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Metroid Prime 3: Corruption


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The morph ball is being held in the statues hand, like the Chozo statue's in Prime.


Oh yes, I see it now. Thanks.


However, I think the best move for Retro (and Nintendo) is for them to develope an exclusive Nintendo FPS (as others have said); Nintendo themselves don't look likely to ever do it!


Definitely. My personal feeling is that making an FPA is more difficult than making an FPS. And with the confidence and experience they now have, Retro could turn out an amazing FPS game I'm sure.


And if it stops the endless Metroid vs. Halo comparisons, I'm all for it!

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Oh yes, I see it now. Thanks.




Definitely. My personal feeling is that making an FPA is more difficult than making an FPS. And with the confidence and experience they now have, Retro could turn out an amazing FPS game I'm sure.


And if it stops the endless Metroid vs. Halo comparisons, I'm all for it!


This is what I have in mind, a Retro Studios FPS... man that would be great!

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In the media conference, "why no multiplayer?" was the first question they were asked and the president of Retro was like "Really? Is that really you want from a Metroid game? That's a high priority for you guys?" and all the journalists were all "uh... Yeah, not really." It was pretty funny.


They did promise exciting Connect24 features but absolutely refused to elaborate further.


And I can tell you to stop hating on the purple chick, because she's awesome.
Can you elaborate a bit on this please?
She's one of the Hunters on your team, at least at the beginning. She's basically Mystique from the X-Men, and totally screws with Samus by shapeshifting into Dark Samus and such. They have a very catty relationship, it's a pretty fun character. Wish I could remember her name...


The Hunters are way cooler than they were in MP: Hunters!



Source: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=168371&page=3

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Metroid Prime was good, but it was sooo big I just gave up with it. Hope this is more like Resident Evil 4 in its gameplay, in regards to making the series more fast paced and shit.


Otherwise I will just be investing in Mario Galaxy and Super Smash Bros.

It certainly won't be as linear as Resi 4 (what with the exploration and back-tracking etc...), which made that game fast paced; but yeah I think it will be the most action packed Prime for sure!


Prime is practically perfect IMO though!

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Metroid Prime was good, but it was sooo big I just gave up with it. Hope this is more like Resident Evil 4 in its gameplay, in regards to making the series more fast paced and shit.


Otherwise I will just be investing in Mario Galaxy and Super Smash Bros.


That'd just make it shit, Metroid is all about the figuring out what to do, with puzzles and exploration and shit. I wouldn't change it for anything.

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I can imagine this being one of the finest games ever made, implementing the wii-controls perfectly, getting the best ratings and being loved by all the fans, and yet it will sell for shit. how the fuck does that happen? how did this happen with prime 1 and 2? probably because most wii-owners today are either over 90 years old or under ten years old, or, you know, just female. or maybe they don't give a fuck about epic first person adventure. when asked why they don't have the game they will state "what the fuck is metroid? i only play the tennis and bowling thing".


my point being that the wii-demographics aren't too favorable for this kind of game. remember shigsy saying about tp "i don't think many gamers are interested anymore in a game like this". what kind of an asshole attitude is that? seven fucking years i waited for that tablescratch.

if this game doesn't score nintendo really doesn't have much reason for a sequel. instead it will release "metroid: train your parasite infested brain". a game for people with tumors. there are probably more of those than hardcore nintendo fans. plus the game will only cost 1 percent of prime. crunch the fucking numbers.

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Prime is practically perfect IMO though!


In fact, it's so perfectly paced it's almost ungodly. The Space Station opening has a nice mix of tense casualness to all-out panic stations.


Landing on Tallon IV - Wow, time seemed to slow right down. I was examining fauna, watching the raindrops hit my visor, observing the trickling water and absorbing the chilled-out music.


Parts of the game practically demand you to stop and have a look around in awe (Phendrana Drifts). Other parts have you battling onwards with forced franticness, hoping to make it through alive (Phazon Mines).


I didn't really feel this with Metroid Prime 2. I really hope they can capture the sense of awe and amazement I felt with the first game.

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Did you manage to see Rundus?


And can you give me some impressions on:


1. The music quality

2. The controls (compared to other Wii FPS)




That would be so good if you could.

