pedrocasilva Posted January 28, 2009 Posted January 28, 2009 Better quality trailer: -> Screengrabs:
darksnowman Posted January 28, 2009 Posted January 28, 2009 Oh mama. I see Flans... I see Chocobos and I see them standing on an airship. FF: CC: Skies of Arcadia!
Retro_Link Posted January 28, 2009 Posted January 28, 2009 Hmm... first 40secs or so... very dissapointing, wierd music etc... The rest was alright, though it didn't OMG WOW! me though, like I thought it would. Some great looking locations mind you!
nekunando Posted January 28, 2009 Posted January 28, 2009 pedrocasilva said: ..anyway.. looks kinda decent
darksnowman Posted January 28, 2009 Posted January 28, 2009 Those Great Mighty Poo's are what I guessed to be Flans. I watched the trailer there now, it took an age to load up, but it was good to see new footage of the Crystal Bearers. The opening desert bit reminded me of Excite Truck! The Crystal Chronicles universe needs a game like this (with hopefully more comeing further down the line) to help make it into a viable, and maybe even respected, offshoot from the mainline Final Fantasy games.
pedrocasilva Posted January 28, 2009 Posted January 28, 2009 darksnowman said: Those Great Mighty Poo's are what I guessed to be Flans. I watched the trailer there now, it took an age to load up, but it was good to see new footage of the Crystal Bearers. The opening desert bit reminded me of Excite Truck! The Crystal Chronicles universe needs a game like this (with hopefully more comeing further down the line) to help make it into a viable, and maybe even respected, offshoot from the mainline Final Fantasy games. They still need to drop the long name, final fantasy crystal chronicles: the crystal bearers, and could even drop the final fantasy in it, like we care. final fantasy these days means nomura, bishie emo androgenous guys and stupid drama queens who want to be britney. Oh, and female cloud knockoff's.
jammy2211 Posted January 28, 2009 Posted January 28, 2009 Trailer was great but the music needs to be changed. Interesting non the less.
nekunando Posted January 28, 2009 Posted January 28, 2009 ..hmm.. I just watched the trailer and the first minute was complete rot The music was a disgrace! After that, it picked up a bit and parts of it looked great and other parts looked pretty dodge.. it hasn't filled me with any kind of excitement though..
Ganepark32 Posted January 28, 2009 Posted January 28, 2009 That higher res trailer on youtube makes it look better but it's still looking a bit muddy in the trailer. Won't look like that when it's released, hopefully, and probably just have something to do with how they've encoded the video footage. Still, it looks good and the throwing power will definitely make for some interesting puzzles and battles.
Hero-of-Time Posted January 28, 2009 Posted January 28, 2009 Just got in from work and watched the trailer and thought it was meh at best, very disappointed.
Noku Posted January 28, 2009 Posted January 28, 2009 Wow. Have you all been playing your 360s and PS3s lately? That looks f'in sweet. No fmv, all in-game. Right up there with Monster Hunter Tri.
The-chosen-one Posted January 28, 2009 Posted January 28, 2009 just beautifull i fell in love with the game no it must come over here very soon
Hero-of-Time Posted January 28, 2009 Posted January 28, 2009 Noku said: Wow. Have you all been playing your 360s and PS3s lately? That looks f'in sweet. No fmv, all in-game. Right up there with Monster Hunter Tri. Yes, yes I have and I love me some FMVs in my S-E games! Seriously though, the graphics don't bother me in the slightest its the trailer itself that does. A trailer is supposed to sell the game/movie and hype you up for its release and for me this just didn't do that. Like I said it left me with a feeling of meh. Now Monster Hunter 3, thats how to make a fantastic hype building trailer.
D_prOdigy Posted January 28, 2009 Posted January 28, 2009 Once again curtailing popular opinion, I actually liked it. Especially the music. Certainly better than the many "trailers" showed off initially for FFXIII. Mainly because this one actually has some... you know... stuff in it.
The-chosen-one Posted January 28, 2009 Posted January 28, 2009 i only did not like the music they used in the beginning but the game itself looks awesome
darksnowman Posted January 28, 2009 Posted January 28, 2009 Hero-of-Time said: Yes, yes I have and I love me some FMVs in my S-E games! Seriously though, the graphics don't bother me in the slightest its the trailer itself that does. A trailer is supposed to sell the game/movie and hype you up for its release and for me this just didn't do that. Like I said it left me with a feeling of meh. Now Monster Hunter 3, thats how to make a fantastic hype building trailer. Ah right, I thought you meant the game looked useless. You have a point about it not being a hype building trailer, but if it was then it would probably be only 20 seconds long or something. When I watched it earlier I was just glad to see some footage of the game... I think as a game, its shaping up well.
marcel Posted January 28, 2009 Posted January 28, 2009 looking at the video and the screens and the fact that this game (redesign version) was already under development in early 2007 I would say it looks almost finished. 1. Graphics look awsome. 2. Enemies look great (cactus thingy at the beginning looks really weird:P) 3. Game got a redesign in 2007 what makes me beleave that the game will be released at the end of '09 or early '10 4. Finally a new kind of gameplay on the wii and not just tacked on controlls.
