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Final Fantasy CC: The Crystal Bearers!


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I wouldn't say that it looks better. FF11 has better character models, and generally seems more detailed, but CC looks nicer in that it's bright and colourful.

Erm? No...










FFXI is a very low polygon (and low res textures) game, and well... it has PS2 roots after all. Saying FFCC is worse than that is not a compliment, it's almost an insult.


A Wii game can surpass it easily be it in polycounts, textures... you name it.


If you like the artistic direction better that's a completely different matter (and I don't), that said the games can't even be compared technically as it's not even a contest and from what we saw... a 30 second teaser of the game; I don't see much to do a direct comparison and it was a small video with compression too.


Still I can say the character models are way more detailed (a lot), be it in texture work be it in polycounts on FFCC Wii. And the game looks way better to me too.

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FF11 is a ported PS2 MMORPG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



If FF:CC looked worse then I would be really angry.



I just think this looks ok maybe even good, just not omg amazing which some of you guys seemed to imply

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FF11 is a ported PS2 MMORPG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



If FF:CC looked worse then I would be really angry.



I just think this looks ok maybe even good, just not omg amazing which some of you guys seemed to imply


So its OK for a PS2 port on the 360 to look crap but when a PS2 port on the Wii looks a bit shitty it's suddenly "lolz Gamecube 1.5!!!111!!"

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Meh. The video of FF11 that I saw was tiny. I mean, those pics that you have, what the hell are they running on? Must be some fucking low spec PC, cause it looked a lot better when I saw it in motion.
They're specific to the X360 version, those shots.


That's simply how the game is on stills (and how detailed the characters are), even if it looks better in motion due to good motion capture and such.


I'm not bashing the game mind you, but it's simply not better technically than what FFCC Wii showed, not even close or on any front.

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So its OK for a PS2 port on the 360 to look crap but when a PS2 port on the Wii looks a bit shitty it's suddenly "lolz Gamecube 1.5!!!111!!"


No one cared about ff 11 on 360 because it was some shitty port of an dated mmorpg. FF11 was not a major game for the 360. But ff:cc is for the wii that means i have higher expectations for ff:cc then ff:11.


Every wii game especially games like ff:cc should look at least as good as god of war 2.

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This is from an interview with S-E

“Ring of Fates is really the direct successor to that title (GameCube’s Crystal Chronicles) while Crystal Bearers, the Wii game, is taking a new direction…While it’s still action orientated, with the Wii game we’ve chosen to focus on the experience of the solo player in immaculate detail.”


“The protagonist has a fire type weapon that will be shot with the controller’s trigger and, likewise, an airship will be controlled by tilting the Wii controller. We have lots of clever ideas for how to integrate the Wii’s functions into the game mechanics.”


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No one cared about ff 11 on 360 because it was some shitty port of an dated mmorpg. FF11 was not a major game for the 360. But ff:cc is for the wii that means i have higher expectations for ff:cc then ff:11.


Every wii game especially games like ff:cc should look at least as good as god of war 2.


Lol, bullshit. That's like saying every Xbox 360 game should look as good as Resident Evil Zero on Gamecube. Entirely different games have entirely different technology restraints. God of War will never have to worry about gigantic draw distances, rendering overworlds or even being viewed up close very often. With that kind of setup you can get away with murder. God of War has pretty terrible graphics when viewed up close.

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I'm really looking forward to this game. Ever since they promised that it would be everything the GC version wasn't (A proper single player Final Fantasy experience) I've figured it has alot of potential.


Square-Enix make great games and this looks like it'll be no exception. I do still think there is alot they could do wrong about this game, and with them most likely on a limited budget they'll withold from it ever being as great as it could, I still think they'll pull of something great.


Looking forward to hearing about more support from Square-Enix personally, they've annouced 3 games so far and 2 are looking awesome. With the Wii selling so incredible in Japan it's a no-brainer they'll be upping the wii support :D. Bring on the next in the Mana series!

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I'm actually more excited about this than I have been for an FF game in years. I hope they live up to their promises of a deep story...


all they need now is Yasunori Mitsuda to write the music and they could potentially have the best game on Wii :D.

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Music in the original CC was beautiful. If they blend that with traditional Final Fantasy music they could nail this. And after listening to that opening tid bit of music, where the green crystal is in the background I'd say we have naught to worry about.

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  • 4 weeks later...


This month's edition of Nintendo Power is packed to the brim with information on forthcoming Nintendo and third party Wii/DS projects, including a look at Soul Calibur Legends, Tomb Raider: Anniversary edition and Carnival Games.


Final Fantasy: The Crystal Bearers


  • The game takes place in the Chronicles world, which includes the four races from Crystal Chronicles
  • The game starts you off as a “mature hero”, meaning the hero is more complete unlike the usual Final Fantasy titles where the hero is younger and weaker (less experienced)
  • game is following the Final Fantasy tradition of being “very story-driven”, lots of cinematic events etc

Sounds very promising!!
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  • 5 months later...

Not new (as in, not today's news)... but I think it's time to dust off this topic...


EGM/1Up Rumors:


FF:CC Crystal Bearers “appears to be in troubleâ€
Source: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=215633


IGN Wii-k in Review about it:


- EGM rumors taken with a grain of salt. FFCCCB probably just being held onto.




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^ I think this quote best summarises the Crystal Bearers issue:


What, you mean it's abnormal for a game to be announced as a launch-window title, disappear for a year, show up as a completely different game with no information available, disappear for another year, and still have no information, projected release date, completion percentage, or real-time media released? Whachoo talkin' about?


Ain't that the truth?

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Hope there's some sort of confirmation about this though. This is easily tied as the most anticipated 3rd party game being released on the Wii for me along with ToS 2. It looks fantastic and is really promising...


I just hope it makes it and it will be a real shame if it got canned.

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Maybe with all of the 3rd party stuff not selling that well in Japan they have decided to shift it to say the DS? I mean its not as if we had any solid gameplay footage from when they changed it, it was just a clip here and there with some FMVs. Or was it all FMV? I cant remember now.


I really hope this isnt the case thoough as the Wii does need a good JRPG. Hell this next gen so far has had nothing apart from Blue Dragon that has satisfied my RPG needs. At least the DS, VC ( im not counting that as the Wii :) ) and GBA have gave me my fix.

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