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Are you happy with your life?

Guest Jordan

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I love my life and I have for a while now. I have a job, while boring, is very easy and I have the pleasure of working with my mates who I have known for years. When I come home I dont have no worries or stress the time is all mine so I get all the gaming and DVD watching that I need.

I have a home, job, health, loving family and friends and religion in my life. Life is great!

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Mixed bag for me.


The good parts are that I am being raised well, good house, parents etc. Also, I have a great (albiet small) group of friends, I've got my life set out ahead, lost a bit of weight recently, and I've got a bit of cash in the bank.


However, I'm finding school hard (though, I'm keeping my head just above the water), I'm picked on quite a bit, I've got no social life, and I'm also at the moment stressed out quite a bit.


Also, being a teenager, there's stuff like occasional depression and such.



To some it up in a sentence, i suppose it's 'not bad, but not great either.'

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Right now my life is pretty crap.Nothing to look forward to or keep me going.Girl I like won't go out with me,I just failed a chemistry test today so now it's highly likely I can't sit the final exam in may and I'm far to afraid to tell my parent's about it because they have high hope's for me.They will rip me apart.I'm getting annoyed with one of my friend's and I have only really 1 close friend.Right now my life could be a hell of a lot better.

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It was a bit dull but now its ace.


Boxing is going superb, my career plans are a lot more clearer and I've nearly finished school for good! [Well, A Levels next year] And a lovely long summer awaits.

Arsenal have got to the champions league final(which i'm going to! :D) and E3 is just around the corner!!!

My love life isn't that busy right now but I'm not too worried yet, theres quite a few girls that I'm confident with.

But yeah, my boxing and training going well always puts me in a fantastic mood.

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Ah yeah reading through some of these reminds me of something not so good; unrequited crushes. But ah well. I remain optimistic about life in general (cause these crushes will never happen).


If you have enough crushes, surely one of them will go out with you.


(Not aimed at you in particular, just a general comment)

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Well......No. Life would be better If i didnt get bullied and picked on at school

Bullies don't make my life shit, they make it better, just think how much better you are than them becauase you're not a stupid sad bastard that has to pick on others for personal enjoyment.

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Im quite happy with life at the moment, i have a good job which i get a good wage doing, i have a fantastic social life and im very lucky to have so many good friends. The only thing you could say was missing is a girlfriend but im not too fussed about that as all of last year i was with someone so it would be nice to be single for a bit longer.


Plus im extra happy today cos i finally got a new computer yay woo! no more windows 98 and 56k modem for me's :)

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i am at the mo but its just gettin started really-been 18 a few months-goin to my first pride event-got sooo many exams-basicly too many firsts and events this year in my life for me to feel sad or depressed for too long-just wished that everyone else was having a good time too.


anywho heres to the rest of this life!!!!

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I am having a preety bad time at the moment. Just alot of bad things have happened to me and now some people who i really liked have turned on me. Sure it could be worse but a girlfriend would be really nice, just to talk to. But some how i always seem to go for the ones that are already going out :weep:

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If I need pepping up when I'm feeling bad about myself, I just go to a comic/anime convention and suddenly I'm the coolest person in the goddamned world.


Actually your comics make me laugh sometimes but i usally go to penny arcade.


But like i really like her but sometimes she will talk to me and other times she won't :(

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I have no job and the cant get one since I'll be gone in 2 months. Most of friends from school have abandonned me and my band is now defunct. My family feel more like aquaintances than family (though thats not surprising). And I have a shitty choice to make: Continue the way I'm going and join the Navy at the cost of all the things I like. Or stay, get a shit job and probably end up living at home till I'm 30.

Ah well, at least I have my driving test and Download to look forward to.

Oh yeah my gecko which I've had for years has gone blind so she cant eat. She will be dead soon and my dad is giving away my terrapins when I go. I need a beer.

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Nothing's perfect. Just think of those less fortunate than you.


If I need pepping up when I'm feeling bad about myself, I just go to a comic/anime convention and suddenly I'm the coolest person in the goddamned world.


your cool in my books, i wish i had all those toys :(

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Actually your comics make me laugh sometimes but i usally go to penny arcade.


Nice, I'm glad they can sometimes entertain you, but I actually meant like... a comic convention. Like a building full of nerds who are even bigger nerds than me. Makes me feel less of a nerd and subsequently more cool. Shame the conventions are rare. Good toys there, though.

