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Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn


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JUst been watching footage/impressions of it on the 1upShow. Seems so disappointing technically, not improving the graphics much was one thing, but they could have at least used the wii controls in some ways. It's basically a GC game.I'll still buy it of course.

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The Fire Emblem games are generally excellent. Though the GBA games don't compare to the awesomeness of Fire Emblem 4 and 5, they are still top quality.


Path of Radiance is one of the best in the series and I'm happy that the Wii title is a direct continuation of PoR, which has a great and pretty well developed cast. Looking forward to Goddess of Dawn immensely.

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What would be heavenly is an English release of some of the Japan only Fire Emblem games on the Virtual Console, so to build up the hype for this game.


Or even include an extra in the game so you can unlock and play one of the original games in English, I'd love to see how they started out.

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What would be heavenly is an English release of some of the Japan only Fire Emblem games on the Virtual Console, so to build up the hype for this game.


Or even include an extra in the game so you can unlock and play one of the original games in English, I'd love to see how they started out.


Yeah true, in the 1up Show they actually said the likes of this would be better as a download, as it is just more of the same and some people are going to feel fleeced paying full whack for this. Much in the same way on Playstation Network you can get the likes of Tekken Dark Resurrection...

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Well the sales from the 25th is :


Fire Emblem: Goddess of Dawn (Wii, Nintendo): 104,428 units



It done well in the first week I think,but after that it didn't do to well.


Well, the Wii is still a very young system in Japan. How many units have actually been sold? Around about 2 million?


So, 100,000 for roughly 2 million units. Think of it like that, and it's pretty ok.


Had they released it later in the Wii's lifetime, when there was more stock/consumers had more units, it would probably have done better.

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Well, the Wii is still a very young system in Japan. How many units have actually been sold? Around about 2 million?


So, 100,000 for roughly 2 million units. Think of it like that, and it's pretty ok.


Had they released it later in the Wii's lifetime, when there was more stock/consumers had more units, it would probably have done better.


If it's re-released at some point as a 'players choice' style title it may well increas number dramatically.

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JUst been watching footage/impressions of it on the 1upShow. Seems so disappointing technically, not improving the graphics much was one thing, but they could have at least used the wii controls in some ways. It's basically a GC game.I'll still buy it of course.


On the other hand, I'm not bothered about Wii controls, I would've liked to see more cutscenes and better graphics though.

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Just been reading about this on G-faqs and someone has posted exactly what you get in terms of bonuses for playing through PoR, read on for more but it does tell you what characters return from PoR hence the spoiler tag.


[spoiler=]Fire Emblem: Goddess of Dawn


Notes: Some details haven't been confirmed yet. FE9 = Path of Radiance, FE10 = Goddess of Dawn.


To transfer data, you need a Gamecube memory card with FE9 clear (Epilogue) data. When you start a FE10 game, the game should prompt you to choose a clear data slot.



Base stats


If a character reached the stat cap for their final class and at their final level, in FE9, they will receive a fixed bonus to that stat.

The bonus is +5 for HP and +2 for Strength, Magic, Skill, Speed, Luck, Defence and Resistance.

For example: If Ilyana had maxed Speed and Luck as a Level 20 Sage in FE9, she will gain +2 Speed and +2 Luck to her FE10 bases.


Exceptions are Sothe and Devdan:


For Sothe, if he reached Level 20 in FE9, his FE9 stats will be transferred to FE10.

If a FE9 stat is lower than a default FE10 stat, the default stat will take precedence.

Since the Resistance cap is lower in FE10, if his Resistance was 16 to 20 in FE9 it will become 15 in FE10.

For Devdan, if he reached Level 20 in FE9, his FE9 stats will be transferred to FE10.


Weapon ranks


For non-Maniac mode transfer, weapon ranks from FE9 will be transferred to FE10.

If the weapon rank in FE9 is lower than the FE10 one, the FE10 one will take precedence.

If the weapon rank in FE9 exceeds the FE10 weapon rank cap, it will be set to the FE10 weapon rank cap.

For Maniac mode transfer, FE9 characters will come with all weapon ranks capped.




Support conversations, unlocked in FE9, can be viewed in a support library once FE10 has been cleared at least once.

A Supports obtained in FE9 become bond supports.

Certain Supports in FE9 may have effects on the story (only one noticable change so far).