Yeah, I think Rundus was the third Hunter? He didn't appear as much in the demo as the other two.


1. The music was great in the first level. There were a lot of event scenes and it was particularly intense in those, but even in actual gameplay the music was much more active and upbeat overall than Echoes' ambient BGM. In the sky ruins area (which was the second level of the demo, but not the second area of the game) it was much more ambient, mostly just wind sounds. One of the Nintendo guys was raving about how amazing it sounded with the surround-sound headphones, but it was in mono in the demo for some reason.


2. I haven't played all the Wii FPS's, but I'm not aware of any that use this particular control scheme. Like most games, you move along your current axis with the analog stick (forward, back, and side-to-side), but you can also lock into an object with the Z-trigger (I think?) in which case you move only in relation to that object, so by pressing left and right you will circle around whatever you have locked in, and of course it will always be at the certain of your screen for targeting.

You always aim by pointing directly at your target, and there is NO lock-on targeting or aim assists. You aim freely within your bounding box and move the camera by pointing towards the edge of the screen. There are three levels of sensitivity to this, which vary the size of the invisible bounding box and the speed at which you turn. I think the Standard setting is typical FPS speed and sensitivity, but advanced is crazy fast, allowing you to turn 90 or 180 degrees in fractions of a second. I never set other games on fast sensitivity settings because it looks jerky and disorienting, but for some reason, Corruption works great on the Advanced setting. It has something to do with the way the movement smoothly accelerates and decelerates, I think. Or maybe just the level of fine movement you can make with your whole arm as opposed to just your thumb.


Wow, got a little wordy there. Short version: Best first-person controls I've ever experienced on the Wii, and dramatically superior to Prime 1 and 2 GameCube pad controls.


They implied that you can use the ship-control visor to order your ship (from the ground) to do strafing runs on foes.



can't wait, can't wait.

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In fact, it's so perfectly paced it's almost ungodly. The Space Station opening has a nice mix of tense casualness to all-out panic stations.


Landing on Tallon IV - Wow, time seemed to slow right down. I was examining fauna, watching the raindrops hit my visor, observing the trickling water and absorbing the chilled-out music.


Parts of the game practically demand you to stop and have a look around in awe (Phendrana Drifts). Other parts have you battling onwards with forced franticness, hoping to make it through alive (Phazon Mines).


I didn't really feel this with Metroid Prime 2. I really hope they can capture the sense of awe and amazement I felt with the first game.


Everything you've just said... perfect! That's exactly how I felt when playing MP! I was so immersed into the game world it was unreal!


If this does recapture that feeling then I can only see it being better as the controls will add to the level of immersiveness!


I can really see this being my favourite game of all time!

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In fact, it's so perfectly paced it's almost ungodly. The Space Station opening has a nice mix of tense casualness to all-out panic stations.


Landing on Tallon IV - Wow, time seemed to slow right down. I was examining fauna, watching the raindrops hit my visor, observing the trickling water and absorbing the chilled-out music.


Parts of the game practically demand you to stop and have a look around in awe (Phendrana Drifts). Other parts have you battling onwards with forced franticness, hoping to make it through alive (Phazon Mines).


I didn't really feel this with Metroid Prime 2. I really hope they can capture the sense of awe and amazement I felt with the first game.

Yeah I agree, it's just fantastic!


I too didn't get the same from Prime 2.

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In fact, it's so perfectly paced it's almost ungodly. The Space Station opening has a nice mix of tense casualness to all-out panic stations.


Landing on Tallon IV - Wow, time seemed to slow right down. I was examining fauna, watching the raindrops hit my visor, observing the trickling water and absorbing the chilled-out music.


Parts of the game practically demand you to stop and have a look around in awe (Phendrana Drifts). Other parts have you battling onwards with forced franticness, hoping to make it through alive (Phazon Mines).


I didn't really feel this with Metroid Prime 2. I really hope they can capture the sense of awe and amazement I felt with the first game.


This post captures the exact feelings I got when playing Metroid Prime.


Metroid Prime 2 was definitely weaker in this aspect. The only memorable moments of tension were the beginning with the dead soldiers and the ending with the

countdown + Final Battle


The only amazing sceneries were the entries to the desert and futuristic city levels. The pirate base was kinda frantic for a short time, but doesn't even come close to the Phazon Mines.


