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The 2006 GCSE Thread


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Heres a tip about revision*:


If you only revise for subjects you enjoy/are good at, then you will mess up the exam for that subject (i got around 50to60 percent in the 2 IT GCSE papers - reducing my grade to a low "A").


If you don't revise for something you hate, you'll to really well (like my A* in maths)


note: tip may not work for most people

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Although I'm in Year 9, I have 2 GCSEs this year, French and IT.


I've already had the oral (oh ha ha =P), which went reasonably, and the others arn't too bad in French.


IT should be a piece of cake, I got an A* in courswork, so need like 75/140 to keep that grade :)

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Guest Stefkov

It is a piece of piss, i cant recall ever the hardest questions were about IT, the final question which is alwaysworth like 12 maks ors omething asks what things should you consider when creating a website. easy marks for saying font, colour, pictures, hyperlinks, its stupid really

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Stocka, i found french, english and english lit the hardest. but thats only because im terrible at languages.


You can make GCSE's much easier on yourself by learning what the examiners actually want. For geography and business studies i could get full marks on a 10 mark question by writing down the 10 words/phrases what they wanted. It doesnt really test if you good at a subject, just wether you write what the examiner wants. (A level physics practicl exams are another example, you can get 19/20 without actually doing the practical, 20 if you're good at making up realistic results, as long as you wriite down specific things the examiner wants)

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Most difficult exam was either biology or maths. But this depends on every person.


I also found french hard, because i've never been much of a language person.


Did you have that bastard edexcel double science 2005? I hated that paper so much, not because it was hard, but because it didn't test knowledge! I knew the whole bloody syllabus, then got stupidly easy questions like "Why shouldn't you drink and drive?" Then they marked it crappily as well...

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No.... i had AQA Biology 2003..


Gosh that makes me feel old!


It was the first year they put the core material and the higher material in one mammoth 2hr30mins exam paper. Instead of two seperate exams.Usually triple science has an extension paper.


It was hard because there were 20 or so pages and just endless writing and i could not finish in time.


I'm currently at the University of Bristol, first year. I advise all of you gcse guys to do the best you can. Your results DO matter, but as long as you do your best you can be proud.


Good luck.


*obvious tip*


do loads of exam papers, and them do'em again and again to a time limit. i found that the most effective technique.

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Been entered for this really weird exam, they chose a few people in my year to do it, its something like IT and business exam for 2 hours. Its tomorrow, apparently its easy, looks pretty easy to..


Hopefully they'l give me back my damn printer credits!!

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Only 3 more days of compulsiry education and muck-up day! WOO!

My last EVER lesson I need to legaly be in is Food Tech (ffs...), but hey, at least we get to make whatever the fuck we like (I'm tempted to taking a Pot Noodle just to piss off my teacher)


However, on Tuesday 22nd, I have my first (not including my German oral, that was ages ago) exam, English lit...

Better get reading The Lord of the Flies, An Inspector Calls, and those pre-WWI poems again...


Oh, I've just had a brainwave! After every exam, post here how you think it went! Who's up for it?

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Yeah I'm up for posting here after exams to discuss together, but a better idea in my opinion is like the night before exams if theres anything we're unsure of that we still don't know after revising we could ask for help here? :smile:


Anyway I would have 5 days left of school this week but because I won't be at school Wednesday and Thursday (going to Paris for CLFinal WOOO!) I just have 3 school days left EVER. How frickin weird. I mean yeah I'm doing A Levels but its not the same, I'm never going to do compulsory education ever again and no more English or Maths lessons EVER. So weird!:shock:


Tuesday week (23rd) I got English lit in morning and ICT in afternoon, then on the 24th got PEM in afternoon. I then have 12 days till my next exam

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At the moment I'm studying Drama using old exam questions whilst listening to music. I don't think I'm allowed to use a computer to write up an exam but I hope they make an exception because I've injured my writing hand, I can't really hold anything, including a pen. (I don't even know how I injured it)


40 mins later..


I'm fucked. I've tried to revise for drama but I'm stuck and have absolutely no fucking idea what to fucking type next, yet I'll go into the exam with an idea of what to write. I might as well not bother revising for Drama if I can't even think of what to write.

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Guest Stefkov

ive been off school since last friday!!! im so happy, my list of exams are:

(May)22nd = spanish listening

23rd = Enlgish literature 9am, IT exam 1pm

24th = RE exam

(June)5th = Maths non calc

6th = English language 1

7th = Science

8th = English Language 2

12th = Maths calc

14th = DT Electronics exam (damn first ukraine world cup match against spain)

finshes just in time for my birthday the 17th :D

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Hmm, to the fellow who commented that GCSEs are not important, I was in an A-Level class (I was merely using a computer in the background and couldn't help but overhear) that a woman from two universitys both stated that GCSEs are the first thing they look at, as of a way of filtering down candidates.

For example, Oxford I think, only will look further on at you application form if you achieved a minimum of 5 A*s at GCSE.


Also, if I don't achieve a minimum of 8 Bs then I don't get back into my schools sixth form...


Anywho, did my French oral which went well. Got a nice n easy roleplay about holidays which was good. Did fine in my general conversation unti the LAST friggin' question in which she asked me how long my flight Took to get to Japan and I thought she said how long did I Spend in Japan. So I said 2 weeks and she cringed. :(


Anywho, how's everyone's revision going?

Started study leave last Friday but my school offers in school revision sessions which is cool. Ack though, my school posted an "advice guide to parents concerning your childs revision" and it said over six hours of revision you're placing them under too much pressure and under six hours of revision is just being lazy. So my parents expect me to revise for 6 HOURS! per day.


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6 hours christ, I can't do that long.

I don't look at revision as how long you do it for, which I try to tell my mum. It's about how well you do it and take it in.


I'm not really worried about GCSEs its just I have this annoying feeling that I won't do aswell as i'm capable of and will just do 'okay'.

Its annoying because I know i'm so much smarter than my grades, its just the kind of questions and things I get tested on that I hate. Exams and grades don't determine knowledge in my eyes.


Bah. And I really can't revise for long without wanting to do something else.

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Guest Stefkov

im the same i just cant revise. i cant just sit down and do something, oblivion and newly purchased halo 1, 2 and the mulitplayer will distract me....

my parents expect me to do 1-2 hours revision a day. i have a spanish vocabulary book infront of me. i just cant open it and start.

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