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Final Fantasy XIII


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The apparently new and official X360 screenies do look a little more jagged than the PS3 ones. However, its the same game. Shouldn't be an issue. I have both consoles and I'll be getting it on the PS3.


I think I've done a major whoopsie and spoiled the storyline for myself. At least a good chunk of it.

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I've played and completed FFIII, IV, VII, VIII, IX, X and XII from the main line. X had to be the worst one for me, I just didn't get into it first time. Playing through it again though, hopefully I like it a bit more this time. VIII and IV are my favourite closely followed by IX. Great games.


I've heard a lot of things about FFXIII but, honestly, I think people are just being over critical and aren't putting things into perspective but to each their own. I've lowered my expectations just a bit but still, can not wait until I get my hands on it.


I've got both but will be buying the PS3 version though I doubt there are any major differences between the two apart from the amount of discs obviously.

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I loved X's battle system. The sphere grid was scarily complex but worked well. My favourite game of all time is probably Final Fantasy IX though. I never fell in love with VIII and XII.


Agreed! It was soo magical *weeps*


*Nods in Agreement*



Surely it will get a release on the Playstation store at some point.

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IX got me into Final Fantasy, it truly felt like a fantasy too.


Odd really, I loved all of the Final Fantasy games from I-VI, still enjoyed VII, laughed at VIII, loved IX, broke the X disk, enjoyed XI, loooooved the XII world. Perhaps this is a pattern for me now, XIII will suck, then perhaps XV Online and XVI will be bloody awesome games. :laughing:

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I might not pick this up straightaway. I've still got Uncharted to finish and the next month is a busy one for me, so I won't have as much time as usual to game. I'm refusing to budge from my 'buy one game and complete it before buying the next policy'.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Got an e-mail from GAME saying ethy are going to process my order early. Does that mean I'll get the game early, or are they just processing my order early and shipping it later?


Probably just processing it early, they do it with alot of the bigger titles. You will probably still get it early off them though, maybe Monday.

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Game releases keep sneaking up on me. Heavy Rain came out when I had just started to show a bit of interest... Bioshock 2 was out before I even saw a trailer. And this is out... next week?? Hah, I thought it was still months away.


I will pick up all three of the aforementioned titles when they're in a good deal somewhere, however long that may be.

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I lolled at that video, especially when she was like "The graphics are insane!" like she knows anything, and then is like "I can't wait to see Lightning do her thing." obviously reading off an autocue. What a bint.

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The sad thing about that advert is how many people will buy it because of Leona Lewis. We all know Final Fantasy is pretty big anyway, but I dare not imagine how many mongs see her and buy it only to be like "WTF?".

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Ah yeah I saw that video a couple of weeks back. It's impossible to take seriously once you see there's an identical version of it being played on the PS3. Sort of loses its "fake natural" effect when you can imagine the moment where they swapped in a Dual Shock and said "ok, can you say all that again please?"

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