Roklie Posted January 28, 2009 Posted January 28, 2009 I really hope that won't be the music we will be hearing while playing this game, because that was just utter CRAP. And to be honest it just looked boring (I know, it's only a small part of the game, but..), I would've even expected some better graphics from S-E because they're usually the ones that put some effort in their games. Not saying that they were bad but could have been a whole lot better in my opinion.
Shino Posted January 28, 2009 Posted January 28, 2009 FFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!! Shit looks so cash! It's not just the graphics, the gameplay overall seems so exciting with telekinesis and flying, along with a cool shounen voice acting, DAMN, so good! This beats COMPLETELY the FFXIII trailer.
Zechs Merquise Posted January 28, 2009 Posted January 28, 2009 Retro_Link said: Hmm... first 40secs or so... very dissapointing, wierd music etc... The rest was alright, though it didn't OMG WOW! me though, like I thought it would. Some great looking locations mind you! / nando / said: ..hmm.. I just watched the trailer and the first minute was complete rot The music was a disgrace! After that, it picked up a bit and parts of it looked great and other parts looked pretty dodge.. it hasn't filled me with any kind of excitement though.. Hero-of-Time said: Just got in from work and watched the trailer and thought it was meh at best, very disappointed. I agree with you all, stupid music, bizarre looking gameplay - what the hell was that cactus doing??? Looked very muddy and didn't have half the appeal of the original - which was beautiful and stylish. Personally I'd rather they re-released the original with online instead of the silly GBA link rubbish! I dislike the design of the main character, and I didn't see anything I really liked. Very disappointed.
Shino Posted January 28, 2009 Posted January 28, 2009 I'm appealed by the reaction it is getting here. I think you guys are broken, go fix it.
Dante Posted January 28, 2009 Posted January 28, 2009 Shino said: I'm appealed by the reaction it is getting here. I think you guys are broken, go fix it. The users before this trailer: " i hope isn't canceled because it look great from the first trailer we saw in 2007." Now users are "It looks awful, it has crap gameplay and the music is rubbish. :sad:"
D_prOdigy Posted January 28, 2009 Posted January 28, 2009 Shino said: I'm appaled by the reaction it is getting here. I think you guys are broken, go fix it. I must say, I'm quite surprised this has been getting as negative reaction as it has done. What the hell is wrong with it? Is it because it isn't like the traditional FF gameplay and it's actually doing something different? Is it because it looks like it's actually taking advantage of the controller? Is it because it hasn't gone all adolescent and 'cyberpunk' and doesn't have idiotically cliched characters?
Retro_Link Posted January 28, 2009 Posted January 28, 2009 I don't think it's an over reaction when a brand new game, gives me a new found respect for Twilight Princess; a game that's 2 years old and produced for the GC. It doesn't look as good as that, nor does it look better than Resi 4 which is nearly 4 years old! This is Final Fantasy, a series known for its beauty. OK so this is a series spin-off, but even Crystal Chronicles looked phenominal on GC. This is also Square-Enix, it's next gen hardware [more powerful than the GC], and it's on by far the biggest and fastest selling console of this gen and possibly ever! This should be phenomenal! It should be... But then the Wii's success is its own worst enemy! It's gonna sell regardless because it's FF, it's Wii and in Japan they'll no doubt lap it up. I own some great games on the Wii, and I'm interested in many more, but it's recently become obvious to me that these games are the games with a great art style; because these are the only ones that currently stand out to me! Games such as Zack and Wiki, De Blob, Shaun White, House of the Dead, Madworld etc... These are exciting! Where as for me atm, there's just nothing making this game special, standout or magic! Dante said: The users before this trailer: " i hope isn't canceled because it look great from the first trailer we saw in 2007." Now users are "It looks awful, it has crap gameplay and the music is rubbish. :sad:" That was the first teaser trailer, there was all this potential, the game could have gone anywhere!Where as this trailer shows the game we can expect! They are two very different things and probably the reason for any negative reactions.
Tellyn Posted January 28, 2009 Posted January 28, 2009 So after convincing themselves that it was going to be available as a Wii launch game, they finally made the damn thing. Doesn't look too shabby.
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