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Are you happy with your life?

Guest Jordan

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Hmmm, I'm pretty happy at the moment. Not amazing but not bad. Its the beginning of term so my student loan is here so i can buy nice food like co-op pizza's and fruit. Have a good group of mates, loads of people i can just chill with, haven't got a girlfriend atm, but thats just helping my bank balance/amount of time i can spend not failing.


Work wise, life is not great, but it never is at uni, just gotta grind through it and do other things. I failed my lst 2 collections, but seen as ive only passed one out of 12 thats not so bad. I haveproper exams at the end of this term, so ill be whipped to the bone, and hopefully know everything by then.


i also won 8 pints of ale at a random pub poker game, which is a nice bonus, all i need to do now is win that damn lottery.

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Before Easter I got suspended from my school, I went back in yesterday for a meeting. Turns out I can't go back into classes or anything else. I have to come in at certain days for revision sessions with a very annoying teaching assistant. I want to go back in Monday-Friday as usual, not certain days, especially when now in the lessons they'll be revising and doing practice papers to help them when it comes to the exam. Now it seems I won't be able to go back for 6th form there either. Even though most of the twats who pissed me off in the past would have left by then.


This is just terrible, they said I'm a danger to the other students, what am I fucking autistic to them, that's not right. I only hurt people if they hurt me. I let them hit me first before I do anything. They also said that I don't do the work, that's true. But maybe if the teacher would've put somebody next to me or used black ink on a whiteboard rather than green I'd probably be able to see the bastard writing.


So, yes, I have a wonderful life, people think I am a psycho, and now the school won't allow me back into lessons because they think I'm a danger to other students, I can't smile wide enough.

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Before Easter I got suspended from my school, I went back in yesterday for a meeting. Turns out I can't go back into classes or anything else. I have to come in at certain days for revision sessions with a very annoying teaching assistant. I want to go back in Monday-Friday as usual, not certain days, especially when now in the lessons they'll be revising and doing practice papers to help them when it comes to the exam. Now it seems I won't be able to go back for 6th form there either. Even though most of the twats who pissed me off in the past would have left by then.


This is just terrible, they said I'm a danger to the other students, what am I fucking autistic to them, that's not right. I only hurt people if they hurt me. I let them hit me first before I do anything. They also said that I don't do the work, that's true. But maybe if the teacher would've put somebody next to me or used black ink on a whiteboard rather than green I'd probably be able to see the bastard writing.


So, yes, I have a wonderful life, people think I am a psycho, and now the school won't allow me back into lessons because they think I'm a danger to other students, I can't smile wide enough.


if someone hit you and you hit them back


GOOD for you. Its how i was bought up.

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TL:DR - I'm not this person any more, I haven't been for a long time, and this no longer resonates with me.

I'm a lot happier with my life than I was seventeen years ago, clearly.

Sometimes, we just don't realise what we have, but I do now, more than ever, and I'm eternally grateful. :smile:

If you don't like you life, then manifest one which you do like, you have the power to do it, you just need to realise it. :peace:

Edited by S.C.G
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Its a mixed bag for me to. On the plus side, im not a starving kid in Africa or a homeless bum in Russia or a hostage in Iraq. I have a decent paying job, a small handful of trustworthy friends and a family that loves me and im also in the process of getting land and building my own house and im pretty excited about it


On the negative side, for which i take full responsiblilty, my social life is pretty non-existent. I work 3rd shift which has pretty much isolated me from the people i actually like being around and trust. I have a hard time getting close to new people because i dont trust anyone unless ive known them for a while.

I also have a huge problem with authority, be it at work, or on the highway or in the government. I cant stand being told what to do, how fast i can drive, how much taxes i have to pay and i always feel like someone is out to screw me over. Not a good way to live life but i cant help it, its genetic because my dad is the same way. I almost miss high school...almost

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Before Easter I got suspended from my school, I went back in yesterday for a meeting. Turns out I can't go back into classes or anything else. I have to come in at certain days for revision sessions with a very annoying teaching assistant. I want to go back in Monday-Friday as usual, not certain days, especially when now in the lessons they'll be revising and doing practice papers to help them when it comes to the exam. Now it seems I won't be able to go back for 6th form there either. Even though most of the twats who pissed me off in the past would have left by then.


