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Super Mario Galaxy


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It's sold 2 million worldwide in under a month, and still has 3 weeks of Christmas sales to go :/.


You really can't snub those sorts of sales, the faster selling Wii game so far and this is also subject to Wii shortages and game shortages :/.


Need For Speed should NOT be outselling this, nor should Assassin's Creed and the other licensed games in the charts. I hate it when everyone complains that the Wii gets no decent games, then out comes the best game I've ever played and no one buys it. Sickening.

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Need For Speed should NOT be outselling this, nor should Assassin's Creed and the other licensed games in the charts. I hate it when everyone complains that the Wii gets no decent games, then out comes the best game I've ever played and no one buys it. Sickening.


Exactly. Galaxy should be outselling several more games and some games like Need for Speed and Assasins Creed really shouldn't be outselling this. Fair enough there good games and all but Galaxy should be doing far better. In Japan it was near a flop which was surprising enough, but the crappy licensed games should not be out doing Galaxy.

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Exactly. Galaxy should be outselling several more games and some games like Need for Speed and Assasins Creed really shouldn't be outselling this. Fair enough there good games and all but Galaxy should be doing far better. In Japan it was near a flop which was surprising enough, but the crappy licensed games should not be out doing Galaxy.


Need For Speed is only released annually for Christmas profits, they don't care whether the game's good or not. Galaxy's been in development for 2 or more years, it doesn't deserve to be outsold by shitty cash-ins.

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Need For Speed should NOT be outselling this, nor should Assassin's Creed and the other licensed games in the charts. I hate it when everyone complains that the Wii gets no decent games, then out comes the best game I've ever played and no one buys it. Sickening.


But NFS is released on about 7 platforms, how the hell is it not going to outsell Galaxy at the start? I seriously can't believe people are complaining about 2 million sales, it's going to sell 4 or 5 times that by the end of it's life...

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I can't believe there's idiot gamers out there that keep buying this crap when it is virtually the same thing. It hardly get's upgraded yet people buy it cause it's "Need for Speed" or there m8s have it.


About the Mario sales, it should really sell more, especially during the Christmas rush since that will likely be it's peak. Next year it'll probably slow down.

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But NFS is released on about 7 platforms, how the hell is it not going to outsell Galaxy at the start? I seriously can't believe people are complaining about 2 million sales, it's going to sell 4 or 5 times that by the end of it's life...


Assassin's Creed and games like The Simpsons still outsell it on the single platforms chart.

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Assassin's Creed and games like The Simpsons still outsell it on the single platforms chart.


In the UK yes, but the UK is probably the worst video games market in the world for what sells and what doesn't.


It's the best selling indvidual format game this month in Europe, America and Japan, just not the UK.


All I'm saying is this game has no where near flopped, and it's sales are quite incredible thus far. Considering Mario games always sell for the whole of a systems lifespan, this could easily end up selling in excess of 10 million worldwide once everything is done and done. Guess it's too soon to be saying stuff like that though.

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I've got 17 stars I don't get much time to play it because I'm often kicked off my own wii in favour of that blasted wii sports. So I'm normally given some decent play time at about 2am in the morning. And by that time I start seeing about 3 Marios

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I did it, got my 120th start today :yay:


I loved the little bit after the credits when Luigis voice goes "Super Luigi Galaxy" awesome.... slightly disappointed though that when you start as Luigi you don't get to play that intro part at the castle...


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Toy Town purple coins is driving me fucking insane. Any tips?


Edit: Hahaha never mind for some reason I thought there were only 100 coins on the whole thing and was trying to collect every single one. Done it now.


Yeah thats what I was doing when I first started and I thought it was impossible, then I figured there was alot more and it all became pretty easy after that.

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I've just done the 100 purple coins on Dreadnought Galaxy. Must have taken me at least 20 goes but not one time did I feel cheated out of it. The music, various bits of skill, teeny bit of luck landing right - its an absolutely fantastic level. I never thought I'd say this about one of the coin collecting levels but for pure outright gameplay experiences I think this could be the best level I've played in a game - Ever.

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Except I just finished a 3 hour play session.


It's good. Seriously.


Maybe not on the level of Mario Galaxy or Bioshock, but it's certainly a million miles better than shit like NFS.


It's a good movie yes, not necessarily a good game.


The difference is that Mario Galaxy has great gameplay, but still doesn't see the same sales as AC, which to me and alot of people was an underachiever of sorts.


I mean it's basically 30 minutes of gameplay looped repeatedly with a great story.


Effectively: Mario Galaxy doesn't feel like a chore and should deserve greater sales than Assassins Creed.


And yea, it's not as bad as NFS, but it certainly does seem to be over hyped by alot of fans. Some people can't accept it's not amazing.

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Effectively: Mario Galaxy doesn't feel like a chore and should deserve greater sales than Assassins Creed.


And yea, it's not as bad as NFS, but it certainly does seem to be over hyped by alot of fans. Some people can't accept it's not amazing.


And classical musicians deserve to sell more records than Take That simply because they are more talented in doing what they do. That doesn't mean it happens.

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And classical musicians deserve to sell more records than Take That simply because they are more talented in doing what they do. That doesn't mean it happens.


Did you just admit that Assassins Creed is the Take That of the gaming industry? :p


The problem is that Mario Galaxy isn't as vastly different as Classical music and Take That, it just seems to be getting overlooked by everyone.

Most people I asked told me "I'm not getting that it's gay/for kids"

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Most people I asked told me "I'm not getting that it's gay/for kids"


Welcome to the world of Nintendo.

Seriously though, is it any wonder Sony / MS don't really have any epic platformers!? Do their core users not want games like Mario? Surely Mario sales are good enough. Or it it the fanbase? Or do Sony/MS view the market as "childlike" and thus let 3rd parties make trash like Spongebob?!


It will be interesting to see how Banjo sells on the 360.

Rathchet and Clank are pretty good on the PS systems yet they seem to focus on the "we've got guns!!!" aspect moreso than platforming.


It's always been the same when a Mario game comes along. "It's for kids" scream the unitiated. But think about it...It's their loss. And they got into gaming when they were young and somehow got lost in the array of shooters/racers. I pity them personally. To miss out on Galaxy and shun child-like wonder means you are not really understanding of games/interaction at all. Just a participant of the industry. Like someone who rents a generic action flick. But that's fine and all. Yet you never hear people saying "Golden Compass/Harry Potter is GAY, it's for kids!". The games industry is half of the problem. Fanboyish till the end.


And why is "gay*" used as a bad term for inanimate objects?! I personally think it's like calling a game "nigger" and thus being racist over something as trivial as a game. What a sad, sad world we live in at times. And won't somebody please think about the children!! :p


*unlesss by 'gay' the person was stating that it was too jovial to play. If so ignore my final paragraph!

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Got to 80 stars yesterday, just 40 more to go. :D That one Daredevil challenge, the Bouldergeist one, took me only one try. It was easier than I expected because a lot of people found that to be one of the harder stars to get. When I beat that boss on a normal run I didn't get hit either. I did the three trial levels as well, those were quite challenging but I managed to finish them all.

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