One more thing:




Is it me, or does the monster in the left resemble

Metroid Prime in crab form?


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Yeah that game always did look great and there's definately potential for Raven Blades sword combat on Wii; though it's a bit of an untested area at the moment, as Ubisoft didn't really achieve much! maybe the class of Retro Studios would have more luck!


However, I think the best move for Retro (and Nintendo) is for them to develope an exclusive Nintendo FPS (as others have said); Nintendo themselves don't look likely to ever do it!


They could turn a FPS out much more quickly aswell, as they can just rework the Metroid Prime 3 engine!

And they already have fantastic textures/environments/effects/character models in their portfolio from the three Metroid Prime games, which they can rework into something truely fantastic! and really save on development costs!


I would much rather they make Raven Blade for the Wii, I think that game just spells out what the Wii needs and what Retro could make. The game looked amazing in my opinion, and compliments the Wii controls perfectly.


Saying that, it did look pretty far into developement when it got canned, so perhaps they could finish it, put in the Wii Controls, put the graphics to a high standard and release it by 2008 and then get working on a FPS.


I would rather see the third parties battle it out for the 'definite' FPS game. Metroid Prime 3 looks set to make the genre gain a huge fanbase on the Wii (FPS or FPA or whatever, it'll gain that sort of fanbase) and I would rather Nintendo leave the third parties something like that to battle out and build on from Metroid Prime 3.


The Screenshots released today have made this a must buy game for me. Seriously I'm in awe, I didn't think those sorts of visuals would be seen on the Wii within one year of release.

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I would rather see the third parties battle it out for the 'definite' FPS game. Metroid Prime 3 looks set to make the genre gain a huge fanbase on the Wii (FPS or FPA or whatever, it'll gain that sort of fanbase) and I would rather Nintendo leave the third parties something like that to battle out and build on from Metroid Prime 3.
But if Retro have basically got all the tools in place to make a FPS, why not capitalize on it!


I think a Retro FPS would also appeal to a much greater audience than Raven Blade.

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But if Retro have basically got all the tools in place to make a FPS, why not capitalize on it!


I think a Retro FPS would also appeal to a much greater audience than Raven Blade.

Yeah but I think raven Blade would appeal to a more specific audience that the Wii doesn't yet have but Nintendo will certainly want to entice. It has that sort of cross-over final fantasy type God of War appeal that would get alot of people interested.


Saying that I'm sure a good FPS could get some of those people interested, but really, anyone specifically interested in only FPS's will have a PC or 360. Metroid is great cause it get's the FPS market interested while also holding onto that Nintendo franchise type thing.


I guess I just can't see Nintendo making a FPS as good as some third parties are capable of. Retro are very talented though, but I think it's in ways that more traditional FPS's don't require (such as great art styles and unique gameplay).

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Let Retro set the standard with Metroid and then give them the space to do what they want. Half of the reason Nintendo seem to have quibbles with past 2nd party devs is their insistance on keeping them tied to the same liscences. Retro are obviously hugely talented and probably have a vast understanding of how the DS, Wii and Wiimote work. Metroid has proved that. That's why they should maybe go onto something similar with the Metroid engine - as I fear it would just go to waste, which would be a shame from what we've seen so far. There is also no doubt that Ravenblade (and was it Thunder Rally?) looked interesting. These people are obviously uber talented. It will be interesting to see what they make next. After the launch of Metroid I think Retro will be the developer to watch. Who knows...They could be similar to Rare and try their hands at all genres hitting a technological level on the Wii that only Nintendo themselves can match. It's about time we were excited about Metroid and it seems the newest screens have impressed everyone. Long live Rare-tro. I mean RETRO!

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Nintendo bought Retro Studio's sometime around Metroid Prime's release and is now a first party studio, just to correct what Tapedeck said :).


I can see Nintendo giving them plenty of freedom, well I hope so. They're hardly going to get them to make a game like Mario Party or WarioWare, so we should be in for a treat whatever is next to come.


I heard that Retro started on their next IP last year, so I expect we'll hear about something after Metroid Prime 3 has been released and is successful.

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