This is just terrible, they said I'm a danger to the other students, what am I fucking autistic to them, that's not right. I only hurt people if they hurt me. I let them hit me first before I do anything. They also said that I don't do the work, that's true. But maybe if the teacher would've put somebody next to me or used black ink on a whiteboard rather than green I'd probably be able to see the bastard writing.


So, yes, I have a wonderful life, people think I am a psycho, and now the school won't allow me back into lessons because they think I'm a danger to other students, I can't smile wide enough.


I shouldn't really be passing judgement, but if you dont do the work what's the point in going back to school?

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Hmm where to start? I suppose by answering the question or at least giving some vauge answer before I go into overzealous detail...


"Are you happy with your life?" It's actually a question that I have asked myself many times over and over and I have come to the conclusion of quite simply a one word modern day term of apathy... "meh".


Yeah I know maybe not exactly very insightful but I can't honestly think of another way to describe my life, even though I'm about to attempt to explain it in way too much detail and I don't even know why... *sigh* :hmm:


I don't even know what I even hope to acomplish by pooling all of my random thoughts about my life into one post and posting it here, I guess I just saw this thread because subconciously I wanted to post something anyways and then seeing what everyone else has posted seems to have been the driving force in part obligating me to post about my life.


Okies, my life... hmm well I was born obviously, I guess thats a good a starting point as I could have hoped for, no obvious defects so I have my general health I guess (woo a plus... ::shrug: ) I hated school from Primary through secondary and never remember actually being happy at school even when I had people who I considered "friends" back then but that all changed when we went out seperate ways after secondary school (they stayed on for sixth form, I left for college) looking back I don't even know why I seemingly put up the pretence for so many years that we all were friends when we most likley really werent, oh and I also used to get bullied a lot at schools, go figure... >>


Congrats if your still reading btw I'm not even halfway through, just warning you incase you were getting bored already (I don't blame you if you are) but I shall continue now anyways for those who are still reading...


College... that was better but not much, infact that pretty much sucked as well, more of the same just with no restrictions of having to wear uniform and a lot of people seemed to dislike me twice as much as people did in school, for no particular reason either, just because I've always been different and refuse to follow the common masses who I in turn despise but only because they hate me too. :sad:


While were on the subject (of which I dk what the subject is ::shrug: just another sub section related to my life I guess) I've never really tried to fit in with everyone elses ideals or the depraved culture of the masses, I don't smoke and have no desire to (even if I did and did try it, it wouldnt be a great experience probably due to the fact that I have mild asthma and I'd probably choke and die on the spot or something stupid :laughing: ) I dk why I even found that remotely funny then, it's probably because I have and always have had a warped sense of humour thats probably one of the few things thats kept me alive until now.


However I do find peoples choice to smoke more than a litle perplexing, (I'm not trying to have an intentional dig at any people in the forums who do smoke btw) I just find the notion of smoking pointless being as it seems to acelerate and causes serveral major health problems, but I also understand that it an addiction which I can empathise with (the addiction part that is not the contextual use of the word in this current/aforementioned sentence).


Addiction is something I will move onto in a minute but before that I just want to outline a load more of the things that I hate in the sick and depraved world that we live in.. Congrats again if you are still reading, I am about halfway through now but if you don't want to read anymore then I completely understand, but I just figure if I'm going to have a rant about my life then I might as well do it properly and cover everything, afterall if somethings worth doing then it's worth doing properly. :grin:


Hmm thats one thing that I hate straight off, outdated and outmoded phrases even though I still use some of them, (like the one at the end of the last sentence/paragraph) I hate the majority of them and I always question them whenever people use them, sometimes in my head but also sometimes out loud, or sometimes outloud when I thought I only thought it... hmm that can get me into trouble sometimes even though I think I must be right at least part of the time, because I'm most certainly not in the wrong in the majority of cases, however I always recognise when I am in the wrong and I accept it and move on, it's the only way really. :hmm: I think...


