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Metroid Prime 3: Corruption


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It's a Nintendo game, developed for hardcore gamers.


Of course it's going to have a big following!


You crazy?! I'm not talking about Metroid, I'm talking about Halo.


Metroid deserves every praise it gets.

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If you're refering to the first game, it really isn't.


If you're talking about the first halo you would be right.


Honestly can't understand why people prefer the first to the second.



Also halo on the pc is not a revolution It does the same thing


but on the xbox it controlled lovely for a console fps.

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If you're refering to the first game, it really isn't.


I beg to differ I loved it and played it on the pc!


But why the hell are we discussing this in a metroid thread I must have missed something. I cant wait for this game the Wii needs a game like this well I need it anyway! :yay:

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Apart from the crappy bit where you fight those stupid aliens that blow up for ages(can't remember their name or the level), halo 1 is a classic.


They are called The Flood and the level is called The Library and yes that is probably the most annoying part of the game.


Im calling an October release date on Metroid Prime 3.

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They are called The Flood and the level is called The Library and yes that is probably the most annoying part of the game.


Im calling an October release date on Metroid Prime 3.


ah yes those bastards......................

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I've played Halo 1 and, quite frankly, I can't see what's so special about it. Never played Halo 2, though.

In my opinion, the only FPS of that generation worth mentioning is Timesplitters. It had a really fun multiplayer and even the single player mode had a fun co-op.



Anyway, Metroid Prime 3 is shaping up to be a memorable entry for the Metroid franchise.


If it manages to capture the classic feeling of Metroid while implementing the new features (WiiMote, Allies), it will become one of the best games of this generation (much like the first Metroid Prime).


If it becomes too much like your common FPS, it will be a dark chapter in the history of the Metroid series. The great thing about the Metroid Prime Series is the fact that it is so different than normal FPS (so different that there are people that refer them as First-Person Adventures, myself included).


So let's just hope that the guys at Retro Studios won't let us down and make the best MP game ever.:smile:

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Wowserz, superb screen shots. The lighting seems very impressive for the Wii so far. One day I'd love to see retro put their immense talents to a non-Metroid game. Wouldn't mind someone having another crack at that "Starfox Adventures" idea for example.


PS. Halo was simply incredible. An enthralling epic and intuitive action experience. Co-op is still a regular draw on my bro's Xbox. Also wins bonus points for best level name ever: "I would have been your daddy."

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Good to know that the exploration elements are still present. That floating citadel looks amazing.:o


The art style really reminds me of Halo in certain parts. I hope the similarities stop there.


I wonder who that is on first page: Dark Samus or a "corrupted" Samus.:wink:


Finally, sorry if this is a dumb question, but what magazine is that?

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