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Super Mario Galaxy


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Wow this got me all hyped up again.

Not only are the graphics technically beautiful but all these lush colours and characters really make it outstanding already. Also the different locations and little planets will make it very diverse and challenging I suppose.

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Galaxy looks like the following : -


a) clumsy to control

b) the graphics I expected from day one

c) and a bad camera angle.


Having said that I didn't like mario 64, or sunshine.


isn't this your second time saying the same thing?


and yeah the game does look gorgeous so far.

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The camera angles are stunning. Especially when you walk around a spherical object.


Then again, you'll forgive me if I say you clearly don't have much taste Zelda Freak if you didn't like SM64. Unless of course you played it recently for the first time and not from day 1.

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Then again, you'll forgive me if I say you clearly don't have much taste Zelda Freak if you didn't like SM64. Unless of course you played it recently for the first time and not from day 1.


By todays standard of platform games, it's still an amazing game. But then, today's standards of platform games ain't exactly high.

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The camera angles are stunning. Especially when you walk around a spherical object.


Then again, you'll forgive me if I say you clearly don't have much taste Zelda Freak if you didn't like SM64. Unless of course you played it recently for the first time and not from day 1.


No I played it on the n64, I believe I played it right around the time when banjo kazooie came out, thats when I got my n64.


In what way is it clumsy to control? Looks very all-together, imo. I don't see what's wrong with the camera angles either.


Just the fact you have to use the wiimote pointing functionality to try and remove flames while jumping seems to me like it could be hit or miss.

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HD trailer http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=17653&type=wmv.

Does anyone else feel that Mario Galaxy is the game that is going to suddenly make the Wii be born. At the moment, I don't feel like the console has been born if you know what I mean.


Only for "teh hrdc0r" fans waiting for their favourite franchises to make themselves apparent I think. I still say watching my mother bounce around the living room on Wii Tennis was worth the price of the console alone.


Galaxy is shaping up rather lovely though I must say. It looks like a very interesting take on the traditional platformer, Mario flying and floating around and running around upside down and stuff. looking positively glorious.



In fact I've got so many questions, I think Miyamoto should come round to my house and personally give me a demo.


That sounds filthy.

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Come on man, graphically we all know Wii cannot compete with either the PS3 or Xbox360...


but Mario, as a platformer looks amazing (NOT VISUALLY!!!) it sure looks like great fun to play!


SMG on a 360 or PS3, even with those graphics would be a very high-scoring game, because it's so fun to play!!! (basing that on all the impressions I've seen!)

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Still it looks like the average game this genration should look. Gameplay from what I have seen so far not really that impressed.
Come on ZeldaFreak, quit bashing stuff just for the reason of disagreeing with us. As a developer in training, and especially a graphics crazy one like yourself, you should appreciate the performance Nintendo have made by pulling these visuals out of the system. It's jaw-dropping, especially considering it's a GameCube 1.5.


It's really great to see how the gameplay seems so varied, with all those small elements that use the Wiimote, like that catapult, them orb fields and plant growth control. I'm definetely hyped now. This places it on top of my list, and MP3 is at a a respectful distance now :smile:

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Come on ZeldaFreak, quit bashing stuff just for the reason of disagreeing with us. As a developer in training, and especially a graphics crazy one like yourself, you should appreciate the performance Nintendo have made by pulling these visuals out of the system. It's jaw-dropping, especially considering it's a GameCube 1.5.


It's really great to see how the gameplay seems so varied, with all those small elements that use the Wiimote, like that catapult, them orb fields and plant growth control. I'm definetely hyped now. This places it on top of my list, and MP3 is at a a respectful distance now :smile:


Thing is this though the graphics are how games this generation should look unfortunately. And yes I'll await the final product. But for what I have seen of it haven't been wowed yet.

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Am i allowed to say this game's graphics impress me more than most of the PS3 or Xbox 360 ones? Not tecnically speaking, but the art direction is amazing.

Everything seems so well put together, damn good looking and fun to play.

Little Big Planet for PS3 is an exception though.

I definitely said wow.

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Come on man, graphically we all know Wii cannot compete with either the PS3 or Xbox360...


but Mario, as a platformer looks amazing (NOT VISUALLY!!!) it sure looks like great fun to play!


SMG on a 360 or PS3, even with those graphics would be a very high-scoring game, because it's so fun to play!!! (basing that on all the impressions I've seen!)


Exactly. It's beautiful enough. And it looks so incredibly fun. Which is what games are for.

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Thing is this though the graphics are how games this generation should look unfortunately.
Well, isn't that the main problem you've had with the Wii so far? And now, there it is, and now you still won't give a positive comment.
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