I also hate moronic individuals who make it their duty in life to create pain an misery for others and would gladly rid the world of their kind by brutal force, or at least hypathetically I would, in actuality I know that I couldnt kill another human being no matter how evil they are and/or even if there were no consequences for such brutal actions, I still in all likelyhood wouldnt be capable of it. :sad: it's probably due to the decent way that I was brought up, and not dragged up like 98% of kids are today, it's a sad fact indeed and another thing that I hate. (not the way I was brought up as I am truly thankfull for that at least, but I hate what the majority of the human race is becoming and want no part of it, I can only do things my way because thats the way I am :indeed: )


I could write a list of things I hate equal to the text that I have just typed and then some so I think I should probably move on to some at least semi-positive things in my life, btw congrats if your STILL reading and I promise I am about three quarters of the way through now, so if your still reading then thanks I appreciate the fact that you have read even part of this. :smile:


Ok, positives *tries to get into a positive state of mind* :wtf: hmm well I am greatful for my family, as in my parents and two brothers, I obviously don't have a family of my own, if I did I would no doubt be in a happier state of mind then I am now, heck I'd be in a better state of mind if I at least had a girlfriend or even friends in real life but I'll get to that... lol I think i was trying to think positively, as you can see, it does'nt always come as second nature to me... :sad:


Hmm, other positives, ok family is one, they are great and I appreciate everything that they have done/tried to do for me over the years even if I don't maybe say it often enough, (and if any members of my family are reading this, which is unlikely, but anyways, Thanks for keeping me sane (and driving me insane sometimes) :smile: ) My job, well jobs technically but I'll get to that, my run of the mill job which involves working at Tesco's or "The Evil Supermarket Chain Overlords" as I sometimes refer to them as :laughing: but yeah, the jobs ok as far as it goes, yes sometimes it can suck but thats the same with most jobs, I don't get on really well with my work colleauges but I don't really despise many of them so thats good I guess... some of the customers can bring out the worst in me though, but only the ones that are total "insert random expletive(s) here" but yeah work is Ok... ish... ::shrug:


Right, I know this is meant to the "positive" section but I've got to comment on something here, Girls/Girlfriends and the apperent lack of in my case, laugh if you will but I am seriously inexperienced when it comes to girls/young women/women/females or whichever you prefer to call yourselves these days (for any female forum members reading) I'm not sure what it is, but I think my lifestyle and my love/addiction of games or a combination of the two has something to do with it. :hmm:


I have tried though, many times to show an interest, usually ending with me getting shot down, in fact if you count all the times I have been shot down/through the heart/everywhere else then you could probably see right through me for all metaphorical bullet holes lol... not something to be proud of I guess *sigh* :sad:


A lot of the times in which I have fallen in love, it tends to be with people who have seen/see at work or wherever in life, and they seem to be not overly as interested in games as I am, which seems not to be a great start but it doesnt seem to matter because I usually always get shot down before I get to talk about any of my real interests... :cry:


Thinking back, I even wonder if the majority of those times were even love or not and most I think they were not, because I have fallen in love with females who do have an interest in gaming before and that has felt more real than anything, even if those love interests have never come to fruition in the past for various reasons over the years... coincidentally I have come to the conclusion that if I am going to start a relationship with someone then they would have to be interested in games or at least accept my interest.


On that note, this may seem a bit random/odd/pointless but what the hell I have nothing to lose, if there are any female forum members who are in a similar situation to me and would like to become friends and maybe eventually more, then PM or e-mail me at [email protected] if not then nothing ventured, nothing gained I guess (argh there I go again with those cliched phrases which I dislike but still use *sigh*) anyways, I'm getting to that point in my life where I really need to meet someone to turn my life around and at the very least I could do with some more friends... :kiss:


Ok, this is the final part of my quite literally "life-long" post as this has seem to become, I apologise for the length and thank those of you who are still reading. :grin:


Games! games have been part of my life since being born moreorless, thats nearly 21 years ago now, (I'm 21 on June 29th) they are a life-long passion of mine, I am a truly avid gamer and have spent probably (at a guess) about at least a quarter of my life (in total gameplay hours) devoted to gaming, which is indeed a sobering thought, when you consider that if I followed everyone else I would have probably spent it socialising, but meh, actually I did try that a good few times, trying to fit in, more recently a few months ago, did the whole pubs and clubs thing, didnt enjoy it at all and hated nearly every moment of it. It doesn't really bother me though because it just helped to re-inforce my belief that I am in fact most happy when I'm playing games, games are one thing which I have found I can always rely upon and one thing that I really genuinely love and always will. :grin:


Right, I am going to slowly attempt to finish this post now because I know that it is probably the longest thing I have ever posted (there may even be some character limit on this forum but I cant remember ::shrug: ) This post would even seem to be longer than a lot of my reviews, oh and thats another thing that I am genuinely greatful for (trying to end things on a positive note here) Yes I am very greatful for Revo-Europe taking me on as a staff member nealy 6 months or longer ago has it been now? anyways I'm very greatful for my position and oppourtunity to contribute to R-E or C-E as it was when I joined, but anyways, thanks to Jav for hiring me and posting most of my reviews, Tim for founding such a great site and Conor (the sites current owner) and all the other staff and of course members and visitors who make this such a great site. :)


Ok part-shameless plug of the site (preaching to the converted really) and general thanks over, but for reference if anyone does have any comments about my reviews, then I would really like your feedback (good and bad) so PM/post or e-mail me at [email protected] if you want to, because even though I think I am getting gradually more acomplished at my P/reviewing position here at R-E I'm ever aware that there is always room for improvement and so I try not to get too complacent. :wink:


Other things related to my passion of gaming that I have been thankful of over the years are my friends who I have met playing a certain online game called PSO, although I have never met these people in real life, they are true friends because I relate to them in ways that I have never related to anyone else in real life, to be honest I wish that I could meet them in real life because I know we would remain true friends in real life also, but thats the thing with online games, they attract people who have similar interests/ideals and passions in life but we are very rarely from the same place sadly. :hmm:


However, whether I meet any of the people who I know via PSO and other games in real life or not they will always remain close friends to me, and if any of you are reading this, you know who you are :wink: Thanks for all the great experiences, for being there and everything else :smile: and heres hoping we continue to play PSO for a while yet, coincidentally, I still play PSO and if anyone on here plays the game and wants to meet up then PM me.


OK, it's REALLY time for me to end this post now, it's taken up a fair amount of my time to write my life in summary, it's probably taken you about a fifth of the time to actually read this as it has for me to compose it but even thats a sizeable period so I greatly appreciate those who have read all of this, truly I do. :grin:


And to finally answer the question "Are you happy with you life?" in summary, I am neither happy nor unhappy, there are moments in my life where I am happy and there are moments when I am sad but generally I am adrift in a sea of apathy most of the time, thats not to say I don't care about anything I care about all of the aforementioned things and people who I do have in my life, but I also notice that my life could be better, ultimately I am just thankful for what I have and I can only hope that I will become happier in time if and when things change.


In the meantime I will continue with my commitment to both of my jobs of which ironically I truly enjoy the one that I'm not actually paid in cash for, because experience is more important to me,although I do like having enough cash in my pocket to continue my game fuelled passion in life so effectively one enables me to be able to do the other and vice versa, hmm theres a moral/insight in there somewhere which I cant be bothered to find anyways...


My main goals for my immediate future will be to continue working (as aforementioned) and of course playing :wink: and if love and happiness should happen to come my way anytime soon then all the better, and if not then I will just try my best to get what I can out of life, because ultimately thats all you can do.


And if any of this has inspired anyone then great, equally if reading this has been a waste of time to anyone then I apologise, but I thank everyone who has taken time out of their lives to read about mine. :smile:


I shall leave you with an interesting thought/quote of sorts...


"Life's a game, The more you play, The better you will become at it." (S.C.G)


Just wanted to say this is the longest post I have ever read on here.

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Just wanted to say this is the longest post I have ever read on here.