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Life would be great if I could actually do my schoolwork but evertime I try to work I am either really easily destracted, I fail to attempt things that require sustained mental effort. The problem being I dont know whether I am just really lazy or what but everytime I plan to do something I end up doing something else.


I found that most of my problems seem to be very similar to the symptons of ADD but I dont know who to talk about it with or whether I am just very lazy when it comes to work.

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I found that most of my problems seem to be very similar to the symptons of ADD but I dont know who to talk about it with or whether I am just very lazy when it comes to work.

Ask your doctor, that's what they're there for. You can get loads of tests and shit done for free, and if you do have ADD you will probably get free money as well. Score eh.

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I'll try not to sound like an emo, but no. Not only do I have a depression, but my health isn't very good. It's nothing very serious, but I have a really small appetite, I get nausea all the time and my stomach pretty much sucks. This has been dragging of years, it seems I (maybe) just have a psychological mumbo jumbo for a long time and everything's just been piling up. Since my stomach is weak, I end up having these problems. We'll see if it's just that or not.

Also, I'm at uni, but I hate the city I'm in, it's too bloddy hard and I'm really not motivated. Not to mention that I haven't even kissed a girl in god knows how many years. I just can't seem to meet anyone. After years of money and family problems things are getting better now.

But, hey, I have health (appart from those things), I live well and I have family and friends, there are people much so worse than me, so I should be thankful.

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At the moment I'm feeling pretty shit. Had to quit school not too long ago because it was too hard, I had to live in a city that I absolutely hate, I hid in my room cause I'm scared of people... Which is one of the reasons why I don't have friends; never really had any. So now I'm just sitting at home, with no friends to go out with or anything. Contact with my family is okay, though nothing more than that. I could seriously use a hug sometimes, but I've never gotten one from anyone in my family. Boyfriend lives across the ocean so he can't do it either. At the moment I'm in a bit of a crisis in my relationship either. Don't know what to do with it anymore. How do you know you still love someone? I'm confused. ='(



*goes to cry some more, being the emo(tional) girl she is*

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Hi Harribo, that is similar to me when i was at school/college. I probably did about 2 pieces of homework at secondary school in the last year or two and i couldnt ever bring myself to do coursework at college... I just changed my courses to ones which were just based on examinations and that suited me more. I had to really push myself to do revision. Its hard when you put so much effort into trying to do something but can barely bring yourself to do anything... Got better with age though and i can spend ages studying languages, which i enjoy.

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Strange thread but:

It was a bit crap but getting better,

Im back with my girlfriend after a long break,


My Bujinkan training has stepped up a hell of a lot without meeven realizing it!


I got a few freelance jobs in a row (€) and set up a small production company that is slowly building up steam.


Only problem is I haven’t had enough time to spend with mates outside of training


but like I said before my taijutsu has benefited from the attention its getting!

(any bujinkan members on the forum?)

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Im kinda ok. I mean, im finnishing Uni this year which is good and bad, i've got exams this friday and tuesday of which i have to revise for now since i hadnt the time before having my dissertation in yesterday... its all a bit stressfull.


I cant wait to finnish, but then the whole 'what to do next' syndrome kicks in, which is scary, but im quite looking forward to the excitement of it.


Finishing Uni also brings up my relationship ti a head. Some of you might have read a while ago we live together, we split up but decided to see how it goes. Were still seeing, and with oooh about 2 months till out tenancy runs out at this house, its a bit strange not to know where we stand. I think we love each other which is great, i love her, our personalities just clash and i dont know if it can be helped.


So, come end of June, if we havnt progressed, it seems like i have a decision to make. I doubt she will want to live with me again if thats the case, so, next dilemma. Do i stay in Manchester? I dont have many friends here. I do have a job. And Chrissy is of course here. Though i may be too heartbroken by her to want to stay.


So, next option, moving back home to Birmingham. Good points, free food, no rent, lots of old friends (if theyre there too, im not sure how many will be but there will be a few). Bad points, no job (though maybe i could transfer), and, ultimately, no independence and no girlfriend. Ive loved living out from home, it would be a step back to move back in with familly.


So, i dont know. It could all go right and i would be happy, or it could all go wrong and id be a bit meh, what can you do. I guess either way i wont be miserable so thats good.

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