking immense people, and I have yet to play another First person title that has captured me as much as the Prime series...

So quit your bitching and realise that the only reason you like prime 2 less is because you have been told it's not as good by the press, and because there's less hype surrounding it, so all you haters can clam up and grow a pair.


Agon Wastes...Sanctuary Fortress, the locales were so damn memorable, and you can only call the boss design lazy if you've only completed about 20% of the game.


Damnit, you people make me so angry, I might just hurt myself....When they strap me in the chair, let them know the murder was just.

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I liked Echoes mainly for the challenge, it was definitely a lot more difficult than Prime and I welcomed that aspect. I also liked the dark moody atmosphere too. As a whole the game was pretty good and still one of the better ones on cube but I can admit easily it did have a lot of weaknesses too, the big one being a real lack of diversity in the areas, with extremely dull themes (Wow, bogs and wastes!). It was missing quite a few Metroid elements that Prime had too, such as traditional weapons and traditional enemies (Metroids were barely in the game), though the screw attack did almost make up for that completely.

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Well I have just started to play it again on Hard as I like to unlock everything. So far Im still enjoying the game and the Bosses dont seem to annoying anymore, probably due to knowing their attacks. I have to try and finish this by Thursday as Chibi Robo will arrive and I really want to get Metroid out the way before I start playing that. The race is on....

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I can admit easily it did have a lot of weaknesses too, the big one being a real lack of diversity in the areas, with extremely dull themes (Wow, bogs and wastes!).


Sanctuary Fortress is one of the best areas in a game EVA!!!


Jesus christ; how do you guys get so far so fast.


In about a week, I have played for about 2 and a bit hours, and I have only got up to the start of the the search for the second temple.


2 hours a week isn't much, they probably play 5 hours a day.

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Well, just started Metroid Prime again this morning, can safely say its one of 3 or 4 games that I consider to be the best games ever. Anyway, I need a little help, I cant figure out what It is im supposed to do once I get the power bombs, im about 47% throught it and im gonna try to finish it 100% in under 10 hours.

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After the power bombs, if I'm not mistaken, if you keep going forward you'll reach that area with the floating invisible platforms for which you need the X-Ray visor, so you have to go back to Tallon Overworld to get the final visor before going forward from there.

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I love Echoes as much as I do Prime, I think the major reason people don't like Echoes is that Prime was fresh, first 3D version of the series and was quite amazing. If this came out first people would have thought differently. I still agree though the music in the first is better, but the content in the second is sooooo much better, its better than Prime. I love going into the Dark world and it feeling so lonely.

I don't think I could pick between the two.

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Jesus christ; how do you guys get so far so fast.


In about a week, I have played for about 2 and a bit hours, and I have only got up to the start of the the search for the second temple.



I played for ages plus I have the Official Nintendo guide, it was a nightmare to get in the uk as they were only made in America.

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After the power bombs, if I'm not mistaken, if you keep going forward you'll reach that area with the floating invisible platforms for which you need the X-Ray visor, so you have to go back to Tallon Overworld to get the final visor before going forward from there.



Haha, yeah, the first time I played through the game, I was wondering around for ages...and then I was like, "Hang on...Is the rain over there splattering in mid air?" So i jumped towards it and landed on thin air and i was like....Oh, my god, this is the coolest thing ever, honestly, how did they have the time or imagination to put graphical details like that in?

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I'm just getting back to playing Echoes after a year-long break (I did the same with Prime). I personally think it is superb. I agree it maybe not as good as Prime, but Prime really was pretty god-damn fantastic. Saying Echoes is worthless because of that is like saying Road to Perdition is crap because it's not as good as The Godfather. I'm personally not too bothered by the realtive lack of variety of enviorments compared to Prime, as the result is a game that's considerably darker in tone, which I enjoy. I don't understand how anyone can enjoy prime and not Echoes though. It is different, but the base game is still the same. Some compalin about not having the ice beam or X-ray visor, and some complain that there's no snow level, and so on. To be honest, it sometimes starts to reach the point where you think that some people would be happier with simply buying Prime again.


Also, Prime a WEEK? Echoes in THREE DAYS? What in the name of Retro Studios do you do in your SPARE time?

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