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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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Nono guys, his block should be getting in a box:heh:


Everyone should have proper blocks like Yoshi in the next one, the bubbles look stupid. (though I don't know exactly how thay sould do it for some; Mario=Tanooki stone thing, Kirby into one of his blocks, [..]

I had the exact same idea about Mario.. The tanooki statue would be cool. Allthough I don't know what to do about the other characters either. Kirby's stone ability would certainly fit, but I think it would look too much like his actual stone ability (you'd have the attack & defend stone ability at the same time). Oh well, they're gonna change the movesets anyway.. Donkey Kong would very obviously use a barrel. Samus.. Hmm. Maybe that one supermove from super Metroid? The one that refills everything.


Oh, and of course Krystal's hot ;). I prefer her outfit from Adventures rather than Assault though ;). And her voice too by the way (which can't be said about the other voices in Adventures, they're all parodies.. But that's Rare for ya ;). I think she'd make an excellent addition with her staff.


Ganondorf should return (obviously), but with moves he actually had in Zelda games. Personally I'm thinking of 2 fireballs, a fast one other players can return (with swords, maybe Smash attacks even), and a slow one that can't be returned and is more powerful. Ganondorf would be able to deflect his own fast fireball easily as well. The fireball could get faster and more powerfull with each deflection (see who wins ;)). And he definately should have some sort of sword (or two). The way I saw him block my parry attack in WW for the first time.. Just way too cool.


As for 3rd party characters.. Sonic would be a very realistic option I think. But as for the other 2 (-ish), I really have no clue. Megaman would obviously be cool, and make some sense. He has great Nintendo history and already has some fighting experience.. But somehow, I don't think it's a realistic possibity. Oh well, I think I'll just forget about it, and let Nintendo pleasantly surprise me once again when they announce the other characters (allthough.. it's sure fun to speculate and fantasize ;)).

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Zelda series villains.
  • Onox
  • Vaari
  • Phantom Ganon
  • Agahnim
  • Nightmare
  • Dark Link
  • Veran
  • Majora's Mask

I say nintendo need to add more females characters in ssbb, so how about adding a female villain from zelda series like Veran?




Four words: top of Ganon's tower. :)


You seem to be forgetting Twinrova, they would be amazing!


You (not referring to dante)were attracted to krystal? i hated her (as much as i hate starfox adventures). Put in Kat form lylat wars.

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What about Olimar as a player? And he uses the pikmin to attack?

Maybe Olimar and that other dude (havent played Pikmin 2), in an Iceclimber-esque team up. Each with a pikmin. Or make them separate charcters and let them each have a different colour pikmin which give different moves, sot they wouldn't be clones. Maybe you could unlock the third Pikmin by going through the Story mode with both of them. I'm gonig to shut up now...:grin:

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Boo with cloaking abilities extra defense, Petey Piranah oversized plant character boss spewing that liquid like in Sunshine, Waluigi, Birdo transexual character with spitting eggs out of its mouth, Megaman, Sonic, Little Mac little midget but extremely powerful and agile fighter just like in Mike Tysons punchout.

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Boo with cloaking abilities extra defense, Petey Piranah oversized plant character boss spewing that liquid like in Sunshine, Waluigi, Birdo transexual character with spitting eggs out of its mouth, Megaman, Sonic, Little Mac little midget but extremely powerful and agile fighter just like in Mike Tysons punchout.

Sonic is a must.

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I'd be happy if the only 2 other third party characters they included were Sonic and Megaman, Megaman vs Samus, an interesting battle that would be and Mario vs Sonic, and in a cutscene, Sonic starts bashing Mario then comes Luigi with his vacuum cleaner from Luigis Mansion and sucks up Sonic and spits out the trash.


I'm so looking forward to bashing the crap out of Snake with Nintendo characters and shove it up his overrated ass.

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What about Olimar as a player? And he uses the pikmin to attack?


Yeah i've always thought olimar should be a character. Can't remember the name of his brother, but instead of him being some cheap clone, he should just be an alternate costume like Daisy was to Peach.


My guess at possible moves:


B - a charge move, Olimar rapidly picks Pikmin out of the ground, and they surround him. Once an enemy gets close the Pikmin jump on him/her, and continue to cause damage until they are shaken off, either by jumping, rolling or running fast. The amount Pikmin depends on how long the the B button is held down, and that effects how long the enemy is covered in the little critters


Forward B - throw a Red Pikmin that causes fire damage - once the pikmin hits the ground it keeps running in that direction


Up B - jet pack - similar to foxes/falcos Up B, but it goes further, has a shorter pause at the beginning and cause less damage


Down B - hard to think of one for this - maybe Olimar spurts out seeds like an onion, flowers pop out of the ground and batter anyone who walks over them, they sat there for a limited time.


'A' moves are swinging Pikmin, like peaches moves, the type of Pikmin alternates.


Just ideas of the top of my head.

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& that weak punch that the players of Pikmin relied on in emergency situations, I battled a lot of those massive bugs with that weak 1 hand punch he had in the original Pikmin, took me over 10 minutes to kill one of the bugs in the game with that weak punch but seeing that he was battling huge bugs, its probably pretty strong and would obviously cause a lot more damage with Super Smash Bros Brawl/DOJO? competitors.

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& that weak punch that the players of Pikmin relied on in emergency situations, I battled a lot of those massive bugs with that weak 1 hand punch he had in the original Pikmin, took me over 10 minutes to kill one of the bugs in the game with that weak punch but seeing that he was battling huge bugs, its probably pretty strong and would obviously cause a lot more damage with Super Smash Bros Brawl/DOJO? competitors.


He has a cool tripple punch in the 2nd one. One of his moves should be throwing Bomb Rocks.

