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Have wii all got over it then?


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May have been mentioned before but again Ninty's genius on show about when the name 'Wii' was released. Because all the way through the conference who thought Reggie was saying 'wee' (*snigger*). 'cause I for one wasn't. In fact I really couldn't tell whether he was saying 'we' as in Nintendo, or 'Wii' as in the console, half the time - which I believe is the whole point of the name.


BTW to end my ramblings, Is there anyone on here left who still thinks the name is a work of Satan and should be jettisoned before the launch?

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I personally love the name "Wii".


It makes me think of the Winston Churchill speech, y'know, "Wii will fight them on the beaches..."


It really solidifies Nintendos "group" message.


And is it just me or does everyone think of Nintendo when they pop to the loo?


Talk about subliminal advertising!

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I like the name now. It's much better than Revolution. I mean how many people were calling it the Rev/Revo? I like the name and it's gotten the console a lot of attention. And if anyone is actually being immature enough to to make jokes about 'wee' anymore, then they clearly can't make jokes about Nintendo being 'for kids'.

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well, im still asking girls if they wanna play with my Wii, but im a randy person neways, it gets some laughs out of them as they have no idea what im tlaking about and just laugh cause they feel sorry for me :P

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If the had anouched it at the e3 show everyone would have been talking about that in a negative way, but by saying the name first, then at e3 everyone was used to it. Also I must add his speech was very good, so many times wii/we was mentioned, like "wii/we will change everything", lots of repitition.

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In fact I really couldn't tell whether he was saying 'we' as in Nintendo, or 'Wii' as in the console, half the time - which I believe is the whole point of the name.
Well for this you'd have to listen to the rest of the sentence, perhaps you were giggling to loudly- it's okay I'm sure all the infant school children were doing the same when they were watching the conference stream.


For example:

"We are going to change gaming" the next word 'are' suggest that it is talking about a group, it is Nintendo Reggie was referring

"Wii is going to change gaming" the next word "is" suggests it is talking about the console


BTW to end my ramblings, Is there anyone on here left who still thinks the name is a work of Satan and should be jettisoned before the launch?
To put it simply- no.


Can we make the 'Wii' puns a bannable offence soon? :?

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Well for this you'd have to listen to the rest of the sentence, perhaps you were giggling to loudly- it's okay I'm sure all the infant school children were doing the same when they were watching the conference stream.


For example:

"We are going to change gaming" the next word 'are' suggest that it is talking about a group, it is Nintendo Reggie was referring

"Wii is going to change gaming" the next word "is" suggests it is talking about the console




Although I only took English up to GCSE level, I am well versed in the English language (Hell I've even read 'Eats, shoots and leaves'! and enjoyed it!!).


My point was more when Reggie was saying:


Wii/we will show you how games should be played.


Wii/we will bring back the gamers who've fell out of love with gaming!


Wii/we will appeal to everyone.


Wii/we will change everything!


Either version of the word would be perfectly cromulent in these situations!!

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