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Final Fantasy CC: The Crystal Bearers!


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I'm not sure who's side I'm on in this graphical debate of FF VII - everyone's making valid points. Like, ok, the graphics were in a particular style - but they were distinctly blocky... the reason for this though, is that it was made on the Playstation One absolute yonks ago... and so on.


As far as this Wii game goes, we have to have faith that its gonna look awesome. Sure it might not look like a later FF on the PS3 when the developers have learned how to better tap the power of that machine, but we can be sure that the Crystal Bearers is gonna make us say "Wow." And undoubtedly it'll be packed with charm as well. :smile:

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I've never played a game where graphics made me say it was shite. Shite gameplay maybe, but even delicious graphics don't affect me.


Carmaggedon muha.


But honselty though, Mario 64 is entirely pretty by todays standards.

Animal Crossing isn't the pinnicale of graphic goodness.

Graphics don't make a game, but in the event of FF VII look what came before it, FF 7 is a massive leap from anything the snes could handle grahpically.

With an amazing sotry and host of great characters it makes up where it lacks in the visual department, even though I think it is actually quite nice.


The cities all have a very nice artistic style, the characters themselves are brilliantly designed in battle and look good and the FMV's are awesome for there time.

Although I did play it all on the PC so it might have looked a tad nicer.

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Yeah, I agree, graphics don't make or break a game, and yeah FFVII was a leap from FFVI technologically, but it was very ugly and confusing, I prefer 2D to that. The backgrounds are very pretty, but they're very hard to walk around in, I hardly knew where I was going.

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Yeah, I agree, graphics don't make or break a game, and yeah FFVII was a leap from FFVI technologically, but it was very ugly and confusing, I prefer 2D to that. The backgrounds are very pretty, but they're very hard to walk around in, I hardly knew where I was going.


Agreed that's the main reason I think the game deserves a remake more than any other Final Fantasy game, it's an amazing gaming experience which has aged badly in the visuals department.


The modern generation of gamers should have the chance to play this game without being turned off by it's now 'ugly' graphics.

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- No DS connectivity

- It's a large, single player game.


(From a Games Radar interview)


well I think that can only be a good thing, people will only moan that it's not true final fantasy, so the closer the better I say, likely this will be a more action orientated FF game without the complication of connectivity...

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- No DS connectivity

- It's a large, single player game.


(From a Games Radar interview)


Woo hoo! Just what we needed, I'm looking forward to this one.


As for the graphics debate, graphics and sound enhance the playing experience, thus to have better graphics is a bonus and it's something developers should invest heavily in.


Those who say bad graphics have never ruined a game are lying! How many times have you played a game witha dodgy camera or bad view point which has made it frustrating or unplayable in parts?


Also messy or inconsistant graphics ruin a smooth playing experience, they make a game less immersive.

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Those who say bad graphics have never ruined a game are lying! How many times have you played a game witha dodgy camera or bad view point which has made it frustrating or unplayable in parts?


Also messy or inconsistant graphics ruin a smooth playing experience, they make a game less immersive.

Surely the camera is mechanics, not graphics.


"Less immersive" and "ruined" are very different things, I think. A messy texture might register in the back of your mind, but if you are truly immersed in a game, not just the graphics, then I doubt you'll pay it much heed. Bad design, on the other hand, is far more likely to kick you out of the game, either through poor pacing, signposting, or requiring intrusive menu cycling or pop-up messages.


The original Doom can still be tense despite it's pixelated enemies. Thief is still dripping with atmosphere despite its '90s textures. Tetris is still addictive in monochrome. Super Mario Bros. is still fun in its two dimensions.


Graphics definitely enhance a playing experience, I don't think anyone would argue against that. However, I feel that the fact that some of the world's best games happened to have excellent graphics is more a byproduct of their quality development than the reason behind their underlying excellence.


Having said that, I'm wondering whether framerate is labeled under 'graphics'? I'm not entirely sure, as a bad framerate is more a lack of optimisation or poor coding as opposed to bad art. In any case, framerate and screen tearing are two things which can sometimes render a game unplayable¹, in my opinion. I'd much rather a less shinier game with a solid framerate and smooth animation than something that looks really good in screenshots — Oblivion I'm looking at you.


¹Ironically these two things seem to affect the hi-def consoles far more than previous generations

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Surely the camera is mechanics, not graphics.


"Less immersive" and "ruined" are very different things, I think. A messy texture might register in the back of your mind, but if you are truly immersed in a game, not just the graphics, then I doubt you'll pay it much heed. Bad design, on the other hand, is far more likely to kick you out of the game, either through poor pacing, signposting, or requiring intrusive menu cycling or pop-up messages.


The original Doom can still be tense despite it's pixelated enemies. Thief is still dripping with atmosphere despite its '90s textures. Tetris is still addictive in monochrome. Super Mario Bros. is still fun in its two dimensions.


Graphics definitely enhance a playing experience, I don't think anyone would argue against that. However, I feel that the fact that some of the world's best games happened to have excellent graphics is more a byproduct of their quality development than the reason behind their underlying excellence.


Having said that, I'm wondering whether framerate is labeled under 'graphics'? I'm not entirely sure, as a bad framerate is more a lack of optimisation or poor coding as opposed to bad art. In any case, framerate and screen tearing are two things which can sometimes render a game unplayable¹, in my opinion. I'd much rather a less shinier game with a solid framerate and smooth animation than something that looks really good in screenshots — Oblivion I'm looking at you.


¹Ironically these two things seem to affect the hi-def consoles far more than previous generations


Exactly, another good example of how bad graphics can ruin a game. I remember Turok 2, which looked very smart in screenshots, but didn't play nearly as fluidly as the first. The jerky framerate ruined it. However the first was so smooth, yeah it had tonnes of fog, but that's more forgiveable than a bad framerate.

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whos pete:wink:


My nephew.


And Bob's your uncle ;)




Seriously though, are y'all plannin' to tell me every respectable games reporter actually obeyed the show host when he disallowed for any pictures to be taken, or films to be captured? I wanna see the pretty picture!!!! :cry:

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