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  triforcemario said:
When you start flying with the petal, don't shake the controller until it starts to vibrate, then shake it, that'll make you go higher. Also, try and time it just correctly (and practise a little as well).


thanks mate, with your help ive finally got it... took me at least 30 attempts lol, thank goodness for the Princess sending me those letters with 1-ups!


thanks for the reply triforcemario

  mitchy said:
thanks mate, with your help ive finally got it... took me at least 30 attempts lol, thank goodness for the Princess sending me those letters with 1-ups!


thanks for the reply triforcemario

No problem, man. :yay:

I've got 111 stars so far. Some of the remaining stars are really frustrating me, mainly the purples coins in the second bee galaxy because of one jump that seems to take me ages to do so I run out of time, and the daredevil comet on the volcano level, I don't think I've ever been more frustrated at a level!


But I'll eventually get them, and the rest. I have all Christmas to do it, determined to get 120!

  Sparko said:
I've got 111 stars so far. Some of the remaining stars are really frustrating me, mainly the purples coins in the second bee galaxy because of one jump that seems to take me ages to do so I run out of time, and the daredevil comet on the volcano level, I don't think I've ever been more frustrated at a level!


I had similar beef with the jump in question until i realized the platform was just big enough for a triple jump/spin.


My only advice on the volcano level is to take it slow and keep your health full

  Supergrunch said:
Just done the second bowser level... one of the best bits of platforming I've ever played.


Yeah, the second Bowser level is great, especially the 2D bits when you're on moving platforms and the gravity keeps changing direction.


ok ive just landed my 120th star, do i need to go back and do the bowser level and kill him all over again, even though i had done it after 60? Is this whats needed to play as Luigi , or am i missing something?

  mitchy said:
ok ive just landed my 120th star, do i need to go back and do the bowser level and kill him all over again, even though i had done it after 60? Is this whats needed to play as Luigi , or am i missing something?


Yeah you have to go and kick his ass again. Then you get luigi.

  Goron_3 said:
Yeah you have to go and kick his ass again. Then you get luigi.


Ahh ok, thanks for the reply.


The level itself is awesome, but the fight with bowser is a bit lame imo,


Here goes!!!!!!!


I'm actually dissapointed with this game, after getting to terms with it. Though, I've slowly been losing interest in games lately, which is annoying me. I thought this would be the game to get me hyped again.


I have to say, I enjoyed playing sunshine through the first time more than I have this. That might have been because I was younger or whatever, but it's the truth. I'm not sure why I've not enjoyed it as much as I thought I would, it just doesn't feel as awesome as people have said it is. I've actually, like H-O-T said in the Ratchet and clank thread, enjoyed that more than this.


I'm not saying it's bad or anything, far from it, it's a great game in it's own right, but for me it's just not lived up to my expectations. The planets that weren't round or whatever, i.e the ones like a normal game I found myself not really enjoying because they just bored me tbh. Some of the levels on galaxy have been awesome fun, like the first few levels I played on it. I've not had the urge to go on it again for ages either.


Meh, I'm probably being to picky here, but playing this just made me remember how much I loved sunshine and then, if I go further back, 64.


/Rant over - awaits flaming.:)

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To tell the truth I probably had a better time with Mario Sunshine than Galaxy. Probably because it was the only cube game I had at the time. But also because there was more of a challenge there. I remember I used to get so obsessed with the game that I would dream about how to complete the levels where fludd gets taken away. And first thing in the morning when I woke up before school, I went ahead and completed the level. Mario Galaxy is good, but not amazing. But it does deserve to be game of the year.

  Ten10 said:
I would dream about how to complete the levels where fludd gets taken away. And first thing in the morning when I woke up before school, I went ahead and completed the level. Mario Galaxy is good, but not amazing. But it does deserve to be game of the year.


dont mention those stages... argh.. they put me off the game for good


well I'm 95 I think now...but really struggling to get any new stars to add to my collection...I hate the purple coin levels and some of the other comets are just plain awful...

  Coolness Bears said:
Some of the Purple Coin Challenges are quite hard i got to 80 out of 100 on one of them and accidently jumped of the side of the mountain... :shakehead


It was my own fault! :) I have 86 stars now. :D

I got 99 out of 100 on one :/


I really do hate the purple coin levels because if you happen to die you get the pleasure of doing it all over again. For me the purple comet is the worst one out of the lot.

  Pit-Jr said:
I had similar beef with the jump in question until i realized the platform was just big enough for a triple jump/spin.


My only advice on the volcano level is to take it slow and keep your health full


Thanks man, managed to finish them both yesterday, I actually cheered when I finished the volcano daredevil comet! Only 2 left, purple coins in the toy galaxy and the snow bunnies.


I got the last 120th star this morning and saw the full ending. What a great game this is, it never stops being fun all the way until the end. I loved the ending too.


Looking forward to going through the game game again with the other character


I've decided to re-buy Sunshine. I want to play those hard bits again!


I know it's not been done in mario games before, but I think it would have been great to of had difficulty levels, well, at least a as it is now, and then "harder" or something.


I'm not saying it doesn't get hard after the final boss battle with the purple coins, but it would be nice if it felt like a challenge getting to the boss battle in the first place.

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