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Xbox 360 Console Discussion


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The iOS SmartGlass app is up, replacing the Xbox app so you just need to update that one

So if the Xbox makes good use of the smartglass function with games and tablets... do we think it could rival the main selling point of the Wii-U? Perhaps we'll see an update soon for ACIII which adds the Wii-U functions to the tablet or smartphone you already own....

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So if the Xbox makes good use of the smartglass function with games and tablets... do we think it could rival the main selling point of the Wii-U? Perhaps we'll see an update soon for ACIII which adds the Wii-U functions to the tablet or smartphone you already own....


Unless people evolve to have three hands, no.

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Sending out a console as a reward for people who already own the console is a bit silly. They may as well just send them money, because those things are just going to end up on eBay anyway.


Now Wreckateer... no one would be able to sell that even if they could.

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Thats a bit crap. US get a console as a gift, the UK get a game. Unless thats a console skin, this is a crap deal.


Wreckateer is being given away free to celebrate the 10th anniversary.


The console is being given to people who have actually been Xbox Live users for 10 years.

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Games I'm currently borrowing/progress;



[co-op missions left but cousin is not bothered. May buy game when back in UK to session with a friend]

Battlefield: Bad Company 2/600G

[only online left - but not bothered enough]

Lollipop Chainsaw/30G

NinetyNine Nights/0G

[not started it, probably not going to, either]

Mass EffecticantrememberG

[played through before but essentially lost the save file, so want to blast through it quick]


Hoping to borrow Darksiders 2 this fortnight, and also rent Halo: Anniversary! I also still have Metro 2033 to play -- and Halo 4 of course!

Edited by jayseven
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If you are careful, you can do it in three playthroughs but it takes a lot of concentration at times I have heard.


I hate those games. The ones that need several playthroughs, that is. Two is OK, three is pushing it but if it's a short game, I can handle it (like Catherine, where a playthrough would take a couple of hours after the first two) but more than that is just ridiculous.


I'm still on ACIII, trying to get 100 % and completing the story (at sequence 7 now). Hopefully it can keep me entertained until Christmas as I have zero money for games. Might be tempted by the new Skyrim-update, though.

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You'd have to study the achievement list first I think. I mean you have to beat it on the hardest difficulty, which you only unlock after one playthrough. It takes at least 2 playthroughs to hit 50. You also have to go mostly renegade and mostly paragon. Then there's an achievement for taking each player through the majority of the game (I guess that makes the playthroughs the minimum of 3, as you can take 2 through each play).

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AC-III, easily will keep you entertained until Christmas.


Just polishing off another ME2 save ready to play ME3 with the Omega and Leviathon DLC. I do like this type of game which gives multiple choice on different outcomes in-game, compared to those that have a set ending. Not disliking them games, those are good too.


And then i move back onto Skyrim with the DLC packs available from there. Can't wait really.

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Ugh, online achievements. It bugs me that my completion rate in Revelations is significantly lower than Brotherhood simply because that game has a bunch of online trophies when Brotherhood had none. Not that I care about achievements that much, but it makes it look like I put less effort into Revelations. :cry:


I'm playing Crysis 2 right now and that has a great online trophy - you get it for playing an online match six months after your first online match.

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Brotherhood had some. Such as reach level 50. Proud of that one! I have 58/60, never managed/cba to get these:


Role Model

Get all the Co-op bonuses in 1 session (Multiplayer Only).


Abstergo Employee of the Month

Get every single bonus at least once (Multiplayer Only).

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Whelp, that's enough Lollipop Chainsaw for a while.


Don't get me wrong, the game is an experience, but there are too many frustrating and nonsensical elements to the game - mostly only really relevant if you're trying to get achievements - for instance, a severe lack of checkpoints in the ratings mode; I got to the end of the 2nd level and got insta-killed during a QTE, and you basically have to restart the level -- i.e. 20+ minutes of 'play' gone. Typically it's a hallmark of a non-AAA game; that brokenly impossible achievement that was clearly not playtested and is down to luck which goes against the human player. Then there's the little things, such as not being able to reset the music to the default playlist if you concoct your own from the tunes unlocked (not sure if this resets with Ratings mode), and a camera that doesn't always do as you say, and an over-abundance of mini games.


Achievement hunting aside, the game is extremely stylish and such a great experience in itself, with boatloads of anti-culture references, and includes Lex Luthor of Smallville fame as a voice actor. it also has MSI's lead man Jimmy Urine as both voice actor but also music composer, which is neat.


But yeah - spent like 90 mins getting a stupid achievement yesterday, and just losing 20 mins of gaming due to a stupid QTE (I loathe them) means I'll put the game away for now. Fairly confident I could 100% this game but I started Mass Effect again (I'm supposed to be a renegade but I really want to be nice!) and Halo 4 (boy do I suck at Halo games), sooo yeah.

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Wow! The DMC demo is not completely terrible!


It's actually not bad at all! A far cry from the messes that Ninja Theory have made before (the controls are actually very responsive!)


It doesn't have the combat depth that past DMC games have had (though it's not a brainless button masher) but the shifting environmental stuff is actually pretty well done and leads to some interesting and original platforming mechanics and level design! (Exploration elements seem stronger in this than in the old DMC games too)


The guns are pretty much useless (even for juggling) and launching seems way overpowered, but the plethora of enemy types do a decent job of forcing you to mix up your moves and show a bit of the creativity that past titles demanded. The blows have a good amount of heft and weight to them and feel good for the most part (I am not a fan of the cinematic finishers though upon dispatching a whole wave of foes though, needlessly disrupts the gameplay)


The lack of a hard lock-on does sting though. It takes away from the precision that defined the series and the game does feel quite forgiving on the whole in regards to timing, the style point system (managed to easily score S rank on my second wave of foes) and the dodge seems really overpowered, but I still actually enjoyed my time with it, even if it doesn't match up to the series pedigree (and I certainly can't say that I liked anything about DMC2, Heavenly Sword or Enslaved!)


DINO is still an unlikable little shit and the music/presentation overall is utterly offensive to my senses, but the gameplay is actually not bad. I am pleasantly surprised :)


I won't be buying it, but it's at least not an utter disgrace.

Edited by Dcubed
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