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Super Mario Galaxy


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Definately , although I don't seem to have returned to it since getting the 120 stars.


Is it just me or is playing the game as Luigi just not so much fun due to him been such a slippery SOB.

Its more fun as you have to adapt to them and become the bettwer player. I actually found a lot of tricky stars that cost me many lives as beforehand than after due to his control, but then there were harder ones...



...bloody Cosmic Comets...

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For me (yesterday) it was the bit with 6 on one platform, then Id run back to get to the moving platform and either ;



Hit by bomb thing

Much up



Best bet is to not rush to get back to the moving platform, as if you wait on the stationary platforms another moving one will come along.


I found this out by accident when getting stuck on the bit with the thwump.


Oh and I'd like to add that this is a great game, enjoyed every minute of it. I've even enjoyed helping my gf play with a second remote.


Finished it with 120 stars last night, not sure if I should go back to it straight away or play something else for a bit. Oh just remembered didn't quite finish Phantom Hourglass whilst on holiday. I'll play that for a bit before going back to it I think. :yay:

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Guys, what do you think then?


Game of the year?


I'd say so.


I would say so. I think it is between this and Bioshock, there are plenty of other top games out there this year but I think these two deserve to scrap it out.


I completed it last night on 65 stars (I had tried to put off the end boss but decided I couldn't put off the inevitable encounter)and have already jumped straight back in to get more stars! Something I havn't immediatly done with the other Mario titles. What to say about the game, well obivously I loved it. My biggest bit of love for the game is how epic it all feels from start to finish. The final encounter is awesome in terms of epic scale, although is a tad easy much like the rest of bosses but their scale and sheer inventiveness makes them brilliant.


Only one more thing after finishing, won't be a spoiler to most but maybe to some;


OMG at flying mario! having kept a pretty steady blackout I had no idea that this was about to surprise me, now can only hope they make great use of it, I'm sure they will as the rest of the game makes great use of its "rules"


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Yeah. I think the only way they can really improve Mario games now is with a more involved and better story, maybe with twists and stuff?


Unlikely, but do you think Galaxy will maybe get a direct sequel? I feel it would be fantastic and I believe theres many more Galaxy/Planet type levels/gameplay ideas that can be explored and looked into.


I still want an original 2D gameply, 2D art style adventure for the DS though. Maybe Galaxy or Sunshine themed.

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Yeah. I think the only way they can really improve Mario games now is with a more involved and better story, maybe with twists and stuff?


Unlikely, but do you think Galaxy will maybe get a direct sequel? I feel it would be fantastic and I believe theres many more Galaxy/Planet type levels/gameplay ideas that can be explored and looked into.


I still want an original 2D gameply, 2D art style adventure for the DS though. Maybe Galaxy or Sunshine themed.


I think could see a sequel that is what Super Mario World was to Super Mario Bros 3. Refinement and adjustments and tweaks.

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i still havent bought it ( becouse it is sold out everywhere haha )

anyone finished the game? i want to know if there is any replay value like fighting the bosses again if you go back to that planet like in mario 64 when you go back to the level you completed you can fight the bosses and do the mini games over again if you wanted is that still in galaxy if so awesome

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i still havent bought it ( becouse it is sold out everywhere haha )

anyone finished the game? i want to know if there is any replay value like fighting the bosses again if you go back to that planet like in mario 64 when you go back to the level you completed you can fight the bosses and do the mini games over again if you wanted is that still in galaxy if so awesome


Anyone finished the game? God damn don't be so freakin lazy and at least look at a few pages of the thread, spoilers are kept to a minimum.


Yes, tons of people have finished the game and yes, it's still fun to play. With so many games out nowadays though it's not as common for people to usually go back to games and replay them as we used to, so don't be surprised if you dont, but it is fun to play again.

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