Any Coins collected in FE9 will appear in Ike's convoy at the beginning of Part 3.

Coins aren't for collecting, so don't fret if you sold them the first time. Instead they are used to give random bonuses to forged weapons.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Possibilities: Next Fire Emblem online + on DS!

Nintendo Considering Online for Fire Emblem


Next title in strategy series could make the big jump.

by Anoop Gantayat


US, April 16, 2007 - Nintendo's Fire Emblem series has made its mark as one of the finest single player Japanese strategy series around, but Nintendo and developer Intelligent Systems may be looking to expand into new territory with the next title. Speaking with Dengeki DS & Wii Style (a young publication formerly known as just Dengeki DS Style), Nintendo producer Hitoshi Yamagami, IS producer Toru Narihiro, and IS "graphics chief" Masahiro Higuchi hinted that we can expect online components in the the next FE game.


Yamagami disclosed to the magazine that his team was originally considering Wi-Fi compatibility for the recent Wii entry in the series, Goddess of Dawn. Higuchi chimed in, noting that players would probably enjoy having maps and units distributed to them via online downloads. While some development was undertaken towards this end, Narihiro admitted that difficulties with balance and technology kept the feature out of Goddess of Dawn.


But the wait for online compatibility may not be too long. Yamagami closed off by stating, "This would be the first FE for the Wii, so we decided to focus on single player and held back on Wi-Fi. However, for the next title, if we have the chance, we'd like to use it."


While Higuchi mentioned downloads in his comments, Yamigami's mention of a focus on single player play suggests that Wi-Fi based battles are under consideration.


The three developers provided a few additional insights into the development of Goddess of Dawn. On the decision to bring the series to the Wii instead of the phenomenally successful DS, Yamagami stated, "The FE series began on the Famicom, so we'd generally like to release it on consoles. Also, it's a game with many detailed parameters, so we want to put it on a television. However, we do feel that the SRPG genre is suited for the DS."


Yamagami also fielded a question about the decision to not use the Wiimote's special control features. "At the start of development, we didn't know what controller would be included with the Wii. We began production by considering the classic controller default. Once we learned what would be included with the Wii system, we made it so that everything could be controlled with the Wiimote. However, we felt that controls like pointing and shaking of the remote were not applicable to FE, so we held off on it."


Based on the comments from these three, we're already starting to imagine what the next Fire Emblem game will look like. Of course, Goddess of Dawn was released to Japan a little over a month ago, so official details on the next entry in the series will probably have to wait.


Fire Emblem is perfect for DS. I'm suprised that a version on the Wii has been released first really.

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Yamagami disclosed to the magazine that his team was originally considering Wi-Fi compatibility for the recent Wii entry in the series, Goddess of Dawn. Higuchi chimed in, noting that players would probably enjoy having maps and units distributed to them via online downloads. While some development was undertaken towards this end, Narihiro admitted that difficulties with balance and technology kept the feature out of Goddess of Dawn.


One thing that I've posted ages ago, may have been in this thread, was the possiblity of turning Fire Emblem into a MMO, they are atleast thinking of using using Wifi and decided that the balance didn't work out with it...


Keep the single player rpg's to the DS and then bring the Wii a great MMO.

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They probably decided it wasnt worth the bother, the game doesnt loose anything by not using the pointer.


Im thinking they probably made a decision very early on to abandon anything fancy for this game and just focus on laying a new story on top of the PoR engine. Any new stuff (Pointer, Online, Wii/DS functionality) will come in the next game when they've had longer to perfect it


An MMO would be truly awesome! Not too sure how they'd work it though, would everyone control one character or one team? How would exploring be done?

I'd definitely like to see an action MMO based in the FE universe!


As for a DS game, has anyone considered the idea of larger scale battles? Always wanted these in FE and the story always touches on them. How awesome would it be to control thousands (as units) rather than a douzen?

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  • 1 month later...

I'm not keen on the click click click of an RPG. HOnestly, Nintendo, you design a great peice of kit which is taking the world by storm AND then you back track and make Fire Emblem solely compatible with the Classic Controller.


Anyone would think you could've made Halo, but chose not to.

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oe oe oe i can make halo... but i don't want to ^.- indeed fire emblem uses the classic controller but does it mater for this game? i mean were would you use the wiimote?


i do agree Nintendo needs to do more with the magic that they have created and i often wonder why they chose not to.

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