I think his Up+B should spawn a Yellow Pikmin that jumps him to saftey.

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Sakurai's considering list. (Update)

  • Koopa Troopa (Super Mario Bros. - 1985)
  • Hammer Bros. (Super Mario Bros. - 1985)
  • Toad (Super Mario Bros. 2 - 1988)
  • Petey Piranha (Super Mario Sunshine - 2002)
  • Geno (Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars - 1996)
  • "Cel-Shaded" Link (The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker - 2002)
  • Tetra (The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker - 2002)
  • Link's Uncle (The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - 1991)
  • Ganon/Ganondorf (The Legend of Zelda/The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker 1986/2002)
  • Bow Wow the Chain Chomp (The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX - 1998)
  • Ridley (Metroid - 1986)
  • Peppy Hare (Star Fox - 1993)
  • Slippy Toad (Star Fox - 1993)
  • Krystal (Star Fox Adventures - 2002)
  • Wolf O'Donnell (Star Fox 64 - 1997)
  • Diddy Kong (solo) (Donkey Kong Country - 1994)
  • Diddy Kong & Dixie Kong (Donkey Kong Country/Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy Kong's Quest - 1994/1995)
  • King K. Rool (Donkey Kong Country - 1994)
  • Ninten (Mother - 1989)
  • Jeff (Mother 2 [EarthBound in the U.S.] - 1994 [1995])
  • Claus (Mother 3 - 2006)
  • Lucas (Mother 3 - 2006)
  • King Dedede (Kirby's Dreamland - 1992)
  • Lololo & Lalala (Kirby's Dreamland - 1992)
  • Marx (Kirby Super Star - 1996)
  • Oguma (Fire Emblem: Ankoku Ryuu to Hikari no Tsurugi - 1990)
  • Nabarl (Fire Emblem: Ankoku Ryuu to Hikari no Tsurugi - 1990)
  • Sigurd (Fire Emblem: Seisen no Keifu - 1996)
  • Ike (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance - 2005)
  • Mia (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance - 2005)
  • The Black Knight (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance - 2005)
  • Black Shadow (F-Zero X - 1998)
  • Palutena (Kid Icarus - 1986)
  • Medusa (Kid Icarus - 1986)
  • Eggplant Wizard (Kid Icarus - 1986)
  • Isaac (Golden Sun - 2001)
  • Felix (Golden Sun: The Lost Age - 2002)
  • Little Mac (Punch-Out!! Featuring Mr. Dream - 1990)
  • Dragon Chan (Super Punch-Out!! - 1994)
  • Banker (Mario Paint - 1992)
  • Ray 01 (Custom Robo - 2004)
  • Captain Olimar (Pikmin - 2001)
  • Tom Nook (Animal Forest - 2001)
  • Chibi-Robo (Chibi-Robo! - 2005)
  • Muddy (Mole Mania - 1996)
  • The Blue Virus (Dr. Mario - 1990)
  • Lip (Panel de Pon - 1995)
  • Furil (Nintendo Puzzle Collection: Panel de Pon - 2003)
  • Takamaru (Nazo no Murasamejou - 1986)
  • Harry the Robot (Teleroboxer - 1995)
  • Sukapon (Joy Mech Fight - 1993)
  • Donbe (Shin Oni ga Shima - 1987)
  • Ayumi Tachibana (Famicom Tantei Club Part II: Ushiro ni Tatsu Shoujo - 1989)*
  • Professor Kawashima (Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day - 2006)
  • Urban Fighters (Urban Champion - 1984)
  • #166 Golden Sun characters and/or Advance Wars infantrymen
  • #218 Famicom Tantei Club characters
  • Third Party Suggestions
  • Mega Man (Capcom) (Mega Man - 1987)
  • G-Red (Capcom) (Gotcha Force - 2003)
  • Simon Belmont (Konami) (Castlevania - 1986)
  • Power Pro-Kun (Konami) (Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu '94 - 1994)
  • Lupus (Rare) (Jet Force Gemini - 1999)
  • Sora (Square Enix, Inc.) (Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories - 2004)
  • Doctor Wright (Maxis) (SimCity - 1991)
  • Princess Katia (From Software) (Lost Kingdoms - 2002)
  • Kalas (tri-Crescendo/Monolith Soft) (Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean - 2003)
  • Magnus Gallant (Quest/Nintendo) (Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber - 2000)
  • Thomas the Kung-Fu Master (Irem) (Spartan X [Kung-Fu in the U.S.] - 1985)


Sakurai's considering list will finish on thursday.



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I'd choose:


Cel-Link (to replace young link)


Diddy Kong


King Dedede

Black Shadow (Since Goroh isn't there)




Tom Nook

Chibi Robo

Advance Wars character


Mega Man

Simon Belmont


3rd Parties not on list:


Pac Man



The Bolds are ones that I definately want in.

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If I could choose some from that list I'd go for:


Hammer Bros. (Super Mario Bros. - 1985)

Ganon/Ganondorf (The Legend of Zelda/The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker 1986/2002)

Ridley (Metroid - 1986)

Wolf O'Donnell (Star Fox 64 - 1997)

King Dedede (Kirby's Dreamland - 1992)

Black Shadow (F-Zero X - 1998)

Captain Olimar (Pikmin - 2001)

Tom Nook (Animal Forest - 2001)

Chibi-Robo (Chibi-Robo! - 2005)

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Alot of the list is just plain awfull.I swear Sonic better be in it and Cloud aswell,he was sort of in a Ninty game so add him Sakurai.

Maybe they're not on the considering list because they're already in there for definite :smile:

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Maybe they're not on the considering list because they're already in there for definite :smile:

That thought is keeping me going.I think there will be a course from TP for the last battle or twlight realm,that would be cool.I'm hoping for a lot of good courses.

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