I'll take the fact that you read it as a complement in itself :grin: the fact that it's the longest post you have ever read is good also, I'm glad someone read it anyways :smile:


Same here (I usually skip any longer than 3 paragraphs if I don't speak to the poster on MSN). You should be honoured that I chose to read that post. :heh:


Oh I am indeed honoured as I wasnt even expecting anyone to read it all, so the fact that at the very least two people have read it is great at least in my opinion. :smile:

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Just wanted to say this is the longest post I have ever read on here.


Yours was one line longer. Sorry, couldn't resist. :D


Anyway, yes, I'm happy with my life, thanks for asking. It's sad to read of so many people who aren't. The only encouragement I can give you is that life gets 431 times better after turning 18 and leaving school. That's been my experience anyway.

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It's so-so. I just got a mountain board which is good. My friends are good... sometimes. But I just remember that the person that understandss me the most is me. *shows self some love, a.k.a has a wank* I really like this girl and found out that she used to like me. *bangs head on desk* Thing is she's one of the hottest girls in our year. Apart from that the only thing that I would like is a chance to have broadband. I even get bullied for it. *casts angry glances at The Twilighter*

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If you have enough crushes, surely one of them will go out with you.


(Not aimed at you in particular, just a general comment)


Theres only one, the plural for one reason. And its not going to happen, as sexuality buggers it up, but oh well.


Cheer up you miserable buggers.


Serenity is everywhere!


Yes, lets all watch Serenity!

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I don't like my life really.


I'm doing crap at my A-levels and have to get a full time job in a few months. My girlfriend also lives in Malta :(


The light of my life is that I have a girlfriend though, and that we're doing really great together. Videogames and other stuff are also cool; but overall I don't really like my life.

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Somebody needs to hand out "I read S.C.G's post" rewards...woohoo.:smile: But I guess that just goes to show that people care.


Especially for everyone who read my post :grin: an award to print out and keep!


don't you feel special? :wink:





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Wow, i thought my life was bad till i read some of those.

Its good to see alot of you are happy, I was expecting worse i'll be honest.


Right now i'm currently in limbo about how happy i am about stuff. First off, i don't have much to look forward too. I haven't really got many good friends, if any at all that i can confine in so i have to bottle all my emotions up. The only thing i have in my life are computers, games and pointless shit.


That's exactly the same as me. I have friends, but none that I can feel I can open up to, so I bottle up my emotions too. The only thing I have in my life is computers games etc..

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I'm happy with my life. I'm a bit ill at the moment, but that isn't stopping me from going out tonight and partying with my mates. The old me from newport would just stay at home if he was ill and that would be that. But, it seems like i've got more confidence now than i ever had. I don't seem afraid to say what i want to say anymore, which is a good thing because bottling up your feelings is always bad.

I've got a great set of mates as well, and an awesome girlfriend. I'm also excited about next year and how that's going to turn out for me. I'm very rarely excited about something that's happening to me in a years time, but things have changed. I'm a lot happier since i moved out from home and into my uni halls. I do miss my mates from home though, but we can't have it all.


I wouldn't say anything is exceptionally bad in my life, but i will try and change some things for the better. Gonna push myself harder next year to be the best that i can be. Exciting times.



Jordan: Stuff will change, you just gotta wait for that chance or that big break to happen for it all to change for you. I got tired years ago thinking nothing good would ever happen to me, but it all eventually falls into place.

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Theres only one, the plural for one reason. And its not going to happen, as sexuality buggers it up, but oh well.


Dude! We've all wanted to jump in bed with 50 hot lesbians lickin' it up. Just watch a porno and have a wank. Remember... havin' a wank is just like sex without all the fore-play.

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Wow, this thread does so much to reinforce stereotypes of internet videogame forums. :D


My life is pretty good. I'm in my first year of uni and thoroughly enjoying it. The course is interesting and I seem to be doing pretty well at it, and I have a good social life. Liverpool are doing well which always makes me happy. I just wish I had more money. I also wish I knew where my life was going after uni, because I haven't a fucking clue career-wise.

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