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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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Finally, some Fire Emblem music. And, of course, it's the only song that's common to all Fire Emblems.


However, I didn't expect the lyrics. Nice touch. And the song seems to continue with the battle theme from FE1.


(Still hoping for some FE6 music)



Also, the cutscene is awesome. I certainly didn't expect Rayquaza.

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what is everyones best Update till now? and what update you still want in the game? i mean from Veteran characters newcomers levels or maybe a new Cutscene




my favorite update is still the anouncement of Kid icarus and when they anounced the adventure mode like this


next veteran character i want to see is captain falcon and newcomer Isaac and a level from Sonic

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what is everyones best Update till now? and what update you still want in the game? i mean from Veteran characters newcomers levels or maybe a new Cutscene




my favorite update is still the anouncement of Kid icarus and when they anounced the adventure mode like this


Hmm... I'm thinking when they announced Sonic maybe? Or perhaps stage builder.


I really want Krystal to be in the game. And another one I just thought of. Viewtiful Joe! He would be totally awesome, with some cool special attacks, including some of his slow motion and fast forward abilities! Damn... that would be sweet.

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And another one I just thought of. Viewtiful Joe! He would be totally awesome, with some cool special attacks, including some of his slow motion and fast forward abilities! Damn... that would be sweet.


Viewtiful Joe would be an amazing addition :D if only...


The stage builder has been my favorite update because it's opened up the game so much more than it already was, also when they announced the Pokemon Trainer, that was a great update as he's a well thought out character.


I want to see Jigglypuff get updated next as he's one of my faves. I also would like them to show the Mario Kart stage from one of the videos months and months ago.

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Is there a way to download the videos from the website but still in widescreen? I tried a flash downloader but that didnt work properly on the site. Then I tried using using the videos on IGN and Gamespot but they squashed the video. I'm hoping to put the vids on my MP3 player.


EDIT: Don't worry, just noticed Gametrailers does it :D

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Viewtiful Joe would be an amazing addition :D if only...


The stage builder has been my favorite update because it's opened up the game so much more than it already was, also when they announced the Pokemon Trainer, that was a great update as he's a well thought out character.


I want to see Jigglypuff get updated next as he's one of my faves. I also would like them to show the Mario Kart stage from one of the videos months and months ago.


Shin-shin a go-go baby :D


What an awesome character he'd be actually. The potential his Final smash has is just crazy! He could slow down time and let you string a massive combo on everyone :D

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... and the video reminds me of what excited me about the first Smash Bros: mixing various Nintendo universes. I mean Pokémon+DK+Starfox= Uber Win


That's EXACTLY how I feel! :D Except you're much better at putting it down on paper (the screen) than me. :P


Hmm... I'm thinking when they announced Sonic maybe? Or perhaps stage builder.


Same for me. I literally jumped out out of the chair at both occations.


I really want Krystal to be in the game.


When someone mentions Krystal, it's physically impossible for me not to comment: I completely agree with you.

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Items from Previous Installments


A number of items from past Smash games appear in this one as well. But, of course, there are naturally many people who have never played any of those games. And even if you have, I still think I ought to explain these.


It’s not all of them, but I would like to introduce a few.


Beam Sword




It’s a blade of light – the Beam Sword.




This time it gets REALLY long!


Fire Flower




Hold down the button to release a fire burst!






Throw it at someone to freeze them.


Home-Run Bat




Do a side-smash to hit a home run!




This time, everyone has a different stance.


Party Ball




Items pour out from inside.


Super Mushroom




When you get the mushroom...




...you become gigantic!


These are just some of the items that intensify the slapstick nature of this game. You must master them all!



Good that some of the old items are updated together. I wonder what that clock could be?

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I think the clock is exactly what I said above, its either paying homage to The Legend of Zelda or Super Mario Bros 2, where you freeze your opponents for a few seconds providing an opportunity to bash them a bit. Of course, the amount of impact would be subject to how much damage the players have accumulated, you could be struck and then be frozen hence be unable to recover, although i'm not sure whether attacking a frozen player would make them unfrozen or not...

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I think the clock is exactly what I said above, its either paying homage to The Legend of Zelda or Super Mario Bros 2, where you freeze your opponents for a few seconds providing an opportunity to bash them a bit. Of course, the amount of impact would be subject to how much damage the players have accumulated, you could be struck and then be frozen hence be unable to recover, although i'm not sure whether attacking a frozen player would make them unfrozen or not...


I think you're totally right about that. The clock probably freezes everyone for like 5-10 seconds.


Either that, or perhaps making everything go slow motion, or the other way around, fast. And like the super mushroom and the poison mushroom in Melee, you'll never know which of the two things will happen.

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I think you're totally right about that. The clock probably freezes everyone for like 5-10 seconds.


Either that, or perhaps making everything go slow motion, or the other way around, fast. And like the super mushroom and the poison mushroom in Melee, you'll never know which of the two things will happen.


It'd be kinda funny if everyone else went slow, but the person who used it goes fast.


Also, I just watched the new video. I love the way it's three characters from three completely different game universes. One of them gets kidnapped by a "bad guy" from another game, then gets saved by someone from yet another.

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I think you're totally right about that. The clock probably freezes everyone for like 5-10 seconds.


Either that, or perhaps making everything go slow motion, or the other way around, fast. And like the super mushroom and the poison mushroom in Melee, you'll never know which of the two things will happen.


5-10 seconds is too long. 2 seconds max.


However, I like the latter idea the best. Upon grabbing the clock, everything went down to 1/2 the normal pace. I think this would be cooler.

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