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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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What is this Dual Layer Disc problem I'm hearing about?


My favourites? I think I'm going to mention only newcomers. It's more fair.


5 Most Interesting:

1. Pit

2. Ike

3. Sonic

4. Lucario

5. Pokémon Trainer


5 Least Interesting:

1. Toon Link

2. Dedede

3. Lucas

4. Diddy

5. Wolf


Pit, Ike (together with Marth) pretty much share first place. Marth's moves look even cooler than they did in Melee. Meta Knight comes right after Pokémon Trainer.


Of all the newcomers, the ones mentioned on the 5 Least Interesting list are the ... well, least interesting. That's not to say I don't want to try them out, but they never really caught my interest.

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Stamina thing? I've not played him much so I'm not sure what you're talking about. Can you explain what I need to do so I can test it and explain more about it?


Edit: nvm looked it up, well I don't think I've played it enough to tell (or even judge how easily the Pokemon are knocked about). Been playing too much Link/Marth/Ike/Pikachu to see. :p

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The Pokémon grow tired after some time, their attack power decreases, they get slower and such. If you change them more often than not this will not be a problem. I guess it was made so no one overuses a Pokémon (Charizard, I reckon).


As far as I know, it's based on time. I think it's something like 1 or 1.5 minutes, after which the Pokémon slowly take damage.

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The Pokémon grow tired after some time, their attack power decreases, they get slower and such. If you change them more often than not this will not be a problem. I guess it was made so no one overuses a Pokémon (Charizard, I reckon).


As far as I know, it's based on time. I think it's something like 1 or 1.5 minutes, after which the Pokémon slowly take damage.


I've heard reports say 2 minutes which explains why it was never a problem at conventions where 2 minute matches were the only option. I believe fatigue also occurs if you switch out Pokémon too often. Bottom line: Use each Pokémon a fair amount of time, then switch.

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I really want this game, it seems incredible; I loved the N64 version and played it all the time at Uni. Thing is though I got the melee version and didn't play it as much as I didnt have gamer mates around me at the time (all got bored or were too into their xbox's/ps2's). Now I am surrounded by gamer mates but I just don't think they'll go for it; my girlfriend will love it I think and we'll have a good time on it, but she hates losing, and I'm blatantly going to murder her at it (;) ) meaning she won't want to play it with me....... And I'm not a massive fan of online gaming unless I'm friends with them....... Don't know what to do!!!!

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I'm really interested in trying all the new characters, although I have my doubts about Olimar. I think it's a really good inclusion, but I find it hard to see a strategy he can use... It seems his only moves involve throwing Pikmin (of course) but they seem to do bugger all on the damage front...


Much more interested in Snake, Meta Night, Pokemon Trainer, and having a go with Diddy before beating him in the face over and over (I'm pretty sure that's the main reason he's in)

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I think the strongest looking newbie for me is metaknight, and for some reason snake looks lightweight. Sonic is cool too.


However, fox looks awesome in this game, I don't know why. Samus also looks great, but why the zero-suit? what's the appeal, i think it looks crap

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Today's Dojo updated reminded me of how F-Zero GX is my favourite ever racer, and how much I'd love to see a sequel on Wii (with the same developer, if possible). Am I right in thinking there's only one new F-Zero stage in Brawl? Shame if that's right, because I'd have loved to have seen more GX tracks make an appearance.

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The Pokémon grow tired after some time, their attack power decreases, they get slower and such. If you change them more often than not this will not be a problem. I guess it was made so no one overuses a Pokémon (Charizard, I reckon).


As far as I know, it's based on time. I think it's something like 1 or 1.5 minutes, after which the Pokémon slowly take damage.


Ahhhh, thats great thanks. yeah, makes sense.




Ths guy has the game and is putting up video's every little while, he has a video of all the cahracters taunts


LOL Lucario does Link's taunt? the Japanese voices suit the game well. Oh GOD...Sheiks old taunt could almost bring a tear to my eye...Luigi's is the weirdest...I like wolfs' howl.


So, Japan never got Smash bros 64 on the VC did they? Probably won't be released prior to brawls release here I guess.

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Awesome, Luigi still has the only taunt that can cause damage....also, what the hell is his last taunt, haha, bloody awesome, i'm gonna waste hours messing with that.


Also, Peachs "lalalala" taunt is oddly sexy :heh:


Although why are all of Snakes taunts the box? surely they could have come up with something else

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Awesome, Luigi still has the only taunt that can cause damage....also, what the hell is his last taunt, haha, bloody awesome, i'm gonna waste hours messing with that.


Also, Peachs "lalalala" taunt is oddly sexy :heh:


Although why are all of Snakes taunts the box? surely they could have come up with something else


Thats true but if you taunt several times with snake on his battle stage, it brings up a codec screen about the other characters you're fighting. With a different converstation for each character

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I problably will only fight with Link and not letting my sister touch it.


I want to make a great record with my Link ^^


But Meta Knight and Snake are good options too.


My sister will problably stay with the Pokemons and Kirby (and she plays damn well, maybe i'l make her play against some of you just to you see her intelligence and skill :o)

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