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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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That Medley is very nice.

*wants it for download*


I hope they also include alternative tracks this time again. For instance on Big Blue sometimes (or when you hold certain buttons) the Mach-Rider Theme played.


After a few month I took out SSBM again and played with a friend. It's still absolutely amazing and I thought several times: I so have to get SSBB.

Oh why does it have to take so long?

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Yes, banana peels... You don’t, um...think they’re too much of a cliché, do you?


I mean, when a banana peel gets dropped, everybody pretty much knows what’s going to happen next.














Nice idea for an item, but I'd rather there were a few more Nintendo-themed items. The new ones announced so far haven't had anything at all to do with Nintendo.

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Yeah, you're probably right. They should have given it eyes, though. ;)


Isn't it just the item icon in the Mario Kart's that have eyes? I don't think the actual in-game Banana Peel has had eyes before..

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Woo! Banana peels?

The perfect replacement for the proximity mines if you ask me.:grin:

Not that I don't like the mines, but, if they get taken out, the banana peels surely will make up for it. They seem to fit the free-for-alls perfectly.


I want this game so bad right now...


And LOL at kirby of course. Every single picture posted.:laughing:

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I've seen in a number of other gaming forums people complaining about the Banana Peel, but people are really underestimating the power of this item. It looks as though based on the screenshots released that slipping on the peel causes you to temporary be immobile when you make contact with the peel (walk/run over it) like when you leave the shield held for too long "crack" dizziness. This will give rise for a smash opportunity, if enough % of damage has been accumulated and if it has been strategically placed well, i.e on edge after attempted recovery, jumps up from edge slips or in a part of the stage where visibility is reduced, BAM ELIMINATED in an instant courtesy of capitalising on a vulnerable opponent. I welcome the addition of this item although I am slightly confused to how it would work if you were knocked INTO the ground via a smash move and slid along the ground due to accumulating a lot of damage and you happen to make contact with the banana peel, what would happen then? Would it just be used up Mario Kart style?

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I think that all the banana peel will do is make you fall over. I wonder if you will be able to tech it.


Teching it would be awesome :D


Also, i wonder if they'll let you get 3-5 bananas at a time, like you get in Mario kart.

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You can enter individual names for each player. Start by just entering a name.




This time, enter it like you would on your cell phone!

You can also use random names.


Once it’s entered, choose your name for your character on the character-selection screen before you begin fighting.




The character-selection screen is still a secret!


This time, names are extremely important. That’s because we’ve included personalized button configurations.


We’ve made this game compatible with four different controllers:




You can change button configurations for each one for each registered name, and alter those configurations any way you like.


Assigning personal button configurations each time you fight would be a bit of a pain...but if you just choose your name from the list, BAM! You get to play with your preferred configuration! There’s no waiting!


We’re also considering allowing you to save your name to the memory in your Wii Remote so you can bring your settings with you to your friend’s house...


But if we can’t make that happen, I apologize.




On a side note, todays update gives us the first glimpse of the interface of the game, and to me it appears very Kirby Air Ridesque.

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Guest Jordan

I love the bit at the end.

This site is more like a blog than a games site and it just seems like he actually feels sorry if a feature is missed out.


Anyway, although not a major update since you know... yay button configs. I have no idea why anyone would want A and B switched though.

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Hmm, seems VS Mode has been renamed Multiplayer. Wonder if that means we're gonna see more than just your standard VS battles.


Loving the brighter interface anyhow :smile:. Wonder why they didn't opt to using Miis for names.

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