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Worst Fears

Atomic Boo

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Probably something happening to my girlfriend or something. But in terms of more "phobic" fears, dogs make me rather nervous. I can blame my gran, who looked after me a lot when I was little. She was terrified of them, and always used to drag me away from any in the street.

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I am scared of well I call it "Nothingness". IDK if anyone has ever experienced it. It happens alot of times in the dark, but also in the day time. It starts in your head and once it does its hard to stop it, usually someone or something has to bring you out of the trance.


It starts with silence, and then you notice the silence and you concentrate on it by accident. It then begins to get louder, and it starts to sound like static. Then your breathing gets louder, and not because you're breathing louder, it just sounds like it. And then you start to freak out but you can't move and you think to youself "WTF is going on?" Your breathing gets harder and faster. And when you do come out of it you think to yourself "What the hell was I scared of?!?"

Well thats what I call "nothingness" and it doesn't happen often, but when it does man.... I HATE it!!


I know what you're talking about... but I like it when that happens; it concentrates me.

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To my knowledge; I do not have any phobeas. I do not like spiders, I can't stand them to be honest, but tbh what I experience, and what the topic creator states is not arachnaphobea.


It is a lot worse than that.


edit-Oh; just remembered, I'm scared of 'death' not dying but the whole, I won't ever think again, I won't ever dream again, I won't exist....part of it.

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water is probably my "phobia" if you can call it that. I'm fine with swimming pools etc, but its when I see vast, deep oceans that scare the shit out of me.


They are so fucking deep and open, with loads of dangerous creatures living beneath you and you just don't know what's under there. And the thing is, the ocean is all over the place, just stretches out for miles and miles....I don't wanna imagine being isolated in the middle of an ocean....I would probably just drown myself.

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Same with me.

When i was watching 'Open Water' i was thinking to myself what if it was me in their position. I had nightmares of Drowning in the ocean once it was really scary. My bigest fear is DROWNING, i just feel that it would be a terrible way of dying,the pain and the feeling of your body needing air but you can't get it, the feeling of suffocation. 'I don't want to drown ever:shakehead !!!!

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yeah but what will you be. you cant not be something. this is what confuses me. what were we before we were born, were we alive or. ah i can never pass my thoughts on as nobody understands


I understand what you meen, what i cant see is how your "thought" can just dissapear..... when you think about it realy deeply its just goes into one big circle.


My fear would have to be being trapped, locked somewhere without light and not being able to do anything about it. I blame my brother he used to put the piller over my head and i couldnt move because he was 3 years older than me and heavier. I used to start thrashing around and cry :*(

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Guest Stefkov
the idea that death leads to complete non-existence.

i used to think about that every night before i went to bed. used to always think "what the fuck, i dont even know if i'll wake up tomorow", then go to sleep.

aso im kinda scard of the world ending, not al that global warming jazz. the real one, where the sun will use up all its energy, turn into a black hole or something, or other, we leanr tabout it ins science and i forgot, but the sun ill turn into somethign and suck he earth into it. destroying it.

im just scared and fascinated by hat even though i will be dea when that comes and goes.

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I have 2 really big fears. 1st one is public speaking. I just can't deal with it. I mean if someone asked me to be best man at a wedding i wouldn't be able to cus i'd have to give a speech, and i'd be absolutley terrified. Annoying.


2nd is spiders. It's weird because i know they can't possibly hurt me, so why is it i can't be in a room that might have a spider in it. Can't leave my window open at night incase spiders crawl in and eat me alive.


Also the thought of being blind. Imagine that, never being able to see anyone again. You'd never be able to look on the internet again, or play on a game ever again. I think i'd kill myself if i ever went blind. Its a horrible thought.


I also don't like wasps and the idea of being burried alive, although i wouldn't exactly say i have a phobia of either one.

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I'm scared of spiders and really big insects. They scare the holy shit out of me. I don't like heights neither, but my fear for spiders is really much more extreme.

There are not many things I'm afraid of, but spiders really make me panic if I see one.


Another thing that make me feel uncomfortable are small spaces. I hate being stuck in small spaces (but that's probably due to the fact that I'm tall)


I'm not afraid of death... I'm already death and I cure dead people :grin:

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the idea that death leads to complete non-existence.


That does sound terrible, but I believe in reincarnation, somehow.


I used to be scared of spiders, but I've mellowed since then. I used to hate spiders of every kind, but now, I don't mind small ones, because I know they're scared of humans more than we are of them (Would you like it if something that is millions of times larger than you just came up towards you) But there are big ones that I find in my bedroom, I can't sleep and have to kill it with the vacuum cleaner. However, I do feel that I could nowadays hold a harmless tarantula in my hand, preferably the breeds people keep as pets. Although I do think they are ugly as hell.


Secondly, I know some people here hate heights, but I love them. I love the adrenalin rush, I especially love it if the view is beautiful. I suppose you could call me an acrophile.

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Bunch of pussies on here yo. :heh:




I don't really have a phobia I think. I used to be afraid of spiders but now I just catch them with a cup and a paper and put them outside whenever I see one (I don't kill animals, except mosquitos). I like heights usually, especially with nice views.


I do get scared sometimes when I hear a sound at night that I can't place (we've had burglars before), but then I just lock my door or sometimes just go check. I also have a bit of a fear for social situations sometimes. I hate going out and don't like being around people I don't know. Speaking in public is a killer. But then on the other hand I love going to concerts and festivals and the like. Plus I'm just trying to get over my social fear a bit right now.



Can't say I have any big fear or phobia though. Just can't think of anything.

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