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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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The stage makes me think that Ice Climbers have probably been cut. I don't see them making too stages in that style, and I don't see the Ice Cilmbers having a different style of level.


It would make sense to get rid of Ice Climbers, because they were incredibly glitched. It's so easy to infinite combo with them (grab, tap A, and repeat) and it would be hard to fix that.

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I'm thought I'd asked this in this thread before but I couldnt find it in my post history:


Smash brothers Melee could go online useing an exploit and Phantasy star online and the gamecube modem (there are some video's of it on youtube). If anyone here has tried it, how well did that fair online lag wise?

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I'm thought I'd asked this in this thread before but I couldnt find it in my post history:


Smash brothers Melee could go online useing an exploit and Phantasy star online and the gamecube modem (there are some video's of it on youtube). If anyone here has tried it, how well did that fair online lag wise?


Apparantly it wasn't bad online. Some levels lagged (Fountain of Dreams, Mute City etc) and you could only play 2 player. ANy more and lagggg.

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here are the characters that are confirmed in brawl, in Art style images i really liked the pics















































Donkey kong
































Different images to know the characters a bit



























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I was kinda disappointed with the update, seeing as it is a stage too similar to another in melee.

Nothing too original, but had to be done I guess. That stage had to come back (it was fun), so why not under a different franchise?


This doesn't remove the Ice Climbers, though. Last time I checked, there was no Fire Emblem themed stage in Melee and SSB 64 had no F-Zero or Earthbound stages.


By the way, is it me, or does the stage resemble DK Swing (I think that is the name) for the GBA? When I first saw the update, I thought it was from that game until I saw "DK Jungle Beat" written.

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Ugh, not another Icicle Mountain. Only retards who can't double jump could find this exciting.


First people complain about how all the courses look the same in terms of the platforms so they give you something different and you still complain....sheesh there really is no way for making a person happy is there

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First people complain about how all the courses look the same in terms of the platforms so they give you something different and you still complain....sheesh there really is no way for making a person happy is there


I never complained that they looked the same though. And really, this level isn't different because it's just the same as another level, Icicle Mountain.

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im happy with almost everything they trow in the game even if there is no online play i would still be happy with smashbros as long as there are enough characters to play with and an adventure mode


Same here, give me enough challenges, a broad multiplayer mode and many things to do in the game other than fighting (mini games like the batting game on Melee) and I'm happy. Though Online would be ace ^^,

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It's funny listening to noobs who demand an online mode yet know nothing about smash. Hilarious.


Also, Pro's select levels randomly or select one of 13 levels themselves, and they hardly pick FD.


If this game has lag, it's gonna get stick. If they can't nail online, it's fine. I don't care, because tbh the best way to play the game is with friends around you. Also, something that Melee had was different fighting styles. I mean, you look at West Coast American players play as Fox and they play completely differently to East coast fox players, so when they meet at tournies it's amazing to watch. I'd hate for everyone to play exactly the same come online.


Like someone said, Smash (and ANY fighter) is best played when you've got mates around.


There isn't really that much to know about Smash. Calling people "noobs" is a bit wankerific/elitist too. I mean, you're looking down on people over what is essentially a party game.

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Guest Stefkov
Ugh, not another Icicle Mountain. Only retards who can't double jump could find this exciting.

That's what I found. As soon as I read it was like the Ice climbers level I cringed.

Never liked that level. It does sound good it changed though.


As for those pictures above. Since when was Sonic fully confirmed. You can't just take a snippet of a magazine in Spanish as the holy smash bros bible for the day.

Plus I don't see the facination with sonic being in it. Personally, I never thought he was all that great.

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You try fixing something that can't even be tested until the game is out.
That hasn't been an excuse for any other online game. Seriously, the amounts of data that a four player game has to process isn't greater than a 32-player online game of Unreal Championship (Xbox, 2003). Just because it's difficult is by no means a reason for them not to make it - it never is. Especially not if they announced it to be online in the first place.


Of course everybody will still buy the game and have fun with it, but if they don't pull this off they're letting us down quite badly.

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First people complain about how all the courses look the same in terms of the platforms so they give you something different and you still complain....sheesh there really is no way for making a person happy is there


The levels shown so far are perfect. Only 4-5 levels on Melee were perfect for fighting, and we've gotten quite a handfun already.


There isn't really that much to know about Smash. Calling people "noobs" is a bit wankerific/elitist too. I mean, you're looking down on people over what is essentially a party game.


A party game? Mario Party is a party game. Mario Kart and Smash less so, and tbh, Smash is a game that more depth than any other fighter out there. Just because it appeals to a wide range of gamers is no reason to look down at it and call it 'a party game'. Party games require pretty much no effort to make (look at Mario Party 8) and if that was the case this game would have been out MONTHS ago.


Come on, give the developers some credit.

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The levels shown so far are perfect. Only 4-5 levels on Melee were perfect for fighting, and we've gotten quite a handfun already.
Not true, I loved fighting on...


Kongo Jungle, Rainbow Cruise, Great Bay, Hyrule Temple, Corneria, Brinstar, Onett, Mute City, Pokemon Stadium, Battlefield, Final Destination...


All very different stages and many have interactive/changing elements to them!


At the moment, the stages shown for Brawl are good for very straightforward fighting, but is that particularly fun and what Smash Bros is all about! The layouts are very repetitive and you'd get bored playing the same stage with dirrent backgrounds.

No doubt some better stages will be revealed in the future though!

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Not true, I loved fighting on...


Kongo Jungle, Rainbow Cruise, Great Bay, Hyrule Temple, Corneria, Brinstar, Onett, Mute City, Pokemon Stadium, Battlefield, Final Destination...


All very different stages and many have interactive/changing elements to them!


At the moment, the stages shown for Brawl are good for very straightforward fighting, but is that particularly fun and what Smash Bros is all about! The layouts are very repetitive and you'd get bored playing the same stage with dirrent backgrounds.

No doubt some better stages will be revealed in the future though!


No no, you misinterpreted what I meant. I play on Kongo Jungle, Rainbow Cruise, Onett, Mute City, PS, BF and FD, aswell as Dreamland 64, Yoshi Story, and a couple of more. What I meant was that only 4 of the levels were similar to those shown so far. Sorry for being unclear!

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The new stage looks great, finally another stage with a different layout. It'll be as annoying as the Ice Climbers level I bet. :D

Hopefully it will raise slowly; then it'll be okay.


It would make sense to get rid of Ice Climbers, because they were incredibly glitched. It's so easy to infinite combo with them (grab, tap A, and repeat) and it would be hard to fix that.

Actually it wouldn't be difficult at all to make it so they can't do that.


I think the Ice Climbers should be redesigned so that it's more like DKC...i.e. Nana is unhittable....though she'd obviously be usable in certain moves (and make it so she actually stays next to i if you move). Also....Duel items still too:)

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New update, a welcome return for:




NIce bit of info as well


"Yoshi’s back and bursting with personality! He can launch consecutive attacks and even smack around enemies below him mid-flight.


Among other things, he can now use his up special move, the Egg Toss, to increase the distance of his jump. That’s enough to earn him a hearty welcome, isn’t it?"



and pictures to add to the little Art of Added character:



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